FY 2016 CTF General Prevention Compliance Seminar July 22, 2015 Introduction  Staff  Kirk Schreiber, Executive Director  [email protected]  Laura Malzner, Program Coordinator  [email protected]  Paula Cunningham, Public Affairs Coordinator  [email protected]  Alicia Whitson,

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Transcript FY 2016 CTF General Prevention Compliance Seminar July 22, 2015 Introduction  Staff  Kirk Schreiber, Executive Director  [email protected]  Laura Malzner, Program Coordinator  [email protected]  Paula Cunningham, Public Affairs Coordinator  [email protected]  Alicia Whitson,

FY 2016 CTF General Prevention
Compliance Seminar
July 22, 2015
Kirk Schreiber, Executive Director
[email protected]
Laura Malzner, Program Coordinator
[email protected]
Paula Cunningham, Public Affairs Coordinator
[email protected]
Alicia Whitson, Executive I/Office Manager
[email protected]
CTF Contact Information
•Website Address: ctf4kids.org
•Email Address: [email protected]
•For submitting invoices: [email protected]
•Phone: 573-751-6511
•Address Information:
P.O. Box 1641
Jefferson City, MO 65102
301 W. High, Room 860
Jefferson City, MO 65101
Today’s Topics
Financial and Policy Information
Program and budget revisions
Performance Reporting
FY 2016 CTF General Prevention
Grant Contract Period
July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016
Financial Requirements
Accurate financial records
Record retention (5 years
from termination date)
Audit requirements
Procurement Policies
Allowable costs
Competitive bids
Sole/Single Feasible
Source procurement
Local Match
Year 1 = 0% of total project cost
Year 2 = 0% of total project cost
Year 3 = 25% of total project cost
Year 4 = 50% of total project cost
Year 5 = 75% of total project cost
Local Match
Local match restrictions
Same use as state funds
Expended/obtained during contract period
Records of match maintained
Period used
Reporting match
Acknowledge funding source
“Funding for this project made available
through Missouri’s Children’s Trust Fund”
CTF logo graphics are available on the CTF
website: http://ctf4kids.org/request-for-literature/logosgraphics/
Monthly Invoice
CTF invoice form must be used to request
reimbursement for grant- related expenditures
Important – the CTF invoice form format has
changed for FY 2016
Monthly Invoice Form
1st Column = Approved budget
2nd Column = Expenditures for the month
3rd Column = Year-to-date totals (including
the amounts being requested on the current
4th Column = Balance remaining after
subtracting column 3 from column 1
Monthly Invoice Form - Match
5th Column – Local match accrued for the
6th Column – Total local match reported for all
preceding months
7th Column – Local match reported year-todate
Actual expenses must be claimed
Expenses must be incurred during the contract
Match requirement depends on year of
Back-Up Documentation
Back-up documentation (i.e. payroll records,
timesheets, receipts, mileage logs, etc.) for
expenses reimbursed through the CTF grant
must be maintained on-site. It is not necessary
to send in the documentation when requesting
Salaries & Fringe Benefits
Maintain timesheets to verify time attributed to
project-related activities;
Maintain documentation supporting any fringe
benefit costs reimbursed through the contract:
Invoice for group medical insurance;
Verification that payroll taxes are paid;
Workers Comp & Unemployment
Contractual/Consultant Expenses
Written contract (maintained on file)
Services to be performed
Rate of compensation
Length of time services will be provided
Payment for services rendered
Services provided during contract period
Equipment & Supplies
Copy of invoice for equipment must be
attached to the Invoice
Receipts/invoices for supplies must be
maintained on-site, but do not need to be
submitted with the monthly invoice/request for
Travel & Training
State mileage rate is capped at 37 cents/mile
(maintain mileage logs);
Maintain receipts/invoices for any lodging,
meals &/or registrations reimbursed through
the CTF contract;
Any training not specifically approved in your
contract’s budget must be approved by CTF
prior to registration.
Completing the Monthly Invoice
Do not combine budget line items
Double check your figures
When Are The Invoices Due?
Postmarked by the 15th of every month or emailed to:
[email protected]
15th on weekend or Holiday? Next business day.
Faxes are not accepted, except in extenuating
Grantee’s responsibility to ensure we receive it on time
What Happens if the Invoices are
Report may not be processed until the next
If contract-related expenses are more than
three months in arrears in terms of requesting
reimbursement, payment will not be issued
Why is My Reimbursement Less
Than I Requested?
Mathematical Errors
Unapproved expenses claimed
Monitoring findings
Requested amount exceeds balance available
Program Revisions
Change in program activities
Change in project site
Change in Project Director or Authorized
Change in Project Staff
Budget Revisions
A formal amendment request is required when:
Moving more than 10% of grant funds from
one approved budget category to another or
when proposing to add or delete a budget
Requests may be submitted via email to
[email protected]
SF Protective Factors
All first year partners are required to have CTF-funded
staff complete the on-line Bringing the Protective
Factors Framework to Life in Your Work training.
The training includes seven learning modules, all of
which must be completed by June 30, 2016.
Certificates of Completion for each module must be
submitted with the FY 2016 Annual Report due July
31, 2016.
Within 18 months for first-year programs.
An additional review may take place during
years 2-5 for continuation projects :
On-site monitoring
Desk-top monitoring
Purpose of Monitoring
Ensure compliance with state and, if
applicable, federal guidelines
Verify costs reimbursed through the contract
Opportunity to meet with grantee program staff
On-Site Monitoring
Contacted by CTF to set up date
Confirmation e-mail of date and time
Info/documentation needed
What if Compliance Issues are
While on-site
After the visit is completed
Special Conditions
Outcome Information
Required as part of application process for
continuation projects (entering years 2-5)
Start keeping track now! The annual report
form will be emailed to the contact on file and
is available on the CTF website
Mid-Year Report
All first-year programs are required to submit a
mid-year progress report. The mid-year report
covers the six months (July 1st – December
31st) and is due January 31st.
This report will be emailed to contact on file
and is available on CTF’s website
CTF Annual Report
Due July 31, 2016
Project goals, objectives and outcomes
Numerical and Anecdotal info
Protective Factors Survey
All first-year, secondary prevention projects are
required to use the Protective Factors Survey:
One assessment at intake must be completed. Followup assessments must be completed at least once per
year (TBD). CTF will be piloting the use of the
Protective Factors Survey in FY 2016. The Protective
Factors Survey will be in addition to any other
assessments that may be required by specific
curriculums or models.
Protective Factors Survey
Specific instructions will be emailed to the
contact on file.
The Protective Factors Survey must be used
beginning no later than October 1st. First batch
of surveys to be submitted to CTF in November
(for October).
Mid and Annual Report forms will be available
on our website
Invoice form also available on website
Program Coordinator will email the mid and
annual report forms along with a reminder 4-6
weeks prior to due date.
Invoice form has been emailed to the primary
Forms, Con’t…
The Vendor Input Form and the Vendor
ACH/EFT Form are now one in the same
and are accessible at: