Transcript Life-Threatening Food Allergy Awareness
Managing Life Threatening Allergies in the School
AISD Student Health Services School Year 2013-2014
• Definition: A potentially serious immune mediated response that develops after ingesting or coming into contact with foods, insect sting or medication • A Life Threatening reaction can occur within minutes to hours after ingestion or sting
Allergic Reactions
Can occur anywhere • Cafeteria • • Classroom Arts and crafts projects (may contain food allergens) • • Playground Field Trips (Emergency medications including Epinephrine must accompany student)
• Definition: A serious reaction that is rapid in onset and may result in death • Prompt identification of an allergic reaction can save a person's life!
School Nurse Responsibilities
• • • • Identify students with severe allergies Schedule meeting with parent(s)/guardian(s) Obtain necessary orders and consents Develop individualized care plan/emergency plan • Discuss specifics with classroom teacher(s), cafeteria staff and other school personnel that need to know.
• Conduct AISD staff training
Allergies: Facts
•Children with asthma are at a higher risk for life threatening reaction •Approximately 12 million Americans have food allergies * 4 out of 50 children have a food allergy *The number of children with food allergies is on the rise •Approximately 2 million Americans have allergies to the venom of stinging insects
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Common Food Allergens
ANY food can cause an allergy 90% of food allergies are caused by these • • • 8 foods: • Peanuts • • • • Tree Nuts Cow’s Milk Wheat Eggs Fish Shellfish Soy
Common Insect Allergens
•More allergic reactions are associated with insects that sting •Stinging insects include several groups Bees *Honeybees *Bumblebees Stinging ants *Fire ants Wasps *Yellow jackets *Hornets *Paper wasps
Early Recognition
• An allergic reaction might be a medical emergency if
one or combination of symptoms are present. Some examples:
Tightening of throat or chest Difficulty breathing Hives on the skin with stomach pain Low blood pressure Metallic taste in mouth
Symptoms of Anaphylaxis
Treatment is Essential!
• It may take only one to two minutes for a mild allergic reaction to escalate to anaphylaxis • Epinephrine is the treatment for severe, life-threatening allergic reactions • Make sure Epinephrine auto-injector is readily available in an unlocked location
•Prescribed for students at risk for life threatening allergic reactions •Easy to use •Several Brands Epi-Pen Auvi-Q Adrenaclick
Treatment if Epinephrine is available at school
1. Give epinephrine via the auto-injector (Epi-pen, Auvi-Q or Adrenaclick ). 2. Call 911 and state that a child is having an anaphylactic reaction. 3. If symptoms have not improved within 10-15 minutes a second auto-injection should be given.
4. Have the child lie down with legs raised to improve blood flow.
Treatment if no Epinephrine available is available at School
1. Call 911 and state child is having an anaphylactic reaction to ensure that the first responder is equipped with epinephrine.
Auvi-Q Overview
• • • Good handwashing with soap and water is essential! o o Hand Sanitizers do NOT remove allergens Wash hands before and after eating- 20 seconds Limit use of food products in which children have allergies for arts & crafts and science projects Avoid cross-contamination
Cafeteria Prevention
• Occurs when food allergen is transferred from one item to another • Ensure proper cleaning of supplies
kitchen. • Preparing a peanut butter sandwich in the The counter and plate where the sandwich is prepared/placed is contaminated • • The knife used to cut it is contaminated The person's hands that prepared it are contaminated
MUST wash hands and all items thoroughly for 20 seconds with soap and water to remove allergen!
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Classroom Prevention
Limit foods in the classroom Avoid using food as rewards Teach children to avoid sharing food Carefully control snacks brought into the classroom Ensure proper cleaning
School Prevention
•Be aware of environment & inspect school grounds for insect hives or nests. Notify AISD pest control as needed .
Allergy Management Team
• • • • • • • Sally Freeman, Director of Student Health Services Dr. Pont, Medical Advisor Clinical Managers: Anne Cady, Cindy Cobia and Laura Cotton School Nurse Tracy Lunoff, AISD, Assistant Director of Coordinated Health Services Chris Carrillo, AISD Director of Child Nutrition Services Kourosh Hafezi, AISD Director of Transportation
Please contact your school nurse if you have questions regarding allergies or Student Health Services at (512) 324 0195.
Additional information can be found at:
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