Process Description and Control Module 1.1 When to Switch a Process ?  A process switch may occur whenever the OS has gained control.

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Transcript Process Description and Control Module 1.1 When to Switch a Process ?  A process switch may occur whenever the OS has gained control.


Process Description and Control

Module 1.1


When to Switch a Process ?

A process switch may occur whenever the OS has gained control of CPU. ie when:

 Supervisor Call  explicit request by the program (ex: file open). The process will probably be blocked  Trap  An error resulted from the last instruction. It may cause the process to be moved to the Exit state  Interrupt  the cause is external to the execution of the current instruction. Control is transferred to IH

3 

Examples of interrupts

 Clock  process has expired his time slice and is transferred to the ready state  I/O  first move the processes that were waiting for this event to the ready (or ready suspend) state  then resume the running process or choose a process of higher priority  Memory fault  memory address is in virtual memory so it must bring corresponding block into main memory  thus move this process to a blocked state (waiting for the I/O to complete)


Mode Switching

    

It may happen that an interrupt does not produce a process switch The control can just return to the interrupted program Then only the processor state information needs to be saved on stack This is called mode switching (user to kernel mode when going into IH) Less overhead: no need to update the PCB like for process switching


Steps in Process (Context) Switching

     

Save context of processor including program counter and other registers Update the PCB of the running process with its new state and other associate info Move PCB to appropriate queue - ready, blocked Select another process for execution Update PCB of the selected process Restore CPU context from that of the selected process


Execution of the Operating System

Up to now, by process we were referring to “user process”

If the OS is just like any other collection of programs, is the OS a process?

If so, how it is controlled?

The answer depends on the OS design.

Nonprocess Kernel (old)

7    

The concept of process applies only to user programs OS code is executed as a separate entity in privilege mode OS has its own memory regions and stack OS code never gets executed within a process

Execution within User Processes

8   

Virtually all OS code gets executed within the context of a user process On Interrupts, Traps, System calls: the CPU switch to kernel mode to execute OS routine within the context of user process (mode switch) Control passes to process switching functions (outside processes) only when needed


Execution within User Processes

  

OS code and data are in the shared address space and are shared by all user processes Separate kernel stack for calls/returns when the process is in kernel mode Within a user process, both user and OS programs may execute (more than 1)

Process-based Operating System

10    

The OS is a collection of system processes major kernel functions are separate processes small amount of process switching functions is executed outside of any process Design that easily makes use of multiprocessors


UNIX SVR4 Process management

 

Most of OS executes within user processes Uses two categories of processes:

 System processes  run periodically in kernel mode for administrative and housekeeping functions (memory allocation, process swapping...)  User processes  run in user mode for user programs  run in kernel modes for system calls, traps, and interrupts


UNIX SVR4 Process States

    

Similar to our 7 state model 2 running states: User and Kernel

 transitions to other states (blocked, ready) must come from kernel running

Sleeping states (in memory, or swapped) correspond to our blocking states A preempted state (timeout) is distinguished from the ready state (but they form 1 queue)

 In the same ready queue, there are two states

Preemption can occur only when a process is about to move from kernel to user mode

  Kernel code is not preemptable To simplify switching, when the process resumes running, it runs in the user running

(with empty kernel stack)


UNIX Process State Diagram



Context Switch

 

Context Switch Mechanism

 The kernel permits it under four circumstances:  When a process puts itself to sleep  When it exits  When it returns from a system call to user mode  When it returns to user mode after interrupt handling  The kernel ensures integrity and consistency prohibiting arbitrary context switches.

of internal data structures by  The procedure for a context switch is similar to the procedures for handling interrupts and system calls, except that the kernel restores the context layer of a different process instead of the previous context layer of the same process.

Steps for a Context Switch


UNIX Process Image

 

User-level context

 Process Text (ie: code: read-only)  Process Data  User Stack (calls/returns in user mode)  Shared memory (for IPC)  only one physical copy exists but, with virtual memory, it appears as it is in the process’s address space

Register context


UNIX Process Image

System-level context

 Process table entry  the actual entry concerning this process in the Process Table maintained by OS • Process state, UID, PID, priority, event awaiting, signals sent, pointers to memory holding text, data...

 U (user) area  additional process info needed by the kernel when executing in the context of this process • effective UID, timers, limit fields, files in use ...

 Kernel stack (calls/returns in kernel mode)  Per Process Region Table (used by memory manager)  Page tables defining code, stack, data regions



UNIX System Processes

Process 0 is created at boot time and becomes the “swapper” after forking process 1 (the INIT process)

When a user logs in: process 1 creates a process for that user


Processes in UNIX System

  

User Process

 most processes on typical system  associated with users at a terminal

Daemon Process

 not associated with any users   do system-wide functions administration and control of networks, execution of time dependent activities, line printer spooling, and so on  run at user mode and make system calls to access system service like user process

Kernel Process

   execute only in kernel mode process 0 spawns kernel process, such as page-reclaiming process


and then becomes the


process extremely powerful, not flexible


A tree of processes on a typical Solaris


UNIX Process Creation

Every process, except process 0, is created by the fork() system call

 fork() allocates entry in process table and assigns a unique PID to the child process  child gets a copy of process image of parent: both child and parent are executing the same code following fork()  but fork() returns the PID of the child to the parent process and returns 0 to the child process


C Program Forking Separate Process

int main() { Pid_t pid; /* fork another process */ pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) { /* error occurred */ fprintf(stderr, "Fork Failed"); exit(-1); } else if (pid == 0) { /* child process */ execlp("/bin/ls", "ls", NULL); } else { /* parent process */ /* parent will wait for the child to complete */ wait (NULL); printf ("Child Complete"); exit(0); } } Note that system(“/bin/ls”) standard C library function is equivalent to fork() and then exec(“bin/ls”).

Virtual Memory – Review

24  The memory referenced by a logical address is called virtual memory   

is maintained on secondary memory (ex: disk) pieces are brought into main memory only when needed For better performance, the file system is often bypassed and virtual memory is stored in a special area of the disk called the swap space

larger blocks are used and file lookups are not used.


Paging – Review

 

Typically, each process has its own page table. Page tables are variable in length (depends on process size). Stored in main memory instead of registers. A single register holds the starting physical address of the page table of the running process.


Address Translation in a Paging System – Review


Sharing Pages of a text editor – Review


Translation Lookaside Buffer – Review

TLB Comments – Review

29    

TLB use associative mapping hardware to simultaneously interrogates all TLB entries to find a match on page number The TLB must be flushed each time a new process enters the Running state The CPU uses two levels of cache on each virtual memory reference

 first the TLB: to convert the logical address to the physical address  TLB is a special on-chip cache (other than L1,L2, L3 caches)  If no on-chip TLB, L1 will typically have it.  once the physical address is formed, the CPU then looks in the cache for the referenced word in L1, L2 and L3 Caches

L1 is the fastest and the most expensive, followed by L2, followed by L3


L1 & L2 Caches -- Review


Referencing a memory word -- Review


Unix Processes & Region

Virtual addresses of the regions are connected

Only 4K bytes are shared, and not the whole region


Layout of the Unix Kernel

 Although the kernel executes in the context of a process, the virtual memory mapping associated with the kernel is independent of all processes.

 The code and data for the kernel reside in the system permanently, and all processes share it.

 The kernel page tables are analogous to the page tables associated with a process.

 In many machines, the virtual address space of a process is divided into several classes, including system and user, and each class has its own page tables.

 When executing in kernel mode, the system permits access to kernel addresses, but it prohibits such access when executing in user mode.

34 •Example of the virtual addresses of the kernel and a process regions •Kernel text/data (first two triples) •Kernel stack within process (third triple) •Process (text/data,stack)

35 Ref count of processes accessing the current directly. Used when opening a local filenename, not starting with “/”.

This is logical copy. Text is shared and only reference count is copied.

In case parent process or one of its ancestors did



Fork Creating a New Process Context

Parent Data Parent User Stack

Parent Process

Per Process Region Table U Area Open Files Current Directory Changed Root .





Kernel Stack File Table Shared Text Inode Table Child Data Child User Stack Per Process Region Table U Area Open Files Current Directory Changed Root .





Kernel Stack

Child Process



39 Inode of the executable file, with region type “Data”. Done also for code and stack.



42 If the shell recognizes the input string as a built-in command (e.g., cd, for, while, …), it executes the command internally without creating new process; otherwise, it assumes the command is the name of an executable file.

For commands with &, the shell does not wait but immediately restarts the loops and reads the next command line.

43 We need first to understand system calls for the file systems.


Introduction to Unix file system

Contains also link counts and reference counts      Unix is an indexed file system Every file on a UNIX system has a unique indode that contains the information necessary to for a process to access a file by a well defines system calls.

Processes specify the file by its path name.

Internally, the algorithm


converts a user-level path to inode number.

Inodes are stored in a linear array on disk.



Byte Capacity of a File

System V UNIX. Assume that

 Run with 13 entries   1 logical block : 1K bytes Block number address : a 32 bit (4byte) integer     

1 block can hold up to 256 block number (1024byte / 4byte) 10 direct blocks with 1K bytes each=10K bytes 1 indirect block with 256 direct blocks= 1K*256=256K bytes 1 double indirect block with 256 indirect blocks=256K*256=64M bytes 1 triple indirect block with 256 double indirect blocks=64M*256=16G

Size of a file : 4G (2 32 ), if file size field in inode is 32bits

47  

A directory is a file whose data is a sequence of entries, each consisting an inode number and the name of a file.

If inode number is 0, it indicates that the entry is empty (i.e., available for use again).



49 link count – hard links counts representing file names in directory hierarchy reference count (will see shortly) -- for opening and referencing files by processes


51 •Kernel maintains two data structures: file table and user fd table •File table is a global kernel structure •User fd table is allocated per process •The file table keeps track of the byte offset in the file where the user’s next read or write will start, and the access rights allows to opening process



54 So what happens when we do close(stdout)?

How about dup(fd)?



   

The dup system call copies a fd into the first free slot of the user fd table, returning the new fd to the user.


 newfd = dup(fd);

Why is this needed?

 Servers in building sophisticated system programs as that of the shell


 A process opened the file “/etc/passwd”  fd3, then opened “local”  fd4, then opened the file “/etc/passwd”  fd5, and finally


ed fd3 returning fd6.

 See illustration of this on next slide


57 So what really happened?

 How redirecting input??

58 How about piping?




 fifo(first-in-first-out)  Synchronization of process execution  Its data is transient: once data is read from a pipe, it cannot be read again  Use only direct block (not the indirect block)



The Shell

1. reads a command line from its standard input and interprets it 2. built in command

cd, for, while …

 executes command internally without creating process

3. simple command line(program and parameters)

who, grep –n include *.c, ls -l



and creates a child process the program user specified  shell


until the child process


4. run a process asynchronously(in the background)

 nroff –mm bigdocument &  sets an internal variable


 shell does not execute


5. redirect standard output to a file

 nroff –mm bigdocument &  the child creates the output file  closes its standard output  dup its file descriptor to standard output  redirects standard input and standard error in similar way


The Shell(Cont.)

6. pipe

 ls –l | wc     parent process


child creates a


and creates a child process child process


and creates a grandchild process grandchild process handles the first command(


)  close its standard output file descriptor     dups the pipe write descriptor  close original pipe write descriptor child process handles the second command(


)   close its standard input file descriptor dups the pipe read descriptor  close original pipe read descriptor output of grandchild(


) goes to the input of child(


) parent shell waits its child(


) to exit

Shell wait wc ls -l exit read write