Education at Hand, teaching and learning with iPod touches to enhance global connections Susan Wells and Lynne Goodhand October 2010 World View 2010 Global Education Symposium.

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Education at Hand,

teaching and learning with iPod touches to enhance global connections Susan Wells and Lynne Goodhand October 2010 World View 2010 Global Education Symposium

Getting to here...

...from here.

Beginning with planning

We started this project to address the issues of equity and diversity at Culbreth...

it has become as US Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, describes...

“In an interconnected, competitive global economy, the only way to secure our common future is through education. It is the one true path out of poverty —the great equalizer that overcomes differences in background, culture and privilege. In the 21st century, a quality education system is the centerpiece of a country's economic development, and it can be the one thing that unites us as a world.”

and then more planning

...Teachers exploring, learning together...

Professional development continuous and collaborative

Year one, AVID students reaching out

With some direction for teaching and learning

Students quickly became the leaders

Year two, expansion to teams and more outreach

Peer teams, student/teacher teams

Year two and half...more planning and controlled chaos

Keeping students secure- Internet Filtering for iPod Touch

Today, iPods for everyone




Individualized, immediate, formative assesment


Equitable access for all

Rwandan Ambassador, James Kimonyo, visits to learn about iPod touches

Brazilian educators see iPod touch program in action

Across all disciplines - in Chorus using app, iNote Trainer

“It’s changing everything.”

“Information no longer belongs to just a handful of kids, or just to me.” - Culbreth teacher

Digital partners


We found in a sea of confusion, there is hope educationally engaging apps We tied them to: North Carolina and national standards critical thinking levels, Blooms blended, free and paid decisions made by grade level/content areas teacher teams decide, students recommend

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