Sexual Difficulties Wide ranging in both source and consequences Overview • Big numbers • The root of much anxiety • Many causes – physiological and psychological •

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Transcript Sexual Difficulties Wide ranging in both source and consequences Overview • Big numbers • The root of much anxiety • Many causes – physiological and psychological •

Sexual Difficulties
Wide ranging in both source and
• Big numbers
• The root of much anxiety
• Many causes – physiological and
• Male bias
• Hope for help
• Gender Roles expectations and Sex for
Procreation emphasis contribute
Physiological Causes
• A very complex collection of systems
• The first place to look
• Problems can arise from any one of three
1) Hormonal
2) Neurological
3) Circulatory
Chronic Illnesses
• Long standing, pathological conditions
affect us in many ways
• Associated pain, medications, fatigue and
loss of function interfere
The Looming Epidemic
• Diabetes – the pancreas fails to produce
adequate insulin
• Major source of male erectile problems
due to nerve and circulatory damage 50% of male victims, even retrograde
• Alcohol heightens
• Women affected also
A common crippler
• Arthritis – progressive inflammation of the
• Pain, limitation of movement
• Little direct impact
• But tremendous blow to structures and
overall well-being
More chronic illnesses
Especially devastating, hitting all systems
Treatments worsen
Surgical procedures leave permanent
• Worse yet, can afflict reproductive systems
• Multiple sclerosis, Strokes
• Little direct impact on sexual functioning
• Great effect on ability to communicate
(deafness) and perceive (blindness)
• Do other, intact, senses compensate?
How do we cope?
• Acknowledge great potential impact on
• Acceptance
• Careful preparation
• Refashioning overall view of sexuality
• Exploration, innovation & patience
• Greater intimacy?
• A bigger and bigger problem every day
• Not always appreciated or even discussed
• Often alternative meds are available
• Psychiatric – (especially antidepressants)
cause reduced desire, arousal and
delayed or absent orgasm
• Antipsychotic and Tranquilizers also
Cultural Factors
• Childhood Negativity
Sex is sinful vs. infants “crave erotic
Adults discourage this natural
Guilt results
Parents model ambivalent attitudes
towards sexuality
The Double Standard
• Still prevalent – 2001 study
• Masters & Johnson – pressure on women to
deny their natural urges is “a major source of
women’s sexual dysfunction”
• Men must be eager, ever ready
capable of performing
no tenderness
all knowing
Gays and the Double Standard
• Already outside of cultural do’s and don’ts
• Immune to strict cultural expectations?
Culture and its Restricted View of
• What’s normal?
• Sex is traditional intercourse
• Problem – little focus on female
• Huge $$ on Viagra while other aspects of
sexuality are ignored
Performance Anxiety
• Some feel that they have to live up to some
arbitrary societal standard rather than set their
• The shifting target (What about fun?)
Simultaneous orgasm
Multiple orgasms
G spot ecstasy
Crushing Ramifications
• The vicious cycle
1) a mere temporary problem can cause
anxiety about the fear of “not living up" to
perceived standards
2) a pattern develops
3) self-blame & withdrawal follow
4) escape learning worsens situation
5) big problems result
Individual Problems
• Ignorance
often correlates with problems
Knowledge has the opposite effect
• Self Concept
relation between self confidence, sexual
satisfaction, and sexual problems
More Individual Factors
• Body Image
women are often scrutinized resulting in
self consciousness
accentuates dissatisfaction & negative
view of capability/desirability
men are given much more slack
Media/Entertainment Influence on
Body Image
• Models are skinnier and skinnier
• Is that what men really want?
• Backlash
Female athletes
Weight thresholds
Emotional Difficulties
• Depression, anxiety all impair sexuality
• Karen Horney’s victory
• Even beneath clinical levels, unhappiness,
dissatisfaction, exert negative influence
Sources of Emotional Problems
• Work, stress, death, war
• Inability to express feelings
• Fear of intimacy
• Normative male alexithymia
Sexual Abuse
• A breach of trust, consent
• Often causes problems
• Especially devastating for the young – a
failure to enjoy a normal pace of
• Classical conditioning at its worst and
most powerful
• Even 2 – 4 times more pelvic pain
Particular Disorders
Hypoactive Sexual Desire
Most common problem for therapists
“Lack of appetite”
More women seem afflicted, but recently ..
Can be situational
Lifelong quite rare
Why aren’t they hungry?
• Often reflects unresolved relationship
1) man is only affectionate if
intercourse will follow
2) poor communication/unresolved
3) not enough love, romance, intimacy
4) sex as a duty
Erectile Dysfunction
• The persistent lack of an erection
sufficiently rigid for penetrative intercourse
• Formerly impotence – without power
• Label abandoned due to negative
• Duration – problem must persist for 6-12
More ED
• Two types
Acquired – of recent origin
Lifelong – never capable
• Viagra – first marketed in 1998
huge boost in public awareness
• Incidence skyrockets with increasing age
• But 58% of men in their 50’s?
• Age alone isn’t responsible, but conditions
associated with advancing age, such as:
cardiovascular deficits
increased cholesterol
Female Orgasmic Disorder
• Sufficient arousal, lubrication and
enjoyment but no climax
• Can snowball
• Anorgasmia – the absence of orgasm
• Generalized lifelong – never experienced
• Situational - varies
• Most do not experience orgasm before 18
• 5-10% never
• But when asked about the last year, 24%
• Most likely to suffer:
the young
the uneducated
the unmarried
More FOD
• Self-help books and videos have helped
• And remember, it is normal to miss without
clitoral stimulation
Premature Ejaculation
• Ejaculating so rapidly that his and/or her
pleasure is impaired
• Often causes intense distress
• Worse yet, can be progressive
• For 29% of males it’s a chronic condition
Why so soon?
• Physiological factors appear to influence
• Common characteristics;
underestimate arousal
very excited by penile stimulation
ejaculate before full arousal
• Pain while engaging in intercourse
• Much more common for women
• But Peyronie’s disease is every man’s
• 60% of women experience at some point
• Caused by many factors – multidisciplinary
approach works best
• Involuntary spasmodic contractions of the
muscles of the outer third of the vagina
• Problems with any penetration – even
pelvic exam
• Often a conditioned response
Faking Orgasm
• 60% of females report they have done it at
least once
• 75% of these have done it more than 50
• 10% too many times to count
• Unlike other problems – a conscious
Why do they lie?
Want to get it over with
Poor communication
Limited knowledge
Hide troubled relationship
Need partner approval
“I started faking, and now I don’t know how
to stop!”
• Get counseling