Transcript Document

a bit of history…
Perl created in 1987 by Larry Wall.
“Perl was designed to work more like a natural language.”
Perl is open source
“So, whatever it takes to give away my software and get it
used, that’s great.”
Probably best known as a CGIscripting language
# This code assumes that the file contains one number per line.
open(NUMFILE, "numbers.txt");
$lineCount = 0;
$total = 0;
while ( $line = <NUMFILE> ) {
$total = $total + $line;
if ($lineCount == 0) {
print "Average of input file numbers is 0\n”;
} else {
print "Average of input file numbers is ", $total/$lineCount, "\n";
CGI output == HTML and HTML is a string
Perl’s scalar variables can store strings, as well as numbers or Booleans.
$someString = "String him up!";
Strings may contain string variables.
$str2 = "Cowboys in the movies say things like, '$someString'.";
Escape Characters are embedded using a backslash – ( \ )
\t ... (tab)
\n ... (end of line)
\" ... " (double quote)
\$ ... $ (dollar sign)
\. ... . (period)
(See a Perl tutorial for others.)
Concatenation – ( . )
$firstLine = "Oh no!\n";
$secondLine = "Not more American Idol!\n";
$message = $firstLine . $secondLine;
Perl supports two relational operators for pattern matching.
string =~ /pattern/
string !~ /pattern/
is true when string contains one or more instances of pattern
is true when string contains no instances of pattern.
if ("Facebook" =~ /oo/) {
print "There is 'oo' in Facebook.\n";
$bigRiver = "Mississippi";
if ($bigRiver =~ /oo/) {
print "There is 'oo' in the Mississippi.\n";
} elsif ($bigRiver !~ /is/) {
print "There is no 'is' in the Mississippi.\n";
} else {
print "There is an 'is' in the Mississippi.\n";
Note that the Perl pattern matching algorithm normally …
(1) proceeds left to right, and
(2) matches the longest possible substring(s).
Parenthesized parts of patterns are automatically assigned to variables.
Matched substrings are assigned left to right to $1, $2, and so forth.
For multiple matches the last one is stored.
"abcdzefg" =~ /((ab)(cd))z((e)(fg))/;
print $1,"\n";
print $2,"\n";
print $3,"\n";
print $4,"\n";
print $5,"\n";
print $6,"\n”;
if ("abeaceapteee" =~ /((a..)+(e*))/) {
print $1,"\n";
print $2,"\n";
print $3,"\n";
string =~ s/pattern/string2/
If a match occurs, then the matched pattern is replaced by string2.
$word = "zoo";
$word =~ s/o+/ebra/;
$str = "Now is the time for all good perls.";
$str =~ s/\W*$//; #remove trailing non-alphanumeric
while ( $str =~ s/\s*(\w+)$// ) {
print $1,"\n";