Culture of Indonesia The 9th century Buddhist monument, Borobudur in Central Java Indonesia has around 300 ethnic groups each with cultural differences which.

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Transcript Culture of Indonesia The 9th century Buddhist monument, Borobudur in Central Java Indonesia has around 300 ethnic groups each with cultural differences which.

Culture of Indonesia
The 9th century Buddhist monument, Borobudur in Central Java
Indonesia has around 300 ethnic groups each with cultural differences
which have shifted over the centuries and the concept of Indonesian
culture is a fusion of this diversity. One example is the Borobudur
temple, which is a mix of Hinduism and Javanese culture, as it was
built by a Javanese dynasty, the Sailendra. Indonesia has also
imported cultural aspects from Arabic, Chinese, Malay and
European sources.
Art forms in Indonesia have been influenced by several cultures.
Traditional Javanese and Balinese dances, for example, contain
aspects of Hindu culture and mythology as does the Javanese and
Balinese wayang kulit shadow puppet shows, depicting several
mythological events. Cloth such as batik, ikat and songket are
created across Indonesia with different areas having different styles
and specialisations. The most dominant influences on Indonesian
architecture have traditionally been Indian, however, European
architecture has had a significant influence, particularly from the
19th century. Pencak Silat is a unique martial art originating from the
Indonesian music varies within cities and groups as people who live in the countryside
would listen to a different kind of music than people in the city. Although rock was
introduced in Indonesia by Indonesian rock band, God Bless (see Ian Antono),native
Indonesian music is still preserved. Examples of Indonesian traditional music are
Gamelan and Keroncong. A more modern form of Indonesian native music is
Dangdut. The movie industry's popularity peaked in the 1980s and dominated
cinemas in Indonesia,[although it fell significantly in the early 1990s.For instance, in
1990, 115 local movies were produced while only 37 movies produced in 1993.
However, as of the year 2000, the movie industry has improved gradually with a
number of successful movies.
Media freedom in Indonesia increased considerably after the end of President
Suharto's rule, during which the now-defunct Ministry of Information monitored and
controlled domestic media and restricted foreign media.The TV market includes 10
national commercial networks, which compete with public TVRI. Some provinces also
operate their own stations. Private radio stations carry their own news bulletins and
foreign broadcasters can supply programmes. The radio dial is crowded, with scores
of stations on the air in Jakarta alone. Internet use is increasing Bisnis Indonesia
reported in 2004 that there were 10 million users.
Balinese boys in Ubud
Minangkabau woman in traditional
Minangkabau woman in traditional
A Wayang kulit shadow puppet
performance as seen by the audience
Education of Indonesia
Early childhood
From birth until the age of 5, Indonesian children do not
generally have access to formal education. From the age
of 5 to 6 or 7, they attend kindergarten (Taman Kanakkanak). This education is not compulsory for Indonesian
citizen, as most of the intention of this is to prepare them
for primary school. These days, most kindergartens are
owned by a private school, with more than 49 thousands
kindergartens, 99.35% of the total kindergartens in
Indonesia[1]. The kindergarten years are usually divided
into 2, "Class A" and "Class B" with a year of each class.
Elementary School
Children ages 7-12 attend Sekolah Dasar (SD) (literally Elementary School).
This level of education is compulsory for all Indonesian citizens, based on the
national constitution. Quite different with kindergartens in Indonesia, the most
elementary schools are owned by the government, or public school, with 93%
of all elementary schools. Similar to education in the U.S. and Australia, all
students have to study for 6 years to pass this level, although some schools
have offered an acceleration program, where students can finish the
elementary school for just 5 years. This can be done with students with a
higher intelligence quotient or IQ.
High School
Based on the national constitution, Indonesian citizens do not have to attend
high school as the citizens only require 9 years of education. This is also
reflected by the number of high schools in Indonesia, with just slightly below
9,000 schools
Tertiary education
After graduation from High school or college, students may attend a
An elementary school uniform in Indonesia
Middle School
Middle School, generally known
by the acronym 'SMP' (Sekolah
Menengah Pertama) is part of
primary education in Indonesia.
Students attend Middle School for
three years from the age of 13-15.
After three years of schooling and
graduation, students may move on
to High School or College, or
cease formal education. There are
around 22,000 schools in
Indonesia with a balanced
ownership between public and
private sector
War in Indonesia
In Indonesia history, there was happen a
lot of war, war to seize our country
independence from colonialism, to defend
our country from external threat and to put
down rebellion
The war before Independence was sporadic and tribalistic struggle,
While most of our people against the Dutch colonialization in our country,
many chose to colaborate with Dutch to capture our own battle leader,
We not yet had sense of nationalism,
Prince Diponegoro,
fighting against Dutch
In Indonesia, later
captured by trapped on
The Dutch colonial presence in Indonesia existed in various forms for
over 300 years until the Japanese occupation in the second World
War.During the war, Sukarno, a popular leader of the Indonesian
Nationalist Party, cooperated with the occupying Japanese with the
intention of strengthening the independence movement.On August
17, 1945, Sukarno, with the Japanese organized National
Committee of Independence (BPUPKI) unilaterally declared
Indonesian independence.