ODYSSEY BOOK 9 test 1)What important information does Odysseus reveal at the beginning of this book? His identity 2) What adventures did Odysseus.

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Transcript ODYSSEY BOOK 9 test 1)What important information does Odysseus reveal at the beginning of this book? His identity 2) What adventures did Odysseus.

1)What important information does Odysseus reveal at the beginning of this book?
His identity
2) What adventures did Odysseus and his men experience on:
-the land of the Cicones? (line 40-50)
-the land of the Lotus Eaters? (line 90-100)
Cicones – sacked and plundered the town. Lotus eaters – men forgot there home
while eating Lotus
3) Describe the land of the Cyclops. (lines116-120)
A Luxuriant island covered with woods and goats
4) How was the Cyclopes’ society different than that of Odysseus’?
They don’t work, don’t have assemblies or crafts or trades, and the people are fierce
and lawless without reverence for Zeus & the other gods.
5) With what intentions did Odysseus approach Polyphemus’ cave?
To find people to get hospitaility – food, drink, etc
6) Polyphemus resembles both a man and a superhuman, in actions as well as
behaviour. Provide evidence to support this statement.
Human failings – getting drunk, needing help from his neighbours. Godlike in power &
7) How does Odysseus appeal to the Cyclops? (Page 117, line 269-272)
In the name of Zeus the protector of guests and strangers
8)How does Polyphemus react to the mention of Zeus in Page117?
“We cyclops care nothing for Zeus and his Aegis”
9)Why did Odysseus lie when Polyphemus asked where his ship was? What does this
show about Odysseus?
He fears polyphemus would attack the ship if he knew where it was. It shows
Odysseus’ cunning and caution (craftiness)
10) Why didn’t Odysseus avenge the savage death of his friends right from the
beginning? What does this show about Odysseus?
He knew if he succeeded in killing the cyclops, he’d have no one to move the stone to let
them out of the cave – so they’d still be trapped. More evidence of his intelligence ad
11) Why does Odysseus lie about his name?
He wants anonymity, and maybe guesses it’ll be useful when Polyphemus calls for help
but says ‘no one’ is harming him
12) List in the right order, the steps Odysseus takes in order to blind Polyphemus. What
does this show about Odysseus?
i) cuts the staff, ii) smooth and sharpen it, iii) harden it in the fire, iv) get Polyphemus
drunk, v) get it burning in the fire, vi) stab out the eye with lots of descriptive hissing
13) How do Odysseus and his men get out of the cave and what is the irony of this?
Tied under the sheep’s bellies. The irony is that Polyphemus LETS them out
14) Polyphemus’s speech to his favourite ram contradicts whatever impressions we have of
him. Why? Provide evidence to illustrate your answer.
He comes across as a caring man talking kindly to a friend or family member. “Sweet ram,
why are you the last to leave the cave….”
15) Why does Odysseus reveal his true identity in the end? What is the outcome? So was
Odysseus wise or rather stupid?
He wants the Cleos (fame). It means that Polyphemus can curse him in his father Poseidon’s
name, and this is what causes all the subsequent trouble returning home. Not the best
16) To whom does the Cyclops pray in P. 123-4? Why is it unusual that he is praying? (Think
back to what happened in P 117).
Poseidon. He had said they care nothing for Zeus “or the rest of the blessed gods”
17) What is the Cyclops’ prayer (explain in detail) and how does this affect Odysseus and
his crew?
The Odysseus may never reach his home, and if he does “let him come late, in wretched
plight, having lost his comrades, in a foreign ship, and let him find trouble at home”