Transcript Slide 1

Program and Implementation
Plans for the next 90 minutes and
Define quality assurance for a 2-1-1
 Implementation plans
 Utilization of tools
 Calibration-practice and method
 What to do when you leave the
What is Quality Assurance?
Call Quality Assurance is a practice by
which you, the agency, can ensure that
your inquirers are receiving the best
possible service.
Contact Center
 Resource
 Contract Compliance
Why is Quality Important?
Contract award and compliance
AIRS standards
2-1-1 national
*Most important, your community deserves
quality service!*
2-1-1 US Mystery Call Campaign
Demonstration of importance to listen to calls and
call your 2-1-1
Inconsistent outcomes across the county
Need for more national training and application of
Potential loss of opportunity
So, what can we each do to improve our quality of
service delivery?
2-1-1 US Mystery Call Recommendations
Some actions to consider:
Talking around some of the issues would be a great
subject for an extended team meeting.
“How are we doing this?”
“Can we do this better?”
“Would trying something new make a
Methods for call handling Quality Assurance
Silent monitoring of live calls
Side by side monitoring
Call recording
Caller survey
3rd party partner monitoring
Peer to peer monitoring
Self evaluation
Keeping it simple
Get started…
Define your ideal call regardless of current
protocols or training, but rather for the ideal
call handling. You can develop protocols and
deliver training based on your needs.
QA form development
Keep the form simple
Include the most important elements
 Contract requirements
 Best practices
 Community needs
Revisit the form on a regular basis
QA guide
Each element requires a clear description of how to
Include examples
Edit and modify to limit the variance in scoring (it’s
a living document)
Get input from more than one perspective
Monitoring best practices
Get buy-in from all levels of the organization
Test your form, guide, and policy
Allow time for adjustment
Train on areas of opportunity throughout the
Listen to a call more than once to properly score
Use your guide!
Double check accuracy
Provide results, use the results, and coach your staff!
Let’s listen, score and calibrate!
Call # 1
Call # 2
What is call calibration?
Call calibration is the process by which you limit variation in the way
performance criteria are interpreted.
Why spend the time to calibration?
Calibration is the best way to ensure consistent, fair
scoring and prevent allegations of inequity and favoritism.
When calibration is achieved, it will not matter who did the
evaluation because the outcome would be the same.
Once this is achieved the emphasis can be on coaching for
improved performance rather than whether or not the call
was scored correctly.
Steps for Successful Calibration
Determine participants
Designate a facilitator (make sure their role is defined)
Select a call
Provide parameters
Provide date for completion of scoring
Calibration meeting
Review/re-cap call
Discuss areas of discrepancy
Discuss areas of big picture training opportunities
*It is not important that everyone AGREE on a final score. The point is to come to an
understanding of the accepted criteria for a successful high quality call, and apply that
understanding to evaluating calls in the future.*
Implementation Plan
Gain buy-in
Score form development and testing
Guide development, editing, and testing
Calibration plan
Determine who is evaluating calls
Training needed prior to full implementation
I & R Specialists
QA Specialists
***Develop your plan-these steps do not have to happen
in this particular order, determine what is best for your
What about everywhere else?
This Quality Assurance structure will
work for other areas of your
Contract Compliance
Phone System
Amy Latzer
Chief Operating Officer
[email protected]