TOGETHER WE BUILD. SBES MEETING September 29, 2010 6:10 pm  MISSION STATEMENT  “To increase the number of culturally responsible Black engineers who excel academically, succeed.

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Transcript TOGETHER WE BUILD. SBES MEETING September 29, 2010 6:10 pm  MISSION STATEMENT  “To increase the number of culturally responsible Black engineers who excel academically, succeed.

September 29, 2010
6:10 pm
 “To increase the number of culturally
responsible Black engineers who excel
academically, succeed professionally,
and positively impact the
2010-2011 Executive Board
President: Brittany Cheaney
Microbiology major
[email protected]
Internal Vice President: Adonna Anderson
Electrical Engineering major
[email protected]
External Vice President: Kando Ogunrinola
Environmental Engineering major
[email protected]
Secretary: Nazareth Tesfai
Civil Engineering major
[email protected]
[email protected]
What is NSBE/SBES?
The Society of Black Engineers and Scientists is a local chapter of
the National Society of Black Engineers geared toward fulfilling our
national mission statement. As a chapter in Region 6, we aim to
inform, motivate, and develop professional oriented students who
can succeed and compete in their educational goals. Through SBES
we would like to create an environment where students can
socialize and network with each other while working on their
professional development skills.
State of the Industry
Painless laser device could spot early signs of disease
By Katia Moskvitch Science reporter, BBC News
• Portable devices with painless laser beams could soon replace X-rays as a
non-invasive way to diagnose disease. Researchers say that the technique
could become widely available in about five years.
• Scientists believe that the technology would make the diagnosis of illnesses
faster, cheaper and more accurate. Raman spectroscopy is the
measurement of the intensity and wavelength of scattered light from
• They have been working on cadavers, but say that Raman spectroscopy
could prove effective in living patients.
• "You can replace a lot of procedures, a lot of diagnostics that are out there
right now. The big advantage is that it's non-invasive, pretty fast - much
faster than classical procedures - and more accurate," Michael Morris
University of Michigan, USA
Ice Breaker
Committees Under the President
Social Committee - The responsibility of this position is to aid in the planning
and execution of events, get-togethers, member retreats and other socials,
which will contribute to the strengthening of the SBES and campus community.
Academic Excellence Committee -- The Academic Excellence Committee is
responsible for organizing study sessions for the membership as well as
maintaining test files. They also implement the Academic Excellence and
Achievers Plus programs and create scholastic incentives.
Parliamentarian -- The Parliamentarian is responsible for timekeeping at
Executive Board and general membership meetings. They are also responsible
for making sure that the Executive Board and membership are following
parliamentary procedures in the Constitution. The Parliamentarian is also
responsible for conducting elections of new officers and providing an official
transition report at the end of the term.
Committees Under Vice President I
Open House Committee -- The Open House Committee is responsible for
attending the Open House meetings and completing the Open House packet.
They will be responsible for organizing, fundraising and providing a budget for
Open House to present to the Executive Board for approval.
Engineering Student Council -- The Engineering council representative will
attend the engineering council, club general meetings and club executive board
meetings. They will keep the club and engineering council informed of each
other’s activities.
Pre-College Initiative Committee -- The Pre-College Initiative Committee
assists with the development of programs that assist high school students and
junior high school students academically and socially. Working in conjunction
with the MEP, National PCI Program, and Outreach and Retention, the PreCollege Initiative Committee’s main goal is to improve the rate of students
attending college for Engineering, Science and other related fields.
Committees Under Vice President II
Professional Development Committee -- This committee will aid in the planning
of professional workshops, activities, and programs that will increase members’
professionalism and knowledge of trends in business. This committee works
closely with the VP II in securing companies and guest speakers for presentations
to the membership. They also maintain a listing of jobs for members.
Programs Chair -- This committee is tasked with providing National programs to
the chapter. This committee will also organize members to participate in NSBE
competitions on the regional and national levels, (i.e. Academic Tech Bowl, Boeing
Flight competition, etc.). They also assist the VP II in organizing conference trips
and other off-campus NSBE events.
Alumni Extension Committee -- This committee is responsible for maintaining
an up to date alumni database. Also organizing events that would increase the
networking between the Alumni and the membership (i.e. speakers, barbeques,
etc). They are to send a newsletter at the end of every quarter to the Alumni
recapping the quarter’s events and announcing upcoming SBES events.
Committees Under Secretary
Telecommunications Committee -- The Telecommunications Committee is
responsible for promoting SBES through the medium of the Internet. This
committee follows the direction of the regional telecommunications chair. They will
work with all committees and the Executive Board to be sure that information is
presented about all club happenings.
Publications Committee -- The Publication Committee is responsible for
publicizing SBES within the community and on the national level. They obtain or
compose articles to be submitted in various newsletters about SBES events and
happenings. They are also responsible for handling advertising for the club such
as the production of flyers, banners, and newsletters.
Historian -- The Historian is responsible for visually documenting all the events
that SBES holds and/or attends through photos or video. They are to keep a
record of the different events, make a quarterly presentation to be presented at the
last meeting of the quarter and an annual presentation to be shown at the last
event of the school year.
Committees Under Treasurer
Scholarship Committee -- The Scholarship Committee is responsible for
providing scholarship resources to the membership and provides
assistance for the application process. They also maintain a database of
SBES scholarships and scholarship applications.
Membership Committee -- The Membership Committee is responsible
for maintaining up to date information of all the members, constantly
recruiting new members and promoting SBES during school events (i.e.
UU hour, WOW).
Finance Committee -- The Finance Committee spearheads corporate
solicitation. They are responsible for creating solicitation packages and
presentations and getting them to companies.
PreCollege Initiative
•PreCollege Initiative (PCI)
•The students at Righetti HS need our help in math.
•Sign up on the sign-up sheet with your available times!
They would like tutoring for all levels of math on
Wednesday's and/or Thursday’s from 3-5.
•Hopefully they also attend FRC with us in November.
•Please do your part and help out.
Fall Regional Conference
• Workshops on professionalism!
• Career fair!
 Internships
 Full-time jobs
• Interaction with members from
other chapters!
November 12-14!
San Mateo, CA
$80 registration fee
• Meet regional and national
• Entertainment to encourage NSBE
as a community!
We need DRIVERS!!! If you have a car, a license, and are willing, please see me!
• Fall Regional Conference
• Bowling
• Welcome Luncheon
• Black Love
• PCI Tutoring
• National Convention in St.
Louis, MO
• Time Management Meeting
• CultureFest
• Guaranteed 4.0 workshop
• Sister Soldier Project
• Superbowl Party
• Beach Day
• PCI Shadow Day
T-shirt design contest
 Turn in design to secretary by Wednesday, October 13th
October 6th Meeting
 Nominations for Treasurer
 Guest Speaker Donna Davis will talk about Time Management
Welcome Luncheon
 New Date! Tentatively scheduled for Sunday, October 10th at 3pm in Bonderson
 Sunday, October 17th
Guaranteed 4.0 Workshop
 Saturday, October 23rd at 9:00 am
 Room TBA
Sister Soldier Project
 Saturday, October 30th at 9:30 am in UU 220