Integrating CC mitigation into sustainable development Jürgen Lefevere International and Institutional Coordinator Climate, Ozone and Energy Unit Environment Directorate General European Commission Brussels, Belgium European Commission: DG Environment.

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Transcript Integrating CC mitigation into sustainable development Jürgen Lefevere International and Institutional Coordinator Climate, Ozone and Energy Unit Environment Directorate General European Commission Brussels, Belgium European Commission: DG Environment.

Integrating CC mitigation into sustainable
Jürgen Lefevere
International and Institutional Coordinator
Climate, Ozone and Energy Unit
Environment Directorate General
European Commission
Brussels, Belgium
European Commission: DG Environment
Key components for integrating CC
mitigation into sustainable development
Policy & policy strategy
 Institutions & dialogue
 Public awareness
European Commission: DG Environment
Policy & policy strategy
European Commission: DG Environment
European Climate Change Programme
Major Milestones
Identify and develop cost effective elements of EU strategy to
meet our Kyoto target & reduce emissions post-2012
Launch March 2000
2nd phase started on 24 October 2005 (working groups on
review, aviation, transport, adaptation and carbon capture and
Major Achievements
EU Measures currently “in implementation”: 276 - 316 Mt
Almost 40 new policies and measures implemented, more in
European Commission: DG Environment
The EU’s post-2012 strategy
“Winning the Battle against Global Climate Change”
9 February 2005
Build on Kyoto – using its
successful elements, including flex.
Broaden participation
Include more sectors and all gases
Deploy and develop technologies
Adapt to the effects of residual
climate change
Environment & European Council Conclusions
March 2005, October 2005 and March 2006
European Commission: DG Environment
Integrating CC and Development
EU Strategy and Action Plan on Climate Change
and Development (Nov 2004)
Four strategic priorities, translated into
specific actions and sub-actions:
Raising the policy profile of climate change
Support for adaptation to climate change
Support for mitigation and low greenhouse gas
development paths
Capacity development.
European Commission: DG Environment
Institutions and dialogue
European Commission: DG Environment
EU Institutions & dialogue
European Commission
Climate Change Inter-service Group
Climate Change and External Relations Inter-service Group
…….informal dialogue and good contacts between services
European Council, integration in other Council formations
(Agriculture, Competitiveness, Energy, Development)
Stakeholder dialogues
European Climate Change Programme
Action on Climate Change Post-2012
European Commission: DG Environment
Public Awareness
European Commission: DG Environment
Public Awareness Campaigns
Green Week 2005
 New 4.5 million € CHANGE campaign to
be started in mid-2006
(Saatchi&Partners), focus on contribution
individuals to solving CC, material made
available free of charge for others to use
 European Mobility Week 2006
European Commission: DG Environment
European Commission: DG Environment
Vital drivers for integration
 Public awareness
 High-level political attention
 Knowledge of impacts of climate change
 Knowledge of opportunities of climate
 Policy tools that integrate climate change
into business decisions – emissions trading
European Commission: DG Environment
European Commission: DG Environment