Hillary*s husband re-elected: The Clinton marriage

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Transcript Hillary*s husband re-elected: The Clinton marriage

Hillary’s husband re-elected:
The Clinton marriage of
politics and power
Objective: to analyse an article
My favourite tumblr!
What do you know about Hillary
What kind of an impression of this
woman from the tumblr page above?
Now read the text on page 128
Focusing on the text’s first three paragraphs (to ‘She
forgives, we forgive’), jot down some bullet points
about the way the text constructs a particular
image of Hillary Clinton and persuades the reader
to agree. You should consider:
• Persuasive devices including antithesis and
repeated structures
• The connotations of particular lexical choices
• The use of nouns and adjectives to describe
Clinton directly
• The way Jong addresses the reader
• The way Jong characterises America in the text
‘Our culture treats intelligent
women with suspicion’
What do you think of this point of view?