Chapter 24 Environmental Policy, Law, and Planning 24.1 Basic Concepts In Policy • Basic principles guide policy • Policy formation follows predictable steps.

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Transcript Chapter 24 Environmental Policy, Law, and Planning 24.1 Basic Concepts In Policy • Basic principles guide policy • Policy formation follows predictable steps.

Chapter 24 Environmental Policy, Law,
and Planning
24.1 Basic Concepts In Policy
• Basic principles guide policy
• Policy formation follows predictable steps
24.2 Major Environmental Laws
• NEPA (1969) establishes public oversight
• The Clean Air Act (1970) regulates air emissions
• The Clean Water Act (1972) protects surface
• The Endangered Species Act (1973) protects
• The Superfund Act (1980) lists hazardous sites
• What’s the Proper Role for Government?
24.3 How Policies Are Made
• Public awareness influences policy
• Statutory laws are passed by a legislative body
• The judicial branch decides case law
– Case Law is British/American
• What does “Free Speech” mean?
– French System: Extremely Explicit Laws
• Executive rules are administrative laws
– Laws Creating Agencies Give Them Authority to
Make Regulations
24.4 International Treaties And
• New approaches can make treaties effective
• International governance has been
• Will globalization bring better environmental
24.5 Dispute Resolution And Planning
• Adaptive management introduces science to
• Resilience is important in ecosystems and
• Arbitration and mediation can help settle
• Community-based planning can help solve
environmental problems
• Some nations have developed green plans
• Data Analysis: Examine Your Environmental Laws
General Observations on Policy
• Every Regulation or Movement is a Reaction
to an Abuse
• The Problem in Politics is Everyone is Telling
the Truth About the Opposition
• Ignore a Problem, it Will Go Away. Then it Will
Come Up Behind You and Have You for Lunch
• If You Don’t Address a Problem, Someone Will
Address it for You
• There is no Right to an Uninformed Opinion
• Facts Are Not Democratic