Chapter 2 – Using Objects Chapter Goals To learn about variables To understand the concepts of classes and objects To be able to call methods To.

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Transcript Chapter 2 – Using Objects Chapter Goals To learn about variables To understand the concepts of classes and objects To be able to call methods To.

Chapter 2 – Using Objects

Chapter Goals

To learn about


To understand the concepts of

classes and objects

To be able to

call methods

To be able to browse the

API documentation

To realize the difference between

objects and object references

2.1 Types and Variables

Every value has a


 A type describes what category a certain piece of information falls in (number, string, bank account, etc)   13 is an integer (int in java) “Hello, World” is a String  13.3 is a real (double in java) How do we store a value for later use?

2.1 Variables

Math: A letter that represents an unknown value.

y = 3x + z CS Programming: Named space (in memory) that stores a value. Like mathematics, we can use variables to represent unknown or changing values.


4 properties to a variable 1.

A type 2.

A name (identifier) 3.

Memory location 4.

A value 2 Decisions for declaring a variable  What type should the variable be?

What am I going to use the variable for?

 What name should the variable have?

Data Types

Primitive: (language defined)   Numeric Non-numeric Reference: (programmer defined)  Object stores several variables that collectively represent a single entity

Numerical data types

There are six

numerical data types

Two sets   Integers – byte, short, int, long, Reals/Floating Point – float, double Difference is the range of possible values

Higher precision

means larger range of values  Can be more exact with the value What’s the tradeoff to higher precision?



 1 byte of information (8 bits)  Range from -128 to 127


 2 bytes  Range from -32768 to 32767


 4 bytes  Range from -2147483648 to 2147483647



 8 bytes  Range from -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 Which one should we use?

 Why not always short?

 Why not always use long?

Settle on int  Flexible  Efficient


double vs. float

   double really stands for double float – twice the memory Float – up to 10 38 or 7 decimal digits Double – up to 10 308 or 15 decimal digits Floating point representation  Similar to scientific notation Usually use double, more possible values


Do not use commas  13,000 


Can represent exponents  1.3 x 10 -4 


Why have integers?

Why can’t we just represent all integers as floating-point?

 Memory  Faster  Rounding


Identifier: name of a variable, method, or class Must follow Naming Standards – rules for creating identifiers Should follow Naming conventions – make identifiers useful and readable






Naming Standards (must be)

Use only: a) b) c) letters digits _ Cannot start with a digit Cannot be a reserved word Case sensitive No spaces, punctuation

Naming Conventions (should be)

Useful to follow, make program easier to read Variables and methods start with lowercase letter.



methodName( )

Class names should start with an uppercase 


If two word joined, the first letter of the second word should be capitalized



; ;

Examples:  

Bicycle Die bike; die1, die2;

 

PopCan can1, can2, can3; int height, width;


Assignment variableName = value;


luckyNumber = 12; // luckyNumber must be able // to be set to 12


To assign a new value to a previously defined variable. Assigns the value of the right side of the = to the variable on the left side You can think of x = y as “x becomes y” or “x gets y”

Assignment statement

x = 20; a = 3.5;

z = x; y = 0.12;

Don’t confuse with mathematical statement

x + y = a + b; // Not valid 4+10 = x; // Not valid

The first time we assign a value to a new variable, it is called


If we want, we can declare and initialize a variable in one statement   = int size = 10; Before using a variable, we must declare it and initialize it


= operator is an action to assign (replace) the a value to a variable Not used as a statement about equality Used to change the value of a variable

int luckyNumber = 13; luckyNumber = 12;


int total = 1;

int memory location


int total = 1; total

name (identifier)


int total = 1 ; 1 total


total = 3 ;



Uninitialized Variables


int luckyNumber; System.out.println(luckyNumber); // ERROR - uninitialized variable


The data types discussed so far do not have methods But we can do arithmetic operations + - * /      Follow the rules of mathematics, including Order of Operations (with parentheses)

10 + 2 10 – n 10 * n 2 / (1 – n)

int x, y; x = 123; y = x + x; System.out.print(“Hello, Dr. Caffeine.”); System.out.print(“ x = “); System.out.print( x ); System.out.print(“ x + x = “); System.out.print( y ); System.out.print( “ THE END “);



You will get an error if the value does not match the variable type   String st =13; int x = “Go”; The name of the variable is the


 Choose something useful (if storing a height, call the variable height, not h)

2.3 Objects, Classes, and Methods

The numbers we learned are


dataypes – represented directly in memory  No methods


– entity that you can manipulate in a program Manipulated via methods – predefined functions that we can call


One object given to us is System.out, which is connected to the console We can call the method println(), which manipulates the object to output a message to the screen


Method: Sequence of instructions that accesses the data of an object You manipulate objects by calling its methods


Class: Blueprint for objects with the same behavior Class determines legal methods

String greeting = "Hello"; greeting.println() // Error greeting.length() // OK

Public Interface: Specifies what you can do with the objects of a class

Reference Data (Objects)

Programmers can define their own object types and create instances of those types for use in their programs.

 Book, Student, BankAccount, Grade, Car, MP3Player, Phone, Course, Semester, etc…

Components of an object

Objects contain   Data members – information the object needs to store Methods – things the object can do

Color myFavColor Color

How do we represent an object?

red green blue

255 153 51

Concrete Object

Think of an object in your backpack, purse, pocket?


Write down the type of your object.



Give your object a variable name and write it down next to the type.



Draw a rectangle next to the name

Virtual Object


Write a list of nouns or adjectives that describe your object?

title = "Java Concepts"


Write a list of things that your object can do? or things that can be done to it?



Draw a circle around these two lists.


Draw an arrow from the inside of the rectangle above to your circled list.

You've just defined and created your first Object!

We can make any object we need for our programs in much the same way.

2.4 Method Parameters

Parameter (explicit parameter): Input to a method. Not all methods have explicit parameters.

System.out.println( greeting ) greeting.length() // has no explicit parameter

Implicit parameter: The object on which a method is invoked



Return Values

Return value: A result that the method has computed for use by the code that called it

int n = greeting.length();//return value stored in n

Passing Return Values

You can also use the return value as a parameter of another method:

method composition System.out.println(greeting.length());

Note: Not all methods return values. Example: println()  These are return type void

String Methods


quote = “Go Badgers” + “!”; Length

int quoteLength = quote.length(); Index of

 

int find = quote.indexOf(“Badgers”); find = quote.indexOf(“Buckeyes”); UpperCase Converstion

 

String name = “apple”; name.toUpperCase(); //


More complex method calls

replace method carries out a search-and replace operation

river.replace("issipp", "our"); // constructs a new string ("Missouri")

 What is the implicit parameter?

 What is/are the explicit parameters?

 a return value: the string "Missouri"

Method definitions

What determines the number/type of parameters? The return value?

When a method is defined in a class, the programmer must specify Example – String method definitions 

public int length()

public void replace (String target, String replacement)




class will provide an example Does not visually create a rectangle, rather describes it numerically  (x,y) coordinate of upper-left corner  Width  Height

Creating Objects

Primitives do not need to be constructed  Just declare (int x;) and use (x = 4;) Objects cannot be used after declaring  Must also


the object

Creating objects

Declaring objects   Tells what template to associate with the variable

Rectangle box

Creating the object   Constructs the memory for the object

new Rectangle(5, 10, 20, 30)

What’s the difference between declare and create?

 Declare gives space in memory to hold (address)  Create actually creates object, now pointed to by memory

new Rectangle(5, 10, 20, 30)


specifies that an object is to be created 


is the class (template) for the new object  () states that a special method called the


called of the specified class should be The parameters are used to initialize the data

Detail:  The new operator makes a Rectangle object  It uses the parameters (in this case, 5, 10, 20, and 30) to initialize the data of the object  It returns the object Usually the output of the new operator is stored in a variable 

Rectangle box = new Rectangle(5, 10, 20, 30);

Syntax 2.3: Object Construction





) Example:

new Rectangle(5, 10, 20, 30) new Rectangle()

Purpose: To construct a new object, initialize it with the construction parameters, and return a reference to the constructed


Most classes let you construct the object in different ways  Default – gives default values (all 0) box = new Rectangle() Constructors can only be called when using the new operator

2.7 Accessors and Mutators


– a method that access an object and returns some information about it

without changing the object in anyway

 What String method(s) is an accessor


– a method whose purpose is to modify the state of an object

Import packages

Remember: Java has a rich array of predefined classes you can use You only need to use a handful of all of them, so it’s a waste of time and space to include them automatically in all programs




packages containing the classes you need manually  Example:


needs to be imported


– collection of classes with a related purpose 




Syntax 2.4 : Importing a Class from a Package

import packageName.ClassName; Example: import java.awt.Rectangle; Purpose:

To import a class from a package for use in a program.

Advantages of Packages

Very useful, do not have to rewrite something that has already been done Can create your own packages, use in other programs without having to cut and paste code

Advantages of Import

Can use in code without importing

javax.swing.JFrame newFrame ; java.awt.Rectangle box;

This is the fully qualified name for a class  Pain in the rear to use every time though  Just import the class at the beginning of code


There is an exception You do not need to import


  Automatically included

System, String, Math

, etc

import java.awt.Rectangle; public class MoveTester { public static void main(String[] args) { Rectangle box = new Rectangle(5,10,20,30); // Move the rectangle box.translate(15, 25); } } // Print info about the moved rectangle System.out.println(“Top-left corner now:"); System.out.println(box.getX()); System.out.println(box.getY());


Top-left corner now: 20 35

2.10 Object References

As stated earlier, objects are

reference variables

 Any variable with a class type The variable refers to the memory location of the object, not the object itself (importance revealed later on)

Object References

The new operator returns a reference to a new object

Rectangle box = new Rectangle();

Multiple object variables can refer to the same object

Rectangle box = new Rectangle(5,10,20,30); Rectangle box2 = box; box2.translate(15, 25);

Primitive type variables ≠ object variables

Primitive in memory

Reference in memory

Why is this important?

Copying of variables shows difference Example:

int luckyNumber = 13; int luckyNumber2 = luckyNumber; luckyNumber2 = 12;

Rectangle box = new Rectangle(5, 10, 20, 30); Rectangle box2 = box; box2.translate(15, 25);

2.9 API Documentation

API: Application Programming Interface Lists classes and methods in the Java library All


classes are in the documentation  Thousands! Only a few will be useful in this course


Lists purpose of class at the top Summary of constructors and methods Lesson – don’t memorize specialized classes, use documentation  Google: java 1.5  Example: java 1.5 String