Understanding and Accommodating Allergies in the Workplace Anne Hirsh, JAN Co-Director Janet Fiore, CEO, The Sierra Group, Inc. www.thesierragroup.com JAN is a service of the.

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Transcript Understanding and Accommodating Allergies in the Workplace Anne Hirsh, JAN Co-Director Janet Fiore, CEO, The Sierra Group, Inc. www.thesierragroup.com JAN is a service of the.

Understanding and Accommodating Allergies in the
Anne Hirsh, JAN Co-Director
Janet Fiore, CEO, The Sierra Group, Inc.
JAN is a service of the U.S. Department of Labor’s
Office of Disability Employment Policy.
Janet Fiore is the CEO of The Sierra Group, Inc., a national consultancy with a mission of reversing the high
unemployment rate for people with disabilities, and veterans in America. Working in all areas surrounding bring to
work, stay at work and return to work, and return to work, Fiore's firm also sponsors a web portal serving more than
150,000 human resource and vocational rehabilitation professionals each month.
Serving corporations and individuals nationally, Sierra consultants offer new employment potential to Americans with
disabling conditions through services for business, government, schools, and agencies. Fiore is recognized as an
authority on disability policies and practices for business and government. She has delivered accessible technology
training to the GSA; championed business incentive legislation that passed the Senate; and testified before Congress.
Fiore held her company's mission at heart, when she herself was faced with the challenge of running a business and
coping with cancer. She led her organization to significant growth, doubling the revenue throughout her battle with
breast cancer and bone loss. She persevered and used this time period to expand her corporation's offerings and
divisions, while also establishing two national, public service programs, regarding disability:
www.employmentincentives.org and www.onemoreway.org, providing financial information and "Learn at Your Desk"
Teleseminars to assist businesses comply and diversity the workplace through disability recruiting programs.
Fiore is routinely interviewed by the media outlets including CNN; INC. Magazine and Microsoft Press The recipient of
many industry and entrepreneurial awards, Fiore states, “what matters most is making a significant noticeable
difference in the lives of the people I work for.”
For training, consultation or recruiting services, contact Janet: Via email: [email protected], or call Toll Free:
800.973.7687. "Together, we are optimizing employment for Americans with Disabilities, and Veterans"
Accommodating Allergies
About Allergies
Allergies and the ADA
Workplace Issues and Accommodations
Situations and Solutions
Questions and Answers
Accommodating Allergies
About Allergies
Accommodating Allergies
Types of Allergies
Pollen and other environmental agents
Latex allergy
Animal allergy
Food allergy
Fragrance sensitivity
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity/Environmental
• Mold allergy
• Occupational disease
Accommodating Allergies
Prevalence of Allergies
Sixth leading cause of chronic disease in the United
States and cost the healthcare system $18 billion
• A nationwide survey found that more than half (54.6%) of all
U.S. citizens test positive to one or more allergens.
• Latex allergy affects between 5% and 15% of healthcare
workers, but less than 1% of the general population.
• Food allergy occurs in 6 to 8 percent of children age 6 years
or younger and in 2 percent of adults.
*National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease
Accommodating Allergies
 Signed on September 25, 2008
 Effective January 1, 2009
 EEOC Final regulations effective May 24, 2011
Accommodating Allergies
Guiding Principles
 makes it easier to meet the definition of
 states the definition of “disability” in the ADA
“shall be construed in favor of broad coverage”
and “should not demand extensive analysis”
Practical Guidance on the definition of
disability in relation to the ADAAA
Accommodating Allergies
Definition of Covered Disability:
Expanded Definitions of Major Life Activities, &
Major Bodily Functions
 MAJOR LIFE ACTIVITIES: Including, but not limited to,
caring for oneself, performing manual tasks, seeing,
hearing, eating, sleeping, walking, standing, lifting,
bending, speaking, breathing, learning, reading,
concentrating, thinking, communicating, working.
 MAJOR BODILY FUNCTIONS: Including but not limited
to, functions of the immune system, normal cell growth,
digestive, bowel, bladder, neurological, brain,
respiratory, circulatory, endocrine, reproductive
Accommodating Allergies
Remember the ADA
Interactive Process
ADA Amendments Act - What you
NEED to know! READ this article
by leading experts, Janet Fiore,
CEO & Jill Fisher, Esq.
Recognize a Request
Involve the Individual
Accommodating Allergies
Symptoms and Limitations of Allergies
Itchy eyes
Skin irritation
Difficulty concentrating
Memory issues
Accommodating Allergies
Workplace issues
• Indoor Air quality
• Products used in the workplace (latex, cleaners,
hand sanitizers, etc)
• Policy issues (food, fragrance, service animal)
• Pest management
• Workstation location
• Method of communication - one on one and
group meeting issues
Accommodating Allergies
Accommodation Considerations
• Air filters and air cleaning products
• Alternative cleaning products
• Leave time for office remodel/product off-gassing
• Flexible schedule
• Telework and work from home
• Service animals and path of travel
• Notification of policy issues to all employees
• Plan of action for emergency
Accommodating Allergies
Accommodating Allergies
An office worker was experience headaches and
breathing problems due to fragrances coworkers wear
and fumes from new carpet in the office.
Accommodating Allergies
Accommodation options
The employee’s workstation was ‘enclosed’ via
cubicle walls; an air purifier was provided. She
worked remotely during carpet
installation; the carpet vendor
provided air purification mechanisms
during/after installation.
Interactions with co-workers were
Altered to include a combination of
Phone, Skype, & Email. Face to face
Interactions were fragrance free.
Accommodating Allergies
A social service worker with allergies and asthma had
difficulty meeting with clients in their homes, especially
clients who smoked.
Accommodating Allergies
The employee was allowed to meet some of her
clients in a neutral place without smoke. The
employer reported this enabled them to keep an
experienced employee.
Accommodating Allergies
A Project Manager had severe allergies to dogs. A
member of the project team uses a guide dog for
mobility assistance to and from work as well as
throughout the office complex.
Accommodating Allergies
Guidelines and rules were established related to the
path of travel for both the employee with allergies and
the employee with the service animal.
Accommodating Allergies
A state government worker had severe allergies to
citrus. The employee requested no citrus based
cleaning products, hand sanitizer, or citrus food be
allowed in the building.
Accommodating Allergies
The employer was able to
remove all citrus based
cleaning products and hand
sanitizer from the unit where
the individual worked. They
also requested co-workers not
bring citrus food products to
work. A plan of action was also
put in place with the assistance
of the employee.
Accommodating Allergies
A Health Care Worker in a hospital setting developed
an allergy to latex. The employee could no longer
wear latex gloves and needed to be in an environment
with minimal exposure to latex products.
Accommodating Allergies
The employer identified a unit where it was feasible to
reduce the amount of latex and switch to nonpowdered latex gloves with reduced protein content.
Cleaning in the area was evaluated so to thoroughly
clean the environment to remove any residue from
walls, equipment, and HVAC vents. The individual
took precautions when needing to traverse through
other departments of the facility.
Accommodating Allergies
An engineer in a manufacturing facility with asthma
and severe allergies to wood products and dust was
having difficulty being on site near the production line.
The office was adjacent to the
production area. The employee
requested an enclosed private
office space, a flexible schedule
and the ability to work from
home three days a week.
Accommodating Allergies
The Engineer was needed in the
office for key meetings at set times.
Office space was relocated,
air filtration was more closely
monitored, cleaning of the office
space occurred prior to the set
meeting time to reduce exposure,
and the employee was able to work
from home two days a week. NOTE:
Cutting edge solution for medical &
Project Management – vgocom.com
Virtual presence robot.
Accommodating Allergies
A line worker in a manufacturing plant had severe
allergies to pollen and asthma. He was having
difficulty walking from the parking lot to his
Accommodating Allergies
The employer gave the employee a reserved parking
spot close to the work-site, and provided supply of
masks to
wear to
and from
his car.
Accommodating Allergies
Monitoring the Accommodation
Check on effectiveness
Maintain the accommodation
Encourage ongoing communication
Review the emergency plan of action
Train new employees on relevant policy issues
Periodic reminders about workplace policy issues
Give supervisors support to effectively enforce
policy rules
Accommodating Allergies
 JAN research indicates that 76% of
accommodations are either very effective or
extremely effective.
Contact us For Customized Services including:
Disability and employment opportunities
On site accommodation/AT solutions
Janet Fiore
Financial Incentives – www.employmentincentives.com
OFCCP Compliance assistance
CEU accredited training opportunities, and more…
Join our Million Member Strong One More Way Collaborative
• www.onemoreway.org
Call us at: 800.973.7687
E-Mail us at: [email protected]
Accommodating Allergies
NIOSH Information on Allergies and Asthma
• http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/asthma/
NIOSH Information on Indoor Environment Quality
• http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/indoorenv/
NIOSH Information on Latex Allergies
• http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/latex/
Accommodating Allergies
Industrial Hygiene Association
• http://www.aiha.org/Pages/default.aspx
Food allergy information
• http://www.foodallergy.org/
JAN Publications related to allergies
• http://askjan.org/media/alle.htm
• http://askjan.org/media/resp.htm
• http://askjan.org/media/late.htm
Accommodating Allergies
Questions? AskJAN.org
Accommodating Allergies
 (800)526-7234 (V) & (877)781-9403 (TTY)
 AskJAN.org & [email protected]