5th Grade Lungs Lesson 2 Community Health and Diseases of the

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Transcript 5th Grade Lungs Lesson 2 Community Health and Diseases of the

5th Grade Lungs Lesson 2
Community Health and Diseases of
the Respiratory System
Let’s Review…
• Who can tell me the parts of the reparatory
• Nose
• Nasal Passages (cilia)
• Trachea
• Bronchi
• Lungs
• Bronchiole
• Alveoli
Respiratory Problems
What have you experienced when you
have had a cold?
Stuffy nose
Shortness of breath
Lots of mucus
Elevated temperature
• Some colds are called influenza, a type of
respiratory illness caused by a virus
• Healthy lungs can fight off germs or disease,
just like other organs of the body
• There are ways we can try to avoid getting a
cold or illness like influenza.
Influenza can spread from person to
person. That is why it is called
communicable. What are some ways
you can prevent the spread of colds?
• Cover your mouth with your arm when you cough
or sneeze
• Stay at home instead of going to school when sick
• Use clean tissues
• Wash your hands
• Clean surfaces commonly used
Signs and symptoms of respiratory
• Chronic Cough – Coughing regularly over a
long period of time
• Shortness of Breath – Can’t seem to get
enough air, hard to breathe, may even feel
• Wheezing – A throat-like sound made when
breathing through the mouth
• Coughing up Blood – Blood mixed with the
Let’s Read – “Wheeze, Cough and
Sneeze” on page 4 of our Student
Allergies and Asthma
• Allergies are NOT communicable
• They tend to develop or are inherited
• Allergies are an example of a life long
condition, which usually isn’t life threatening
when they are treated correctly
• Many allergies can be handled by taking
medication and/or avoiding the allergen
• Do you know some common allergens?
• Asthma is non-contagious
• The passageways that let air into the lungs
constrict or become narrow
• It is hard for the person to breathe air in and even
harder to breathe the stale air out
• Mucus is made and becomes sticky and thick
• The skin swells on the inside of the bronchi
• Asthma is treated by medication from a doctor
and by learning how to avoid things which make
asthma worse
How does asthma and allergies affect
our community?
• Many people suffer from asthma and allergies.
• Millions of dollars are spent each year on
• They are the number one reason kids have to
miss school
• Raise your hand if you or someone you know
have allergies or asthma
• Nearly 10 million Americans have asthma.
• Millions more have allergies.
Let’s read about Bronchitis
• Please raise your hand if you have had a cold,
croup and/or bronchitis?
• These can be caused by micro-organisms,
bacteria or viruses
• Croup is a common disease among babies
• The baby may have a harsh, barking cry which
sounds something like a dog
• Moist air usually improves croup such as misters,
humidifiers, or warm steam from a shower
• Some lung diseases can be contagious
• Bacteria or viruses can be spread from one
person to the next when they share the same
glass, when a sick person fixes food for others,
or when a sick person coughs or sneezes
without covering their mouth or nose.
• These respiratory illnesses affect our community when
they are not treated properly
• For example, if someone has bronchitis and does not
take proper care of his or her body, they can develop
more problems and can end up in the hospital.
• Regular hand washing is most important in preventing
the spread of viruses
• Rest, easting nutritious food, and drinking lots of fluids,
besides following the advice of a doctor, are all part of
proper care when these conditions exist.
Let’s read the section on Pneumonia
• Tuberculosis, or TB is highly communicable (contagious)
• It is dangerous to a community because it can spread
• Those who are most in danger of getting TB are people
with HIV/AIDS, people who don’t have good health care,
or people who use IV drugs.
• TB is caused by a micro-organism that creates an
infection in the lungs, which can spread to other parts of
the body.
• The micro-organism will eventually erode the bronchi
and leave holes, or cavities within the lungs
• Doctors can give medicine called antibiotics to get rid of
the disease, however some forms of this disease are
resistant to medications
What is important to remember about
taking care of our respiratory system
Regular cardiovascular exercise
Don’t smoke
Wash your hands often and thoroughly
Cover your mouth with your arm when
coughing or sneezing
• Get rest
• Eat nutritious foods
• Drink plenty of fluids