CNES Activities in the Framework of GSICS Patrice Henry, Denis Blumstein, Denis Jouglet - CNES Thomas Colin - CS GSICS Executive Committee – WMO.

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Transcript CNES Activities in the Framework of GSICS Patrice Henry, Denis Blumstein, Denis Jouglet - CNES Thomas Colin - CS GSICS Executive Committee – WMO.

CNES Activities
in the Framework of GSICS
Patrice Henry, Denis Blumstein, Denis Jouglet - CNES
Thomas Colin - CS
GSICS Executive Committee – WMO Geneva – June 06-08 2011
AIRS/IASI Intercalibration — sample of results
■ Intercalibration AIRS/IASI
 SNO events (high latitude only)
 operational in the IASI TEC
 activated on a regular basis
 3 months
■ Updated to handle IASI L1C Day-2
products (from May 2010)
GSICS Executive Committee – WMO Geneva – June 06-08 2011
IASI-A / IASI-B Intercalibration — Cal/Val preparation
■ Metop-A / B are on the same trajectory (180 deg apart)
 Overlap between the swath of the 2 IASI instruments
■ Observation by 2 IASI of a same region on ground possible
 50 min between overflight of a same point
 At all latitudes
■ Use of common zone where Sat Viewing Angle are “equal”
common view
 We limit ourself to 4 IASI pixels width
 Satellite Viewing Angle between 0 deg (high latitude) and 39 deg
■ Limitation to uniform and stable (in time) geophysical situation
GSICS Executive Committee – WMO Geneva – June 06-08 2011
Study of Asian and Australian Desert Sites for
Sensor cross-Calibration in the VPIR Range
■ Sites selected in 2009 by B.J. Sohn using MODIS data
 Simpson desert (Australia) – 50x50 km2, centered at 26.075S, 137.175E
 Tengger desert (China) – 17x17 km2, centered at 38.125N, 103.0E
■ CNES studies
 Extraction of POLDER/PARASOL and SPOT5/VGT2 images over a 2 year period (2007-08)
 Data processing (cloud screening…) and insertion in the SADE data base
 Sites analysis using ‘standard’ CNES tools
 Spatial, spectral, temporal and directional behaviour
 PARASOL and VGT2 cross calibration
 Results comparison with 3 African desert sites : Algeria 3, Libya 1 and Libya 3
■ For the 2 sites : less suitable characteristics for calibration than African sites
 Tengger
 Very small site and not so homogeneous
 Calibration standard deviation much higher than for other sites
 No winter calibration opportunity (potential snow coverage) and poor results for sensors cross calibration
 Simpson
 Lightly less homogeneous than African sites
 Poor temporal stability : bad results for multidate calibration
■ No SADE extension with other PARASOL and VGT2 data but MERIS data will be added
GSICS Executive Committee – WMO Geneva – June 06-08 2011
General view of the 5 sites
Algeria 3
GSICS Executive Committee – WMO Geneva – June 06-08 2011
Libya 1
Libya 3
Sites temporal behaviour
Algeria 3
Libya 1
Libya 3
PARASOL TOA reflectance normalized by the red reflectance
Spectral dependance of seasonal effect on spectral range for Tengger
(vegetation ?)
GSICS Executive Committee – WMO Geneva – June 06-08 2011
VGT2 calibration versus Parasol
Mean VGT2/PARASOL calibration results
Standard deviation of VGT2/PARASOL calibration results
• Good consistency for the red range
• Simpson : 3% higher in the blue, 3% lower in the NIR
•Tengger : 6% higher in the blue (very high s…)
GSICS Executive Committee – WMO Geneva – June 06-08 2011
Multitemporal calibration
PARASOL 2008 calibration versus PARASOL 2007
VGT-2 2008 calibration versus VGT-2 2007
• Good for Tengger (except blue)
• A few percent discrepancy for Simpson (temporal stability ?)
GSICS Executive Committee – WMO Geneva – June 06-08 2011
Deserts cross Calibration Method Assessment
■ Study performed to provide inputs for deserts calibration error budget
■ TOA reflectance of different sensors (MODIS, MERIS, PARASOL, VGT,
ETM+) simulated using Hyperion hyperspectral TOA data
 ETM+ vs Terra/MODIS
 VGT2 vs Parasol/POLDER
 Parasol/POLDER vs Aqua/MODIS
 Parasol/POLDER vs MERIS
■ Different cross calibration method tested :
 Same geometry (data pairs simulated with the same Hyperion data)
 Close geometry (data pairs from close geometry Hyperion pairs)
 Closest spectral band (direct band to band comparison to spline interpolation)
 Omitted spectral bands to assess interpolation and extrapolation effect
GSICS Executive Committee – WMO Geneva – June 06-08 2011
Acquisition geometry error
■ Comparison of same geometry and close geometry calibration
Example of Aqua/MODIS vs MERIS
Same geometry
Close geometry
■ Very important increase of standard deviation (x2 to x10) but small effect on
the mean value (0.5% max.)
But viewing geometry is always the same (Hyperion geometry). Discrepancies are
only due to : sun angles, atmospheric correction, annual variation of the site
GSICS Executive Committee – WMO Geneva – June 06-08 2011
Reflectance interpolation error
■ Comparison of spline interpolation and band to band calibration
Example of Landsat/ETM+ vs Terra/MODIS
Spline interpolation
Band to band
■ Increase of cross calibration unaccuracy
■ Increase of site to site discrepancy
Band to band calibration shall be limited to very similar bands (VGT2/VGT1,
Aqua/MODIS vs Terra/MODIS…)
GSICS Executive Committee – WMO Geneva – June 06-08 2011
Reflectance extrapolation error
■ Comparison of cross calibration with different set of reference band
Example of Aqua/MODIS vs MERIS
Without 412 nm as reference band
With 412 nm as reference band
■ Very important error due to extrapolation (> 20%)
Site reflectance profiles do not allow any extrapolation neither in the blue or in the
GSICS Executive Committee – WMO Geneva – June 06-08 2011
Main Conclusions of the Study
■ Interpolation (extrapolation !) error : main contributor of the error budget
 Adequate choice for the reference sensor
 Good knowledge of the site reflectance
 Good knowledge of the directional effects over the sites
■ Statistics can take afford for atmospheric correction errors
 Necessity for a great amount of data
 Risk a small bias due to uncertainty on aerosol content
■ Good accuracy for multitemporal calibration
■ Sensors cross calibration only possible for ‘close’ spectral bands
 a more complete error budget has been undertaken
GSICS Executive Committee – WMO Geneva – June 06-08 2011
SADE opening to GSICS and CEOS
■ Few feedbacks from beta-users : only one (very positive…)
■ SADE access through CNES scientific mission website
 Password mandatory
■ No procedure yet available for password delivery (contact Denis
Blumstein or Patrice Henry)
■ A complete reprocessing of SADE exported files is foreseen for Nov. 2011
 Data extension up to mid 2011
 New sensors :
 Terra/Modis
 Landsat 7
 Theos
 New MERIS reprocessing
 VGT1 updated calibration
GSICS Executive Committee – WMO Geneva – June 06-08 2011