Multiresolution Methods in Path Planning Russell Gayle November 5th, 2003 COMP 290-058 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

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Transcript Multiresolution Methods in Path Planning Russell Gayle November 5th, 2003 COMP 290-058 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.


Multiresolution Methods in Path Planning

Russell Gayle November 5 th , 2003 COMP 290-058

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill



• Quick overview of multiresolution methods and algorithms • Multiresolution Path Planning for Mobile Robots (1986) • Multiresolution Rough Terrain Path Planning (1997) • Local Multiresolution Path Planning (2003)

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


Multiresolution Overview

• The goal of multiresolution methods: reduce computational complexity by reducing problem complexity • Usually involves some preprocessing of the input data which may take a substantial amount of time • Can take data at different “resolutions” to create a multiresolution structure • For each method, we can derive error metrics to help decide the best level of detail to use

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Multiresolution Modeling

4 • Many methods exist in regards to modeling. These are some – Image Pyramids – Volume Methods – Subdivision Surfaces – Vertex Decimation – Vertex Clustering – Edge Contraction – Vertex Clustering – Wavelet Surfaces

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Image Pyramids

• One of oldest and simplest techniques, usually simply storing the same image at different resolutions – We can get the next level by averaging blocks of pixels in the previous level Image source:

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Subdivision Surfaces

• In general, takes a coarse mesh and refines it based on some algorithm or constraints – Doo-Sabin, Catmull-Clark, and many more … Image source:

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Vertex Decimation

• Works in from fine to coarse • At each iteration, select a vertex, remove it and the faces adjacent to it, re-triangulate the ‘hole’ in the mesh Remove this vertex

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Vertex Clustering

• Merge all vertices within a grid cell into one vertex 8 Image source:

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Edge Contraction

• Given two vertices, move them together along the edge adjacent to each Merge these two

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Wavelet Surfaces

• Typically very costly and difficult – Has many constraints and mesh preparation steps which may introduce error into the highest level of detail 10 Image source:

M. Eck, T. DeRose, T. Duchamp, H. Hoppe, M. Lounsbery, and W. Stuetzle. Multiresolution analysis of arbitrary meshes. In Computer Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 95), Auguest 1995.

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Other multiresolution methods

• By iteratively applying some of the earlier techniques, we can get many levels of detail • Multiresolution can involve many other methods or structures – Hierarchal Levels of Detail (HLOD) – Contact Levels of Detail (CLOD) – Space Decomposition • Quadtree, Octree, wavelets, etc Image source:

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• Overview of multiresolution methods and algorithms • Multiresolution Path Planning for Mobile Robots (1986) • Multiresolution Rough Terrain Path Planning (1997) • Local Multiresolution Path Planning (2003)

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Multiresolution Path Planning for Mobile Robots

S. Kambhampati and L.S. Davis, IEEE Journal of Robotics and Automation, Vol. RA-2, No. 3. 1986.

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Algorithm Idea

• Based on cell decomposition methods • Idea: Partition space into a quadtree then use a staged search to exploit the hierarchy • Note: – We assume 2D space and non-rotating mobile robots

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Definitions and Terminology

• A


is a decomposition of 2D space into blocks – Each node may have either 4 or zero children – A free node is a node representing a region of freespace – An – A obstacle node obstacles gray node represents a region of represents a region that has both freespace and obstacles. Only these nodes need to have children.

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Definitions and Terminology, cont’d

– For a gray node G, S(G) is the subtree rooted at G, and L(G) is the number of leaf nodes in S(G) – The gray content pixels in the region represented by G and the grayness of G is number of obstacle of G is the percentage of obstacle pixels in that region. 16

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Definitions and Terminology, cont’d

• A

pruned quadtree

gray allow leaf nodes to be – This represents the same space as a quadtree but at a lower resolution • It takes O(n) time to build a complete quadtree, where n is the number of smallest regions (pixels, in the case of this paper) 17

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Quadtree Example

Space Representation Equivalent quadtree

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Quadtree Example

Space Representation Equivalent quadtree NW child NE SW SE Gray node Free node

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Quadtree Example

Space Representation Equivalent quadtree G S(G) Obstacle Node

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Quadtree Example

Space Representation Equivalent quadtree Each of these steps are examples of pruned quadtrees, or the space at different resolutions

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Quadtree Example

Space Representation Equivalent quadtree

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Quadtree Example

Space Representation Equivalent quadtree Complete quadtree

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Quadtree-Based Path Planning

• Preprocessing – Step 1 • Grow the obstacles by radius of the robot’s cross section – This essentially computes the robot’s configuration space and – Step 2 reduces it to a point robot, making it sufficient to find a path of empty nodes • Convert the result into a quadtree • Compute a distance transform of the free nodes (from the center of the region represented by a node to the nearest obstacle) – This takes O(n) time, where n is the number of leaf nodes in quadtree

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Basic Planning Algorithm

• Given start and goal points – Determine the nodes S and G which contains these points – Compute the minimum cost path from S to G through free nodes using the A* graph search

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Path Planning Heuristic

• Evaluation function for a node c – –




) 




) 





g h





) ) is the cost of the path from S to c is the cost estimate of the remaining path to G •




) should depend on the actual distance traveled thus far and the clearance to obstacle • Define as








) 




) 


' (




) is the cost of the segment from p to c


' (





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Path Planning Heuristic, cont’d

• The actual cost from p to c can be given by


' (




) 






)   




) –






) is the actual distance between nodes p and c, given by half of the sum of their node sizes –




) which should depend on the clearance to obstacles  is the additional cost by including node c on the path, avoid obstacles • Let –




)  0  0 (


) 0 (


) max is the distance to the nearest obstacle, given by the preprocessed distance transform, is the max of all such distances max

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Path Planning Heuristic, cont’d




) the midpoints of the regions represented by nodes c and G, since any path between these nodes will be at least this long this distance decreases. 

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Basic Node Expansion

• We must have a way to decide which nodes we can move to next – Pick only horizontal or vertical neighbors to the current best node • With diagonal neighbors, the only path between two nodes may come very close or clip obstacle corners – If the neighbor is gray, then find the nonobstacle leaf nodes (if they exist) and consider these as neighbors

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Basic Planning Results


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• Easy to compute an optimal path through the nodes, but a simple path made by connecting centers of neighboring nodes in the path will work too • Reduces the number of grid cells to consider • Quadtree representation overhead is relatively small and is simple to compute • Allows for staged planning!

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Staged Planning

• This method results from the observation that the in the basic algorithm, there is likely to be lots of small obstacle nodes • Fix this problem by first planning on coarser scales, i.e. a pruned quadtree – Now we have gray leaf nodes, and neighbors may have a mixture of obstacles in free space in them – We keep the original for when we need to inspect on a finer scale • Finish the planning the path within the gray nodes in a second stage 32

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Handling Gray Leaf Nodes

• In staged planning, three new problems arise as we expand our path – Neighbor of the current best is gray – The current best is gray • Must do work so that we can expand the path within the current node once a neighbor is known – Processing the first stage path to get a final path

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Case 1: Gray Leaf Neighbors

• Let B be the current best node, and N be a gray neighbors of B – If B is free, then we can enter node N if and only if there is a free node to B m in S(N) adjacent – If B is gray, then we can enter node N if there is a free node e in S(B) adjacent to m • Note: Entering a node does not imply that it is passable

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Case 1 cont’d

• If we decide to use N, we need a way to include its path complexity in the heuristic – In practice, any measure dependent upon the gray content will be a good choice • For instance, let c(N), the complexity of N, be




) 









) • Another could include the actual number of obstacle nodes in S(N)

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Case 2: Expanding Gray Nodes

• If the current node B is gray, we must solve two problems – For each of the neighbors N of B, we must ensure that we can connect the predecessor P of B to N – We each N that we can reach, we must estimate the shortest path through B to N as part of the heuristic for N • This path may not be straight since B is gray

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Case 2 cont’d

• First identify the exit node p of P (which is found when P was expanded • Find a free node f in B that is adjacent to p – If there is more than one such node, pick the one nearest to our goal – We may have to test more than one such node if the other free nodes that are adjacent to p are not adjacent to f 37

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Case 2 cont’d

• For all free nodes in B, compute a distance transform from f – Do this such that we only set values for nodes reachable from f, setting the rest to infinity – We can also store the distance to obstacles here • Identify which neighbor N can be reached and store the exit node e for each neighbor – We must ensure the following properties • The distance associated with node e is finite • N can be entered from e – There can be more than one such e, choose the one with the smaller distance to f

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Case 2 Heuristic

• Place N on the list of possible ways to go • For the overall search, we need a heuristic for the path from B to N – We can use the g-value from B’s predecessor and the distance transform value – If N is gray, we can use the estimate from Case 1 for h for path complexity

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Case 3: Developing first stage path

• For each gray node B on the first stage path – Find B’s entry node f – If N is the successor of B, find the exit location of B (or the entry of N) e – Find the shortest path between backing up to e and f by f through neighbors having the smallest distance transform values – Place this path between B’s predecessor P and N in the final path 40

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Example for Cases 2 and 3


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Creating Good Pruned Quadtrees

• Selecting a good pruning strategy is important – Ideally, we want gray nodes representing relatively obstacle free nodes – Metrics such as grayness tell us nothing about the distribution of obstacles – Large nodes may have low grayness but lots of obstacles – More complex strategies may be too costly 42

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Some Quadtree Pruning Strategies

• By grayness – If the grayness of a node G falls below a threshold, prune out S(G) – May allow both large and sparse nodes • By size and grayness – If a node G is small enough and its grayness falls below a threshold, prune out S(G) – Fixes large node problem, however sparse nodes may remain 43

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Pruning Strategies, cont’d

• Truncate below a fixed level – Make any gray node G at a fixed level in the quadtree into a leaf node, prune out S(G) – Can use a histogram to select level, but this may allow large nodes with lots of small obstacles • By L(G) (leaf nodes in S(G)) – Higher L(G) usually means higher the fragmentation in G – Use a threshold to make gray nodes with low L(G) into leaf nodes, pruning out S(G) – Simpler to compute L(G) than grayness

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Staged Planning Results

Non-staged planning Grayness thresholding

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Results, cont’d

Grayness and Size Thresholding Fixing the level

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Results, cont’d

L(G) thresholding

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Results, cont’d

Comparison of non-staged planning and staged by pruning with thresholding L(G) 48

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• Staged planning resulted in much faster time due to a large reduction in necessary number of nodes to expand • Speedup is dependent upon the fragmentation of the environment; staged planning saves the most when the environment is highly scattered

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• Overview of multiresolution methods and algorithms • Multiresolution Path Planning for Mobile Robots (1986) • Multiresolution Rough Terrain Path Planning (1997) • Local Multiresolution Path Planning (2003)

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Multiresolution Rough Terrain Motion Planning

D. K. Pai and L.-M. Reissell, IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 1997.

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• Goal: Navigate a robot without violating terrain dependent constraints • Idea: Decompose the terrain via a wavelet decomposition, using the wavelet coefficients in error metrics • We represent the terrain as a function f(u,v) Example terrain: Elevation map of St. Mary Lake region

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Terrain Roughness

• We desire to find paths that go over sections that are well approximated by the wavelets – We will call these areas smooth , and poorly approximated sections are rough – Why wavelets? • Various wavelets nicely keep track of approximation error • They’re well studied and the amount by which they smooth is well easily quantified

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• The set of translated and dilated wavelet functions and their duals form bases for L • We use a discrete multiresolution construction of wavelets by dilations of powers of 2 and integer translations from a mother wavelet • A 






)  representation of 2 f 


2  ( 2 • Associated with the wavelet is a scaling function wavelet decomposition 

i x

 2






   of a function in the wavelet basis f is the 

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• • Wavelet coefficients 

s ij ij

( (

f f

) ) Scaling coefficients   are coefficients of the wavelet decomposition of the form


, 




 are those of the form


, 




 • Wavelets are usually associated with a pair of a filters, typically a scaling filter H and a wavelet filter G. Once we have a decomposition, reconstruction is performed with dual filters H’ and G’ • Note: terminology can differ depending on source

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Wavelet decomposition

• We decompose a signal by passing it through a each of these filters in a prescribed manner f H s 1 H s 2 H ….

G G G w 1 w 2 ….

• Each s f (the scaling coefficients) at resolution i, and each w i i is an approximation of our original signal is the wavelet coefficients which can be used as a metric of how the approximation at level i differs from level i-1

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1D Wavelet Example

Input Signal (Using a level 2 coiflet)

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1D Wavelet Example

Level 1 Decomposition H G

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1D Wavelet Example

Level 2 Decomposition H G

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1D Wavelet Example

Level 4 Decomposition Showing all the wavelet coefficients as well as the level 4 scaling coefficients You can see that that scaling coefficients (a 4 ) capture the underlying idea of the original signal 60

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Wavelet-based Heuristic

• We establish a heuristic based on the rule: Do not cross areas with large higher resolution wavelet coefficients. – For smooth parts of the terrain, the L 2 approximation error decays rapidly towards finer scales – For noisy parts, the higher resolution coefficients are uniformly large, but the lower resolution coefficients take on the shape of the underlying signal – Based on the wavelet used, areas of high variation will show up more prominently in the wavelet coefficients 61

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Path costs

• Must watch out for “the ravine effect.” – If there is a small region of uniformly high cost (a ravine, for instance), then certain metrics such as max cost will cause every path to have the same cost • Instead, use D smax (p), for a path p – D smax (p) =list of costs for each node in p in sorted order – We can define a <= operator for this, and by tracking each part of the path we eliminate the ravine effect

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• This papers give algorithms for each of the following to solve the terrain planning problem – Terrain preprocessing – Obstacle computation – Path finding – Path refinement

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Terrain Preprocessing

• Compute a 2D wavelet decomposition on the sampled terrain 



, giving a sequence



– The scaling coefficients give us approximate terrain surfaces at different levels – Note that in the 2D case, we have 3 sets of 




horizontal, vertical, and diagonal respectively 64

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One level of Terrain Approximation



is the approximate surface (scaling coefficients) and


is the errors (wavelet coefficients)

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Obstacle Computation

• We want to restrict the path on several criteria – Terrain slope • Can’t go across terrain that is too steep – Contact constraints • Must have a certain number of contacts with the ground – Static stability constraints • The robot’s center of gravity must be supported – Collision avoidance constraints • Parts of the robot can’t intersect the terrain or other parts of the robot • Go through the surface and label regions as obstacles or free

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Terrain Obstacles Example

Slope obstacles (slopes more than about 22 degrees)

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Path Finding

• Essentially a Dijkstra’s single source shortest path algorithm. Uses the path cost from earlier • Correctness comes from fact that Dsmax behaves like non-negative addition with 

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Path Refinement

• Takes path p from initial level l • Expand p into channel P with margin m – If p is a level l path, a cell with index(u,v) is in some cell (i,j) is in p (



) 


P if (



) 


– At the next level costs from level l l -1, mark cells not in obstacles, and update terrain obstacles in – Perform the path finding algorithm from before with -1 • This construction greatly reduces the amount of data to explore at given level P as P

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• Notation: – ( a -> level b b ) is the path found starting at coarse and refined to a

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(4 -> 4) path

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(3 -> 4) path

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(2 -> 4) path

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• Advantages – Relatively quick for large terrains – Smaller errors favors not too much to consider during refinements – Paths tend to prefer large, smooth sections for travel • Disadvantages – Wavelet decomposition can take a long time – Smoothness of surfaces dependent upon wavelet basis

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• Overview of multiresolution methods and algorithms • Multiresolution Path Planning for Mobile Robots (1986) • Multiresolution Rough Terrain Path Planning (1997) • Local Multiresolution Path Planning (2003)

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Local Multiresolution Path Planning

Behnke, S. Proceedings of RoboCup 2003 International Symposium.

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• Do not try to solve entire problem at once, but only use information immediately available • Use higher resolutions for the configuration space closer to robot, and lower resolutions for space farther away • Great for constraints seen in applications like RoboCup • Similar to the quadtree approach

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Basic Method

• Once again, A* search for the least cost path to the target • Assign a cost to grid cells that is dependent upon the distant to each obstacle, let it decrease linearly to zero as we move farther away – Sensors can provide these values quickly, but the certainty decreases for objects farther away 78

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Non-Uniform Resolution

• We construct the grid by placing multiple grids of size MxM concentrically – The inner part, [1/4M,3/4M][1/4M,3/4M], is left empty at this resolution, and the next finest resolution is placed there, until the highest resolution is reached – This greatly reduces the number of grid cells when compared to a uniform resolution

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Grid Example

Uniform resolution grid Multiresolution grid 80 Multiple resolutions shown side by side

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Additional Heuristics

• We must assign a heuristic that represents both the grid and path cost – Use the grid cost from before as a base cost – Set the heuristic to be the Euclidean distance to the target, weighted by the base cost.

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Planning Examples

Grid cells evaluated and path planned without heuristics 82 Flat grid Multiresolution grid

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Planning Examples

Grid cells evaluated and path planned with heuristics 83 Flat grid Multiresolution grid

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Continuous Path Planning and Execution

• Simulate initial velocity of the robot by placing an obstacle behind it – The larger the obstacle, the larger the initial velocity • Re-plan the path based on sensor data – As we move closer to once far away obstacles, we gain precision about that obstacle and can update the path accordingly 84

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Different Initial Conditions

Differing Initial Velocities Paths made based on different initial values 85

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• Much fewer grid cells must be inspected • The planner runs quickly, allowing for paths to be recomputed in real time – This works because only the part of the path computed in detail (near the robot) is executed immediately • The quick run time may allow for a similar algorithm in greater dimensions

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