HR FUNdamentals Hiring Graduates for Summer 2014 Hiring Graduates for Summer Session Teaching Presented by Maya Bronston and Renee Lineback.

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HR FUNdamentals

Hiring Graduates for Summer 2014

Hiring Graduates for Summer Session Teaching Presented by Maya Bronston and Renee Lineback

Reason for change • ALL summer teaching expense is deferred to next FY regardless of when worked (ie May or June) • Epafs (electronic personnel action form) using graduate position numbers have complicated the deferment process • New process will be more efficient, fewer errors in deferral of funding

Graduate Assistantship Agreement Form

Grad Summer Appointment • • • • 10 Hours/ Week Min 40 Hours/Week Max GSAs can be registered for 0-5 credits if continuing from spring semester No summer exceptions for Graduate Assistant Tuition Award (GATA)

Basic Facts for Grads • Start dates: 5/1, 6/1, 7/1, 8/1 • End dates: 5/31, 6/30, 7/31, 8/31 • May and August can overlap with Fall & Spring appointments

Teaching vs Research • • • • • • •

Summer Teaching Grad

Position # = 4Xpool-GT Epaf approval category: Summer Session Grad Teaching Asst Title – – < 6 credits – “GSA-# hours” 6+ credits – “GTA-#hours” Reg Rate = monthly rate Timesheet org - 4xxxxx Account code – 61130 Maya on epaf as FYI • • • • • • •

Summer Research Grad

Position # = 4Dpool-01 Epaf approval category: Summer Grad Research Assistant Title – < 6 credits – “GSA-# hours” – 6+ credits – “GRA-# hours” Reg Rate = monthly rate Timesheet org - 4xxxxx Account code – 61127 No Maya on epaf

Starting the epaf

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Summer Session for Tenure/Non-tenure tract Faculty Presented by Renee Lineback

Why Summer Session Appointments are unique • • State funded summer session teaching expenses are budgeted in next FY. June and July payroll expenses are deferred to the next FY. Montana Board of Regent’s Policy 802.3

– The maximum salary reimbursement for a full summer assignment for contracted summer session teaching personnel shall not exceed two-ninths (2/9) of the academic year salary…

Terminology SSA: Summer Session Appointment SSC: Summer Session Contract LOA: Letter of Appointment EPAF: Electronic Personnel Action Form MOU: Memorandum of Understanding FY: Fiscal Year AY: Academic Year TT Faculty: Tenure Track Faculty NTT Faculty: Non Tenure Track Faculty

Distributed to Departments • • • Summer Session Form – Summer Session Appointments on the front – Summer Session Contracts on the reverse Summer Session Funding Authorization Form – Use for summer session appointments not applicable for the SSA form Summer Session Procedures and Guidelines

Summer Session Form SSA

Summer Session Form SSC

SSA form Section review • Pre printed with info from NBAJOBS – Current Faculty and Base Salary at 1 FTE

Section A- Teaching • • • Payments will be deferred to next FY State funding only not to exceed 2/9 of base TT and NTT faculty • TT and NTT faculty

Section B- Research • • • Tenurable Faculty –may appoint at 1/9 base if appointed in section A.

up to 3/9 if no other summer session appointment Expensed in Fiscal year earned

Section C • • • Tenurable Faculty only No Grant funding Reported as Additional Compensation to OCHE

Section D • • • Department Head only No Grant funding Reported as Additional Compensation to OCHE

Totals, Contact Info and Approval section • Total may not exceed 3/9 of AY base

Contract Section • • Employee and VP must sign Replaces MOU

SSC replaces regular LOA

Do not use SSA if: • Teaching paid by OSP funds cannot be appointed on the SSA – Hire on LOA using 4ASUMR-00 – Submit SS Funding Authorization Form • NTT cannot be on SSA for Research – Hire on LOA using 4CSUMR-01 as position number – Submit SS Funding Authorization Form

Summer Session Funding Authorization Form

Please don’t hesitate to contact your payroll technician if you have any questions about the type of appointment your employee should be on.