What’s in your collection? Library inventory using Millennium, Excel, and a little determination.

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What’s in your collection?
Library inventory using Millennium,
Excel, and a little determination
Inventory the old-fashioned way
• Printed shelflist from Telnet subsystem
• Students checked list against items on shelf
There must be an easier way!
And we weren’t alone
Debbie Nichols and
were on the job!
• Maryville acquired the Inventory Module in
late 2003
• It came with a Percon
scanning device
Is there a better way?
Why can’t it work like this does ?
Simple data format: a text file
Of Course!!!
Excel won!
All you need is (laptop) love
And an Excel template
Save before you scan!
Scanning items
Barcode placement matters
Line ’em up!
Drag your cells carefully!
Formula fills in the column for you
Paste into Notepad and save .txt file
File travels to designated person
Find the easiest way for you to send files
• Email
• Flash drive
• CD-RW (?)
Or use a laptop with Millennium installed(?)
Write down where you stopped!
Upload txt file to a server
Telnet: Blast from the past
From Millennium Control Bar choose Telnet
Logging in
Your MillCirc initials here
File has to get from your server to
Choose your location/IP
Log into your server
To get to a list of your files...
Find the most recent file
Barcodes vs Shelflist
Barcodes vs Shelflist (again)
Rename and select file
Errors only!
List checked out items
Wait for file to process…
Don’t give up now!
Results at last
Email results
Check address carefully
After entering address…
Update INV DATE (& remove file?)
Quit/Exit your way out
You’ve got mail!
Some errors you may see…
OK checked out – Look in circ and double check that it is checked out. If it was
due long ago, tell Circulation about it. Make note.
ERR missing – See if you can find it on the shelf. If not, change the status to
Missing and make a note on your sheet.
ERR msh – Mis-shelved. Check the shelf to see if it is mis-shelved and put it in
place. If it isn’t mis-shelved, write “not” next to it.
ERR no item record – Locate the next book you are given, then pull the
previous book (last 6 digits of barcode should match). Attach an item if you
can find a proper bib; if not, give to Cataloging.
ERR os, but co – on shelf but checked out. Check circ; check in item. Tell
Circulation about it.
You’ll discover hidden gems in
your collection
Check “errors” against shelf
One misshelved item can show many errors
Pre-stamps vs call numbers
Call number different on spine
Weird call number spacing in record
Items not attached to bib
Other excess/wrong data from ILS
• Tampering by alien invaders, library ghost, etc.
Assign clear roles and workflows
Have a cheat sheet on hand
Have goals (daily/weekly)
Use uniform file names!!!
Shelf-read before starting (First book in file)
Be flexible: glitches happen
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Buffy the Vampire Slayer is the property of Joss
Whedon and Warner Bros. Used under fair
use for educational purposes.
“Crazy Face” by starmama. Used under CC BY
All screencaps taken with Jing Free.