Getting started in Perl: Intro to Perl for programmers Matthew Heusser – - [email protected] Presented to the West Michigan Perl User’s Group.

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Transcript Getting started in Perl: Intro to Perl for programmers Matthew Heusser – - [email protected] Presented to the West Michigan Perl User’s Group.

Getting started in Perl:
Intro to Perl for programmers
Matthew Heusser – - [email protected]
Presented to the West Michigan Perl User’s Group
Why use Perl?
Getting Perl
● (Comprehensive Perl Archive
The easy way to get started in Windows
If you have Linux, chances are you have Perl
Both support modules for almost everything
My first Perl script
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
print "Hello, world\n";
Variables in Perl
Scalars start with a $ ex: $foo
Arrays start with a @ ex: @foo
Hashs (Associative arrays) start with % ex:
By convention file handles are UPPERCASE
(no funny character).
“my” gives variable lexical (local) scope. Use
this unless you have reason for some other
A Scalar begins with a $
A Scalar holds a single string, number or
Unitialized scalars are undef.
my $num = 3.1412;
$str = "This is a string";
Type Safe
Perl is a loosely-typed language
To make a string, evaluate the scalar in string
Example: if ($a eq ‘Fifty’) { do_stuff($a); }
To make a number, evaluate as a number
Example: if ($a == 50) { do_stuff($a); }
Conversion is like ATOI
To guarantee output, use prinft or sprintf
Some control structures
Use {} (Curlies) to declare what your control
strucuture is working with. Like BEGIN/END
in PL/SQL or Pascal.
Usual “if”-”elsif” (note missing e), “while”, and
“for” structures.
Also supports “unless” (!if), “until” (!while),
and foreach strucutures.
“next;” is like “continue;” in C.
“last;” is like “break;” in C.
Boolean context
The scalars: “” (null string), 0, “0”, and undef
evaluate to false, everything else evalutates
to true.
Lists are put into scalar context, then
evaluated for truth value. Zero length lists,
and undef arrays evalute to false, all other
lists are true.
Some operators
Perl supports the usual +,-,*,/,%,++,-- (add,
substract, multiply, divide, modulo,
increment, decrement).
. (period) concatenates strings.
C style “+=”, “.=” etc. are supported.
Use ==, !=, >, >=, <, <= to compare numbers
Use eq, ne, gt, ge, lt, le to compare strings
All the usual operators are available, but the
syntax may be weird.
Basic I/O
STDIN is a file
To read from a file, do this:
my $str = <STDIN>;
Control-Z is the EOF symbol on windows
To re-direct STDIN from a file, do this:
UNIX: perl < in.txt
Win: type in.txt | perl
To loop until EOF, do this:
while (my $str = <FILEHANDLE>) {
1) Write a program to add two scalar variables
together and print the total.
3) Write a program to:
Read three numbers from the command line
Add them up
Print the total
2) Mod the program to also print an average
Array names begin with a @
Arrays are composites of scalars that are
indexed with numbers beginning with 0.
Arrays are named Lists. Subtle differences
exist between Arrays and Lists.
my @stuff = (1,2,3);
# use @ for the
$stuff[0] = 10; # use $ for a single element
$stuff[99] = “Numbers and strings can be mixed”;
Iterating over a list
for (my $i=0; $i< scalar(@a);$i++)
for my $val (@a) {
Push and Pop
my @a;
push (@a, 2);
push (@a, 3);
my $var = pop(@a);
Remember, lists are automatically managed
A stack using arrays is now trivial
I sure wish I had this for the AP computer science A
1) Write a program to:
Read three numbers from the command
… Into a list
Loop and re-print the numbers
Print the total
2) Print the numbers in reverse
It’s ok to use a c-style for loop
Hash names begin with %
Hashes are composites of scalars that are indexed
with scalars.
Hashes are unordered.
my %employee;
$employee{"name"} = "Bill Day";
$employee{"SSN"} = "353-27-7625";
print $employee{"name"}, $employee{"SSN"}
- Outputs: Bill Day353-27-7625
Scalar vs List Context
In an assignment, context is determined by
left side of equal sign.
An array in scalar context evaluates to length
of the array: $len = @stuff;
(parenthesis) will put a scalar into list
context: ($thing) = @stuff; # assigns $stuff[0]
to $thing.
Psudeo-function “scalar” can be used to to
force a list into a scalar. Example:
Quotes in Perl
'Ordinary quotes'
"Interpolated quotes - $vars exapanded\n", This is
my favorite..
`execute a “shell”` command and return the result
as a string.
my $var = " test ";
print " $var\n", '$var\n';
Iterating over a hash
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my $key, $value, %hash;
while (($key, $value) = each %hash) {
print $key $value "\n";
Pronouns in Perl
● $_
is the default variable
● Example:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my @array = ("a", "b", "c");
# the following 2 loops are equivalent
foreach my $element (@array) {
print $element;
foreach (@array) {
Regular Expressions
Much like SED
if (/Bill Day/)
# evaluate $_, true if it contains
if ($var =~ /Bill Day/) # evalute $var for string.
$var =~ s/Bill/William/; # substitue the 1st occurance
of “Bill” with “William” in $var.
Lots of special characters: ., ?, *, +, (, ), [, ], | ^, \, {,
One of the most powerful features of Perl.
Unfortunately beyond the scope of this talk.
I/O in Perl
open IN, "name"; # open “name” for reading.
open HANDLE, "<name"; # same thing.
open OUT, ">output”; # create or truncate
file for output.
open LOG, ">>logfile "; # append or create
file for output.
close HANDLE; # When done with file.
All the POSIX “C” style stuff works.
I/O in Perl Continued
<HANDLE> # (diamond operator) to read a
line from the file.
print HANDLE "string"; # prints to file. Note:
no comma between HANDLE and string.
<> with no handle reads each file given on
the command line, else if command line
blank STDIN. Just like you want your
standard Unix utility to do.
Errors and warnings
die "meltdown in progress"; # message to
STDERR for fatal errors (exits program).
warn "your shoe is untied."; # message to
STDERR for non-fatal warnings.
Putting it all together
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
open ORIGINAL, "<original "
or die " cannot open 'original': $!";
while (<ORIGINAL>) {
# substitute Bill for William globally
Where to get help
In shell: perldoc perl
In shell: perldoc perlre
Perl is the premier open source high
performance cross platform enterprise class
object oriented language that holds together
the world wide web.
There's more than one way to do it –
TMTOWTDI (Pronounced “Tim-Toady”)
Perl makes Easy things easy, and hard
things possible.
1) Create a hash; write a program to loop through a hash
and print all hash pairs.
2) Write a program to read some numbers in from STDIN.
stopping when the user types in 'quit', and print the
3) Write a program to read in some words from the
command line, replacing Matthew with Matt, and reprint the words back onto the command line.