Chapter 10: Helping Couples and Families Harmful Attitudes • • • • Faultfinding attitude Winning—my way is the only way Unquenchable need for security An unforgiving spirit Positive Attitudes • • • • • • Accept personal.

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Transcript Chapter 10: Helping Couples and Families Harmful Attitudes • • • • Faultfinding attitude Winning—my way is the only way Unquenchable need for security An unforgiving spirit Positive Attitudes • • • • • • Accept personal.

Chapter 10:
Helping Couples and Families
Harmful Attitudes
Faultfinding attitude
Winning—my way is the only way
Unquenchable need for security
An unforgiving spirit
Positive Attitudes
Accept personal responsibility for relationship
Learn acceptance
Remember your friendship
Yield to win
Turmoil not allowed to transcend relationship
Hold high standards.
Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work
• Gottman’s years of research
• Conclusion: Knowing what stable, happy couples
did _____ was more important than knowing what
unstable couples did _____
• Knowing how stable couples deal with conflict
will help in developing strategies for troubled
• Helping couples develop an in-between
style—to maintain 5 to 1 ratio
• Mismatched styles - one or both partners
must make adjustments in the way problems
are addressed.
• Even stable couples have perpetual
• ____ of problems- perpetual
• Analyzed how stable, happy couples
managed their issues
• Goal: To “make the marital magic of the
marriage ______ clear so that therapists can
teach it to other couples”.
The Seven Principles of Happy Marriages
Gottman - “The Sound Marital House”
House has ___ floors
Foundation is important
Floors needs to be well-constructed
House is continually under attack from
____________ .
• How long does it take the marriage house
to crumble? Over ____ of divorces occur
in first seven years
• “The Sound Marital House” provides
1) a description of _____ marriages (the
seven floors) and
2) a prescription - what couples need to do to
________ health or rebuild that structure
(seven principles).
The 1st Three Floors
• Based on essential ingredient of stable
marriages - a solid _________.
• Research: Stable marriages - partners like each
other, like to be together, and regard each
other highly. This creates a prevailing
• 1st floor – made up of a continuing _______ in
your partner’s life. Exhibit this interest every day
• 1st Principle: Find out about the details of your
partner’s life
• Likes/dislikes; hopes/dreams; worries/ anxieties
• Spend time together, talk to each other, Keep
details in memory bank; continue to add to
memory bank.
• Doing this updates ____ map
• 2nd floor: made up of
• Glue that holds relationships together
• The horseman ________ is especially
harmful to this glue
• F. & A. keep the ___________ from eating
away the foundation.
• A clue to whether this glue still exists is
how the partners remember
• _______________
• 2nd Principle: Take time to nurture the
fondness and admiration system.
• Do this often!
• How?
• The Magic 5 Hours a Week – see handout
How to Nurture the F. and A. System
Show interest
Be affectionate
Be appreciative
Show concern
Be empathetic
Show you care
Be accepting
Joke around
Share joy
Use repair attempts
during conflict
• Show understanding
• 3rd Floor: Stable couples turn ______ each
other in _______ ways each day
• Adds to Emotional ____ Account
• Little moments when partner’s turn
_______________ are important.
• Have end of day conversations, p. 328
• 3rd Principle: Redouble your effort to turn
toward each other in support
• If first three floors are sound, the 5 to 1
ratio is intact.
• 4th Floor: Partners experience _______________
• Allows some _________ to be processed in
marriage without inferring evil intent
• With F. & A., and positive sentiment override,
partners more likely to ______________ .
• Wives – ____ startup
• Husbands who accept ________ and ______
their wives point of view - much more likely to
have happier marriages.
• This allows ______ attempts to be successful
• Caution: Some marital therapies that just teach
couples conflict resolution fail. Why?
• Finding: A reciprocal relationship exists between a
husband’s ________________ and a wife’s use of
soft _______ during conflict.
• 4th Principle: Allow yourself to be influenced by
your partner.
• 5th Floor: Solve your _______ problems
• Solvable – more _______, situational, no
underlying ____________ fueling the
• 5th Principle: Learn marriage masters skills
to solve solvable problems
• What are these skills?
Skills the Marriage Masters Use
 Start conflict discussions _____
 Know about repair _______, make them,
and respond positively to them
 ______ yourself and your partner
__________ - the only resolution to
marital problems
 Be ______ of your partner’s faults.
• Comment:
• Marital paradox - Partners change only when
they realize that
• ________________________________
• The partner must know that s/he is accepted the
way they are
• Remember: marital disagreements are about
different _____ of view, neither of which are
________ reality.
• 6th Floor: Make Dreams Come True by
Overcoming ________.
• Perpetual problems: deeper ______ - differences
relating to personality, ______ of origin (chap. 5,
p. 127), or _______________
• Couples must not _____ up. They must continue
to ____ about their perpetual issues
• Many couples are not able to do this without
putting their marriage in jeopardy.
• Marriage masters - satisfying relationship in
spite of _________
• Perpetual conflicts exist because partners
have important dreams which are not
understood by their partner
• Uncover these dreams—dreams ______ the
• Listen to and understand the dream.
• Yet, understanding is not enough
• Must see both partners’ dreams as ________
• Must work together so that both partner’s
dreams can be realized as much as possible
• To achieve this, partners must be understanding
and willing to accept influence
• They must accept each other for what they are
and communicate this acceptance.
• Couples motto: “Your dream is my dream and if
it is important to you, then it is important to me”
• Must learn to _____ for the sake of the marriage.
Yielding to win.
• 6th Principle: Learn to live with unsolvable
problems. How?
 Detect underlying dreams, where these
dreams come from, and why they are
 Discuss dreams in _____________ way
 Respect partner’s dream - differences relating to
dreams may no longer be perceived as______, but
rather as important _____
 Couples learn to: a) define area on which they
cannot _____, b) define where they can be
______, and c) find temporary __________ that
respects each partner’s desires
• Remember: This approach is based on what happy
couples (the marriage masters) did.
• 7th Floor: Value Shared Meanings by Creating
“Family Culture”, Rituals, Customs, Common
Goals, Etc.
• This top floor strengthen the marital ________
• Talk to each other about beliefs, values,
traditions, dreams, and things of importance
• All dreams may not be in sync, but partners
know about and respect differences.
• When couples learn to carry out shared goals,
they become a ____. There is a ________ which
strengthens their ties together
• 7th Principle: Create customs, rituals, common
goals etc. that are shared, important, and enjoyed
by everyone (shared meanings) so that family
members feel they are working together as a
team to achieve common objectives and goals.
7th Floor: Structure – Value Shared
Principle: Create shared meanings
6th Floor: Structure - Making Dreams Come True
Principle: Learn to live with unsolvable problems
5th Floor: Structure - Solve Solvable Problems
Principle: Learn the 5 steps (helping strategies)
4th Floor: Structure - Positive Sentiment Override
Principle: Allow yourself to be influenced by your partner
3rd Floor: Structure - Healthy Emotional Bank Account
Principle: Learn to turn toward each other
2nd Floor: Structure - The Fondness and Admiration System
Principle: Nurture your fondness and admiration
1st Floor: Structure - Continuing Interest in Your Spouse
Principle: Expand cognitive maps/love map for your spouse
Developing a Conscious Marriage:
Harville Hendrix and Imago Therapy
• Initial agreements: Stop blaming and
criticizing, come to 12 sessions, practice
new ways of behaving
• Creating a positive vision of marriage
• The couple’s dialogue—mirroring,
• Parent-child dialogue—seeing the ________
• The Behavior Change _______ - tell your
partner what s/he can do to help you heal:
should be positive, specific & measurable
• If partner can do these things it will lead to
his/her growth
• Re-romanticizing the marriage—ask what they
have appreciated in spouse.
• Solving a puzzle: how can our marriage help us
heal when our partner exhibits negative char.of our
early caretakers who wounded us?
• Pay attention to criticisms. Why?
• One spouse given chance to stretch into new beh.
on request list that are growth producing & helpful
to spouse.
• The difficulty of change and getting through the
power struggle.
Helping Families…
• Understand how patterns of behavior are passed
down from generation to generation
• Understand they are too enmeshed in the affairs of
each other
• Understand that rules are too inflexible
• Communicate directly with each other rather than
through a third person: don’t triangle in.
• Establish healthy boundaries to the outside world
and negotiate healthy boundaries within the family
Helping Families…
• Work as a team to achieve common goals
• Restructure rules so that unhealthy rules are
• Resolve difficult problem issues so that
each member’s needs are taken into
• Own the family problem
Healthy Families…
• Develop flexible, healthy, and age-appropriate
• Respect each member’s needs
• Support the mental and emotional growth of
family members
• Treats individual members with dignity and
• Communicate in direct, clear, and honest ways
• Listens to each other and attempts to understand
(empathic understanding)
• Shares responsibility in a fair way
Healthy Families…
Forgive and learn from mistakes
Know the importance of play and humor
Have a moral belief system
Foster and enjoy time together
Value rituals and traditions
Encourage service to others
Admit problems and know when to seek help
Behave in emotionally intelligent ways