TRAINS (Trade Analysis and Information System) operated by UNCTAD-World Bank World Integrated Trade Solution (WITS) Geneva, September 2004

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Transcript TRAINS (Trade Analysis and Information System) operated by UNCTAD-World Bank World Integrated Trade Solution (WITS) Geneva, September 2004

(Trade Analysis and Information System)
operated by
UNCTAD-World Bank
World Integrated Trade Solution (WITS)
Geneva, September 2004
WITS is a software which is designed to
integrate several trade-related databases
and provide easy access
TRAINS is one of the databases which are
operated by WITS
Other Databases of WITS
• COMTRADE (UN Statistics Division)
• Integrated Database (IDB-WTO)
• Consolidated Tariff Schedule (CTSWTO)
Data Accessibility
• COMTRADE: Free access to International
Organizations, others against a fee
• TRAINS: Access to governments and
international and regional organizations and
donors to TRAINS Trust Fund
• WTO: Access to WTO member governments and
selected international organizations
Objectives of TRAINS
• To increase TRANSPARENCY
– Analysis of market access conditions
– Analytical support for trade negotiations
– Analysis of national trade policies
– General research on trade policies
Data contents of TRAINS
• Tariff measures at national tariff line level for 148
countries (581 country/years), including
preferential rates such as RTA and GSP in many
• Non-Tariff Measures classified according to
UNCTAD Coding System of Trade Control
• Import statistics by origin at Harmonized System
(HS) 6-digit level
WITS Functionality
• Data retrieval and analysis
• Quick query
• Advanced query
• Tariff Change Simulations
• Other options
Improvement for immediate future
• Ad Valorem Equivalents:
– Estimation of % equivalents of non ad-valorem
• Multi-market Simulation Model
– Incorporation of GSIM model in WITS/TRAINS
Computer Requirement
– PC of reasonable speed (minimum 200MHZ)
– Windows 98, NT 4.0, 2000 or XP
– Internet Explorer version 5.0 or higher
– Free disk space of at least 2.5GB (1.5GB
without WTO Data) of which 500mb must be in
C-Drive (CD-Version)
– Internet Access with 50mb of disk space
(Internet Version)
How to Install WITS
Register at
Receive userid and password via e-mail
Download installation file from
Trade Information Section
Palais des Nations
1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: +41 22 917 0247