Strategic Management BPS 4305-502 Fall 2015 Instructor: Dr. Zhiang “John” LIN Teaching Assistant: Huy “Will” Nguyen.

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Transcript Strategic Management BPS 4305-502 Fall 2015 Instructor: Dr. Zhiang “John” LIN Teaching Assistant: Huy “Will” Nguyen.

Strategic Management
BPS 4305-502
Fall 2015
Instructor: Dr. Zhiang “John” LIN
Teaching Assistant: Huy “Will” Nguyen
Course Objectives
Understand basic strategic management theories and
concepts as well as external environments, internal
resources, and strategic problems of a firm;
Practice skills and knowledge acquired in finance,
accounting, marketing, and MIS courses to conduct
strategic management research and create intelligent and
successful solutions;
Train leadership responsibilities and work with other
people in teams and develop both oral and written
communication abilities;
• Textbook
Global Strategy (3rd Edition)
South-Western Cengage Learning, 2014
Mike W. Peng
Course Requirements
Individual Class Participation (15%)
– Attendance (partial or whole) and participation during the semester
– Sign-in sheet (at beginning of each class) and class observations by
teaching assistant and instructor
– Only consistent class participation and regular attendances will guarantee
an A level grade in this category
Individual Case Analysis (15%)
– A two to three page (double spaced) case analysis for a designated case
selected from the textbook – SolarWorld USA (Integrative Case 6)
– Due at the beginning of the fifth class (9/25)
Group Case Discussion (25%)
– Research one company from the list in the syllabus or own choice
– Submit a five-page written analysis (double spaced)
– Conduct presentation/discussion to the class at designated class time
(about 35 minutes)
Course Requirements (-cont)
• Business News Discussion (15%)
– Discussion leading for a business news (posted at:
– Submission of a written article review (two to three pages, double spaced)
– Grades will be based on effective interactions and strategic applications
• Quiz (30%)
– Cover concepts, theories, and their applications from Chapters 1-12
– Allow notes on two pieces of paper (regular letter size with double sides)
– Quiz date: 12/4, 120 minutes (no make-ups)
• Final Grade (=100%)
– Based on the weighted average of the above five requirements
– Final grade checking: 12/7 (12:30 PM -2:00 PM, in the instructor’s office)
Important Notes
• Read the syllabus carefully as most of your questions are
answered there.
• Students are responsible for proper conducts and for following
specific requirements and dates in the syllabus
• Updates, if any, will be posted at the instructor’s web site
( and also announced in the class.
• E-mail and phone communications will NOT involve
discussions of specific grade information
• No late or electronic submissions of assignments
• No make-up exam or lecture
Other Class Matters
• Forming Groups
– There should be a total of seven (7) groups, with each having 6 people
(may be adjusted depending on enrollment)
• Selection of a Company for Group Case Selection
– Each group selects one from the list not yet been chosen
– Or think of an alternative company choice
• Selection of a Business News
– The dates for all business news are pre-determined and listed in the
syllabus (see Assignments & Academic Calendar part)
– A group should pick a different date for business news discussion than for
group case discussion
• Short Survey
– Turn in to the instructor by the second class
– Count as part of class participation