 Describe and analyse one production that you have seen performed by a contemporary Scottish theatre company in the past two years.

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Transcript  Describe and analyse one production that you have seen performed by a contemporary Scottish theatre company in the past two years.

Describe and analyse one production
that you have seen performed by a
contemporary Scottish theatre company
in the past two years.
You must NOT tell the story of the
production – you must critically analyse
HOW it was performed.
Pick out particular moments or aspects
that were noteworthy.
 Refer to lamps, direction, colour and
special effects
 Say what the impact was on the
Again – pick out particular aspects that
stood out or had an impact on the
 Refer to levels of sound, the atmosphere
created, contribution to tension, the
action accompanying etc
Pick out 3 or 4 characters and make
detailed notes on their costume.
 Consider: colour, material, style, era,
practicality, condition
 State what this showed about the
character and how it contributed to the
concept of the performance.
Make detailed notes on the flats,
backdrop, set props and detail.
 Did the performers make use of space
other than the main stage?
 What was the concept of the stage
design and how was it achieved?
Pick 3 or 4 actors and describe their
characterisation in depth.
 What nuances did the audience get
from their performance?
 How did the actor achieve this? Refer to
2 or 3 good examples.
What key scenes or moments stood out
in the performance?
 Describe HOW they were done and
what the IMPACT on the audience was.
You must make extensive notes on the
performance because you cannot do this
effectively from memory!
 Write down as much detail as possible
before the show begins based on what you
can see of the set and design.
 At interval you should make extensive notes
on particular aspects that you can expend
on later when you get home.
 Make sure you write up your full notes while
it is still fresh in your memory. You cannot
do this a week later.