Mathematicians in the Business World Some facts and personal experiences Michael Nöcker Agenda • Non vitae sed scholae discimus. • Where you can find mathematicians in the Business.

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Transcript Mathematicians in the Business World Some facts and personal experiences Michael Nöcker Agenda • Non vitae sed scholae discimus. • Where you can find mathematicians in the Business.

Mathematicians in the
Business World
Some facts and personal
Michael Nöcker
• Non vitae sed scholae discimus.
• Where you can find mathematicians in the
Business World.
• Is there any mathematics in the daily
• Why mathematics is a good foundation for
the Business World.
Non vitae sed scholae discimus
“A mathematician has to forget his
knowledge twice in his lifetime:
When he
university …
when he
Is mathematics needed for business?
• Mathematics is often said to be a core
competence. It is therefore part of the
education at university for most business
• It is one of the so-called MINT* disciplines
which are important for Germany and
other industrialized countries.
* MINT = Mathematics, Engineering, Nature Science, Technology
Who is searching for mathematicians?
Education (incl.
Finance and Insurance
Research and
Source: Statistisches Bundesamt, 2003
A first observation
• Mathematics seems to be important for
the Business World.
• Mathematicians are needed in a various
number of Business Areas.
Does it mean that a mathematician does
mathematics when he works in the
Business World?
Is there any mathematics in the
daily work?
• For some business areas the answer is
obviously yes:
– Education: teaching mathematics and doing
mathematical research
– Finance and Insurance: experts calculating
risks and expectations
Is there any mathematics in the
daily work?
• But most of the mathematicians in the
Business World I have met say “No”.
• These guys are
– IT specialists defining processes and
developing programs,
– working as project managers,
– leading and managing teams.
• Their daily work is about accounting,
controlling, logistics, purchasing etc.
A second observation
• Some business areas need specialists for
specific mathematical problems.
• But a lot of mathematicians are not
working on specific mathematical
problems in their daily work.
What are the reasons that
mathematicians are nevertheless wellqualified for the Business World?
Qualifications – what is necessary
for the Business World?
“Math skills not (directly) relevant!”
• (but) soft skills and competencies like
• analytical thinking
• efficient and self-controlled work
• talent for negotiations
• knowledge of foreign languages
• ability to communicate and present
A mathematician’s way to work
• analyze problems systematically
• separate important from unimportant
• understand the basics behind a problem
• solve difficult problems even if this needs
a long period of time
A last observation
• Specific mathematical knowledge is often
not the competence for the Business
• But the skills necessary to do mathematics
are a very good foundation for the
Business World.
A mathematician is well-prepared for the
Business World. But mathematics may be
not part of his daily work.