Federalists and Republicans Ch. 6 notes st 1) One of the tasks of the new U.S.

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Transcript Federalists and Republicans Ch. 6 notes st 1) One of the tasks of the new U.S.

Federalists and
Ch. 6 notes
1) One of the
tasks of the new
U.S. gov’t was to provide the
president with a bureaucracy to
handle different responsibilities.
2) In 1789 Congress created the
Dept. of State, the Dept. of the
Treasury, the Dept. of War, and the
office of the Attorney General.
3) Congress organized the Judicial
branch in 1789. In the Judiciary Act
of 1789, Congress established 13
district courts, 3 courts of appeal,
and the Supreme Court.
4) One of the most imptortant acts
of the new U.S. Congress was the
introduction of the Bill of Rights.
5) The Ninth Amendment to the
U.S. Constitution states that people
have other rights not listed in the
6) The Tenth Amendment states
that any powers not specifically
given to the federal gov’t are
reserved for the states.
7) The most pressing need of the
newly formed U.S. Gov’t was a
source of revenue. Without money
the gov’t couldn’t operate.
8) Alexander Hamilton, the first
Secretary of the Treasury,
supported the Tariff of 1789, but he
believed the gov’t also needed the
ability to borrow money.
9) With his system of public credit
finally in place, Hamilton asked
Congress to create a national
bank. He argued that the gov’t
needed the bank to manage its
debts and interest payments.
10) James Madison, a leader in
Congress, argued that Congress
could not establish a national bank
b/c it was not among the federal
government’s enumerated powers.
11) A national bank, Hamilton argued,
was necessary to collect taxes, regulate
trade, and provide for the common
12) Hamilton believed the federal gov’t
had to establish its right to impose
direct taxes on the people, therefore, in
1791, Congress imposed a tax on the
manufacture of whiskey. This tax
enraged Western farmers who
eventually staged what came to be
known as the Whiskey Rebellion.
13) During Washington’s first term in
office, the debate over Hamilton’s
financial program split Congress into
factions. These factions became the
nation’s first political parties.
14) The development of America’s
two political parties divided the country
regionally. The rural S and W tended to
support the Republicans, while the
more urban Northeast tended to support
the Federalists.
15) Shortly after Washington was
inaugurated in 1789, the French Rev.
began in Europe. At 1st most
Americans sympathized with the
revolutionaries, who seemed to be
fighting for the same rights Americans
had won a few yrs earlier.
16) American’s were divided over the
French Rev. Many Federalists,
horrified by the violence and chaos,
opposed it. Despite the bloodshed,
many Republicans supported it,
admiring the fight for liberty.
17) By 1790 the area b/w the
Appalachian Mts and the Miss. R. had
become the most rapidly growing
region in the U.S. Americans flocked
to the region, drawn by abundant land,
fertile soil, wide rivers, and a wide
variety of fish and game.
18) At the Battle of Fallen Timbers
General Anthony Wayne won a victory
that dealt a decisive blow to Native
American resistance in the NW
Territory. In Aug. 1795, 12 N.A.
nations signed the Treaty of
Greenville, which opened the Ohio
Territory to American settlers.
19) With Washington stepping down,
the U.S. held its 1 openly contested
election in 1796. The Federalists rallied
around John Adams, while the
Republicans nominated Thomas
Jefferson. John Adams won the
election with a narrow victory.
20) The election of 1800 was an
important turning point in American
history because it demonstrated that
power in the U.S. could be peacefully
transferred despite strong
disagreements b/w the parties.
21) Thomas Jefferson privately
referred to his election in 1800 as the
“Revolution of 1800.” He believed
that Washington and Adams had acted
too much like royalty, and he tried to
create a less formal style for the
22) A strong believer in small
government, Jefferson hoped to limit
the scope of federal power. He began
paying off the federal debt, cut gov’t
spending, and cut taxes.
23) Before their term expired, the
Federalist majority in Congress passed
the Judiciary Act of 1801. This act
created 16 new federal judges. Before
leaving office, President Adams
appointed Federalists to these positions.
24) One of the 1st acts of Congress after
Jefferson took office was to repeal the
Judiciary Act of 1801, thereby doing
away with the “midnight judges” by
abolishing their offices.
25) Initially the Supreme Court was a
very minor body, but its role began to
change in 1803 with the case of
Marbury v. Madison.
26) The Supreme Court case of
Marbury v. Madison strengthened the
Supreme Court because it asserted the
Court’s right of judicial review.
27) On April 30, 1803, the U.S. bought
Louisiana from France for $11.25
million. As a result of the deal, the U.S.
more than doubled its size and gained
control of the entire Mississippi R.
28) The Louisiana Purchase alarmed
N.E. Federalists. It meant that
eventually their region would lose its
influence in national affairs while the
South and West gained political
strength through new states.
29) In Massachusetts, a small group of
Federalists known as the Essex Junto
drafted a plan to take N.E. out of the
30) In 1806 Britain issued regulations
known as the Orders in Council.
These declared that all ships going to
Europe needed British licenses and
would be searched for contraband.
31) Despite lingering anger about the
Embargo of 1807, Madison won the
election of 1808 easily to become the
fourth president of the U.S.
32) Madison assumed office in the
midst of an international crisis.
Tensions b/w the U.S. and Britain were
rising, and it would be up to Madison to
decide whether or not to lead the U.S.
into its 1st full-scale war since the
33) Madison asked Congress to pass
the Non-Intercourse Act, which
forbade trade with France and Britain
while authorizing the president to
reopen trade with whichever country
removed its trade restrictions first.
34) By early 1812 the refusal of the
U.S. to buy British goods had begun to
hurt the British economy.
35) In June 1812, Britain ended all
restrictions on American trade, but it
was too late. Two days later, the British
learned that the U.S. Congress had
declared war on Great Britain.
36) Members of Congress who voted
for war in 1812 came from the South
and West. They were known as War
37) Americans in the South and West
wanted war for two reasons. First,
British trade restrictions hurt Southern
planters and Western farmers. Second,
Western farmers blamed the British for
clashes with Native Americans along
the frontier.
38) Tecumseh, a Shawnee leader,
believed that all Native Americans
needed to unite to protect their lands
from American settlers in the NW
39) During the War of 1812,
Tecumseh allied himself with the
British. At the Battle of Tippecanoe
Tecumseh and his forces were defeated.
40) The War of 1812 generated a new
sense of American patriotism and
increased U.S. prestige overseas.