ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE Chapter 13 “Management Talk” “Our company today is leaner, faster, more flexible and more efficient – in short much more competitive.

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Transcript ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE Chapter 13 “Management Talk” “Our company today is leaner, faster, more flexible and more efficient – in short much more competitive.

Chapter 13
“Management Talk”
“Our company today is leaner, faster, more
flexible and more efficient – in short much more
competitive. But our journey is far from
finished. Building upon our recent success and
momentum, we are determined to drive GM to
the next level – to sustained success.”
– Rick Wagoner, General Motors, Chairman and CEO
• Read an organizational chart
• List the four types of organizational
structures and explain the advantages and
disadvantages of each type
• Name the factors that affect the type of
structure an organization adopts
• Describe the roles of the chief executive
officer and the board of directors
Understanding Management
General Motors has a long, proud history
of being one of the biggest car
manufacturers in the world. By the 1980s
and 1990s, however, the company was
losing profits to newer, more efficient
manufacturers. Since then, the company
has updated its factories and streamlined
its operations in order to reduce costs.
Management Skills
• How would consolidating six divisions help
General Motors improve serviced and cut costs?
What are the possible drawbacks of merging the
separate divisions?
• Have you ever been in a situation at home or
work where there were too many people in
charge of completing a task? What suggestions
would you make to simplify the process?
Sec. 13.1: Understanding how
organizational structures work
• Can you describe a graphic organizer you
have used in school or the classroom?
• What are the benefits of using them?
• Why is it important for businesses to have
organization charts?
What You’ll Learn
 How to read an organizational chart
 The four main types of organizational
 The difference between staff and line
 The benefits of adopting a matrix or team
Why is this important?
“Without an appropriate organizational
structure, a business will not succeed”
What is an Organization Structure?
• A way to organize employees into some
kind of structure to meet goals
– Minimizes confusion
– Coordinates activities by clearly identifying
which individuals are responsible for which
Types of Organizational Structures?
Line Structure
Line and Staff Structure
Matrix Structure
Team Structure
Organizational Chart:
A visual representation of a
business’s organizational
Line Structure
• Authority originates at the
top and moves downward
• Common among small
Mid-level Managers
Lower-level Managers
Non-management Employees
• Line Functions
– Functions that contribute directly to company
– Production managers, sales reps, and
marketing managers
Line Structure
• Line Managers
– Collect and analyze all
information needed to carry
out their responsibilities
Mid-level Managers
Lower-level Managers
Non-management Employees
• Example:
– Production Managers
– Hire and fire all of the assembly-line
workers in their departments
– Order all supplies for their department
Line and Staff Structure
• Mid-sized and large companies
• Other employees hired to help line
managers perform activities
they cannot
Vice President,
• Staff Functions
Vice President,
– Advise and support line functions
– Staff departments include: legal, human resources, and
public relations
– Help line departments do their jobs
– Authority is limited to making recommendations to line
Matrix Structure
• Allows employees from different departments to come
together temporarily to work on special project teams
• Provides flexibility to respond quickly to a customer need by
creating a team of people who devote all of their time to a
project then return to their departments or join a new project
• I.E. – Boeing – assigns employees to project teams when it
creates to design a new aircraft
Matrix Structure
Corporate Level
Division A
Division B
Planners and
Planners and
Production Group
Engineering Group
Personnel Group
Accounting Group
Team Structure
• Brings together people with different skills in order to meet a
particular objective
• Belief is that the company will meet customer needs more
effectively than traditional structures
• Senior managers need not approve decisions by lower-level
• Teams have the authority to make final decisions
• Employee preferred due to its focus on completing a project
rather than a task
Flat vs. Tall Structures
• Flat structure: Small number of levels and broad span of
management at each level
– Manager must be able to delegate well
– Advantages:
• Great Job Satisfaction
• More Delegation
• Increased communication between levels of management
• Tall Structure: Has many levels with small spans of management
– Power is centralized on the top levels and there is more
employee control
– Advantages:
• Greater control
• Better Performance
Span of Management 8:1
(Four Levels)
Span of Management 5:1
(Seven Levels)
Extension Activity!!!
• Design an organizational chart that illustrates the
organizational structure of Fremd High School
• You can interview school staff for information
• You can navigate the Fremd website to
understand departmental structures and how to
structure your organizational chart (Line, Line
and Staff, Matrix, and/or Team)
• Use Microsoft Word or Inspiration to build out
your organization chart
What Makes an Organization Effective?
• Knowing Your Customers and
Responding to Their Needs
• To succeed in the business world,
companies must change to keep up with
customer needs
– What are some ways that Kodak has done
this? (established first simple camera in 1888)
13. 1: Chapter Summary
Companies use organizational charts to visually
represent their organizational structures
Businesses generally adopt one of the following
four organizational structures: line structure, line
and staff structure, matrix structure, or team
Sec. 13.2: Creating an
Organizational Chart
• List leadership roles or committee
appointments that you have had
• What were the positive and negative
experiences that you had in these roles
• How might a small company’s growth into
a large corporation might change its
management structure?
What You’ll Learn
 The different ways in which companies
organize their departments
 Why a company’s structure needs to change as
the company grows
 The role of the chief executive officer
 The role of the board of directors
Why is this Important?
“Managers both help create and work within organizational structures.”
Factors Affecting Organizational
• Size of the business and kinds of products or
services it produces
• Structures will differ between:
– High-teach company employing 50,000 in eight
countries (Motorola, Inc.)
– Small retail business with just a dozen employees
(Bob’s Hardware Store)
“As a company grows, organizational structure
must change with it”
• Organizational Life Cycle Stages
– Stage 1: Growth through creativity
– Stage 2: Growth through direction
– Stage 3: Growth through delegation, coordination,
and collaboration
Stage 1: Growth through creativity
• Entrepreneurs create products or services
for which there is a market
• Business is small in structure
• Lack formal structures, policies, and
• Founder is involved in every aspect of the
business and makes all the decisions
• Current Importance
– An idea that appeals to consumers
Stage 2: Growth through direction
• Company grows in size
• Company founder is no longer solely responsible for all
decision making
• Professional managers hired to plan, organize, and staff
• Managers create written policies, procedures, and plans
• Rules and systems for hiring, firing, and rewarding
employees are implemented
• Set up:
– Systems for employees to communicate
– Financial controls/Budget constraints for departments
– Formal Rules are on decision-making are formulated
Stage 3: Growth through delegation,
coordination, and collaboration
• Problems occur which include:
– Company’s structure can become too rigid and decision making
becomes too centralized
– Lower-level employees feel left out of the decision-making process
– Top executives find themselves too far removed from the customer to
make good decisions
• To combat these problems, stage 3 is implemented which includes:
– Delegation of duties to lower-level employees in attempt to decentralize
– Focuses on:
• Motivating people at lower levels
• Allows senior executives to devote more of their time to long-term
management issues
• Set up:
– Systems for employees to communicate
– Financial controls/Budget constraints for departments
– Formal Rules are on decision-making are formulated
The Changing Nature of a Company’s
Organizational Structure
How have the needs of Apple
Computer changed over time?
• Stage 1:
– When a company is young, it
depends heavily on technical
geniuses who had a brilliant idea for a
user-friendly desktop computer.
– They turned this idea into a
multimillion dollar company by
introducing the Apple II computer in
the 1970s
The Changing Nature of a Company’s
Organizational Structure
Stage 2:
– As a company grows, it needs
managers with excellent managerial
skills. To continue to grow, in the
1980s Apple Computer replaced its
co-founder, Steven Jobs, with a
professional manager. The new CEO,
John Sculley, helped introduce the
company’s Macintosh Computer
The Changing Nature of a Company’s
Organizational Structure
Stage 3:
– Managers learn to delegate
authority. In 1996 company
founder Steven Jobs returned
to Apple as interim CEO in an
effort to breathe new life into
a company that had fallen on
hard times. Apple’s
organizational structure
allowed it to introduce several
important products in the
1990s, including the iMac
and now in the 21st Century,
the iPod and iPhone.
Type of Product or Service
“The number of levels within an organization
increases as the level of technical complexity
increases with producing a product or
Organizing a Company into Departments
Organizing Departments by
Work Functions
– Production
Actual creation of company’s
goods or services
Vice President,
– Marketing
Product development, pricing,
distribution, sales, and advertising
– Finance
Maintaining a company’s financial
statements and obtaining credit
so a company can grow
– Human Resources
Hiring employees and placing them in
appropriate jobs
Vice President,
Vice President,
Market Research
Quality Control
Organizing a Company into Departments
• Each function includes various positions
– Production
• Engineering, Manufacturing, Quality Control
– Marketing
• Advertising, Sales, Market Research
– Finance
• Accounting and Credit
– Allows for functional specialization
Negative Effects:
– Conflicts may develop between departments with different goals
Production department not concerned about advertising
– Create managers whose scope is relatively narrow
Marketing manager may know a great deal about marketing, but lack
skills in other aspects of the business
Organizing a Company into Departments
Organizing Departments by Product
– Single manager oversees all activities needed to produce and
market a product
Industrial and
Oil and Gas
Allows employees to identify with the product rather than with their
particular job function
Develops a sense of common purpose
Helps identify which products are profitable
Allows for training executive personnel by letting them experience a
broad range of functional activities
Negative Effects:
Departments could become overly competitive, to the detriment of the
company as a whole
Activities are duplicated for each division [multiple marketing
departments for each different product]
Organizing a Company into Departments
Organizing Departments in Other Ways
– Geographical region
• North America v Asia
– Type of Customer
• Sales to:
– Governments
– For-profit businesses
– Nonprofit organizations
Understanding the Role of Company
• An organized group of people appointed to
consider or decide upon certain matters
– I.E. – homecoming dance, food drive, blood drive,
Grant-A-Wish, etc.
– Guidelines that managers must set:
• Clearly define the committee’s function
• Establish authority figures within a committee
• Set Clear Goals for members to attain
Understanding the Role of Company
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
The most important executive in a company (Top Executive)
Together with other senior managers, the CEO:
Makes decisions about meeting the company’s objectives
Sets the company’s objectives
Determines who fills senior management positions
Develops the company’s long-term strategies
Attends the company’s annual stockholders’ meeting and answers
questions about the company’s activities
6. Takes charge of the company in a crisis
7. Works with the board of directors
Understanding the Role of Company
Board of Directors
In companies owned by stockholders, approves all
major management decisions
Meet four to six times a year
The legal representative of a company’s stockholders
Inside Board Members = Work for the company
Outside Board Members = Do not work for the company
Examines all major decisions to ensure it is in best
interest of company’s stockholders
Makes it more difficult for corporate managers to act in
ways that benefit them personally at the expense of the
company’s owners
13. 2: Chapter Summary
 The type of structure a company adopts depends on
many factors including the company’s size and its
products or services
 Many companies are organized by work functions.
Others are organized by product, region, or customer
 An organization may form a committee to decide upon
certain matters
 Senior management, led by the company’s chief
executive officer, initiates or approves all of a company’s
major decisions
 A board of directors approves all major decisions made
by corporate management
Math Skills
• Lindholm Technologies, a high-tech company
that specializes in computer graphics, has
decided to reorganize its corporate structure into
a team structure. By organizing into teams,
Lindholm expects to be able to eliminate three
mid-level managers, each earning $82,000 a
year. It also expects to hire two additional entrylevel employees, to be paid about $25,000 a
year each. If the cost of the reorganization itself
is $75,000, how much can the company expect
to save after two years?
Assessing Computer Skills
• Choose a major U.S. company, such as
IBM, Apple, Home Depot, Coca-Cola,
General Mills, McDonald’s. Using the
Internet, find out how the company you
selected is organized and identify the top
six managers. Also, if you can, obtain a
copy of the company’s organizational