Thermal Insulation Time allowance: 1 hour Presentation CPD Points: 5 CPD Points Post presentation online quiz: 5 CPD points.

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Transcript Thermal Insulation Time allowance: 1 hour Presentation CPD Points: 5 CPD Points Post presentation online quiz: 5 CPD points.

Time allowance:
1 hour
Presentation CPD Points:
5 CPD Points
Post presentation online quiz:
5 CPD points
What is Thermal Insulation?
The term thermal insulation refers to materials used to reduce the
rate of heat transfer, or the methods and processes used to
reduce heat transfer
Methods of thermal transmittance
Mode of heat transfer
Can anyone name the four methods of heat transfer?
Phase change
Modes Of Heat Transfer
Mode of heat transfer
The transfer of heat through a solid object
The transfer of heat by conduction in a moving
medium, such as a fluid or gas e.g. water or air
The transfer of heat by electromagnetic radiation
i.e. light waves
Phase change
The transfer of heat by the potential energy
associated with the heat of phase change, such as
boiling, condensation, or freezing
Conductive Heat Transfer
Thermal conduction
Conduction occurs when heat travels through a medium
Conductive heat transfer is largely reduced by the presence of the
air-filled spaces rather than by the material itself
Conductive barriers often have a layer or pockets of air to reduce
heat transfer; an obvious example is double glazed windows
Convective Heat Transfer
Convective transfer
Convective heat transfer occurs between
two objects separated by a moving
interface of liquid or gas
Convective currents, driven by heat energy,
occur between the objects
The physical properties of the fluid or gas,
and the speed at which the molecules travel,
influence the rate of transfer
Convection can be reduced by dividing the
convective medium into small compartments
(or cells) to prevent large currents from forming
Radiative Heat Transfer
Thermal radiation
Thermal radiation is composed of all
wavelengths of light
Most of the energy of the thermal radiation
of objects (at room temperature) is in the
infrared part of the spectrum
Any object above Absolute Zero
(0 degrees K on the Kelvin scale, or −273.15° Celsius) radiates thermal
Therefore, in thermal insulation the important consideration is the net
direction of energy flow
Thermal radiation continued
Radiant barriers possess the
characteristics of low emissivity, low
absorptivity and high reflectivity in the
infra-red spectrum
Therefore, only a small fraction of the
radiant energy hitting the surface
is absorbed by such a material; most
is being reflected back away and
therefore there is little to re-emit
There are three main factors that compromise the performance of insulation;
what are they?
Thermal bridging
Damp materials lose most of their insulating
Therefore, the choice of insulation often depends
on the ability to manage moisture and
condensation on one side or the other of the
Studies have shown that a 1% increase by
volume of water in mineral fibre can increase
heat loss by 105%
Similarly, if expanded polystyrene absorbs
5% moisture, it will halve its R value; this is
particularly relevant in applications where it
is in ‘in ground’ contact.
Thermal Bridging
Thermal bridging
Comparatively more heat flows through a path of least resistance than
flows through an insulated path; this is known as a ‘thermal bridge’
Insulation around a bridge is of little help in preventing heat loss or
gain through the bridge due to thermal bridging
Thermal bridging
This is often an issue where insulation is installed between structural
members; the affect of this needs to be considered when calculating
the ‘system R value’
Where thermal bridges make up 20% of the component area, the
system R value for that component of the building may be reduced by
as much as 15%
Further, where the glazed area exceeds 30% of the wall area, the
actual system R value may be as much as 40% less than the
theoretical system R value
System versus Product R-values
Taken from the BRANZ Insulation Guide
Air Flow
Air flow
Effective insulation relies on “still air”
A 2mm gap above and below an insulation panel can
allow air circulation to occur around the insulation
This circulatory effect will eliminate the still air effect
The result of this can be a reduction of the thermal
performance of the insulation by up to 50%
Insulation Products
Foil Barriers
Aluminium foils as radiant barriers
As discussed previously, aluminium foils are
radiant heat insulators
This is as a result of their low absorptivity
and therefore their low emissivity
Being metal, foils are good conductors;
therefore the effectiveness of an aluminium
foil in preventing heat conduction, is minimal
This is particularly true if it abuts another
material that also has a high thermal
conductivity, such as a purlins or portals
It also depends on the reflectivity the
surface; if oxidization occurs the
effectiveness as a radiant barrier is reduced
Radiant as combined barriers
When a radiant barrier faces an enclosed
air space the combination of the foil
barrier and the still air gap form a
conductive insulation barrier
This system has a measurable R-value
The size of the still air gap however
largely determines the R value; the foil
contributes very little on it’s own
This has lead to the development of foil
products with intermediary air pockets
These products seek to reduce the
conductive potential of the foil and
therefore increase the system R value
Insulation Blankets
Insulation Blankets
There are two main types of Building Insulation Blankets (B.I.B.s); glasswool,
and polyester fibre.
Both glass and polyester blankets have similar thermal performance characteristics;
they have a maximum service temperature of 120 degrees C.
At greater thicknesses and densities however, glass tends to perform better
There are some advantages specific to glass
over polyester such as the ability to drive
mechanical fastenings through the material,
particularly in roofing applications
Polyesters conversely tend to be more flexible
and are less prone to collapse if they get wet
Insulation Blankets
We have seen a significant increase, in the last 5 years, of the specification of
polyester insulation products. This is due to several factors:
Fibre migration within air-conditioning
ducting and ventilated plenum spaces.
This is despite the WHO removing the
2B (carcinogenic) classification and
declaring it safe in October 2002
A perception that polyester insulation is
greener than glass wool but…
Glass wool in fact contains around 80%
recycled material
And uses 6,600 tonnes of waste window
glass annually
Insulation Blankets
Polyester insulation, like glass wool, is a available in sheets and
blanket form
Polyester is manufactured from a non–irritant, and noncombustible PET fibre
The recycled content of polyester insulation is increasing in
particular via the use of old milk bottles
Efforts are also being made to reduce the embodied energy
However currently the raw materials for polyester insulation are
shipped offshore, processed, and then shipped back to New Zealand
for manufacture into insulation
Currently, low density polyester insulation products contain at
least 10% of recycled content, with high density products
containing up to 60%
Insulation Blankets
There is a small price premium for polyester over glass wool
In part due to the use of petroleum based product to manufacture
Both are commonly installed in commercial applications, in conjunction
with a foil and breathable vapour barrier, in roofs and walls
Common building practices have tended to compromise system R
Recent legislative changes have meant a stricter enforcement of
installation methods
This has impacted on install times and costs and led to the consideration
of less traditional solutions
Insulation Blankets
 Traditional installation method
 Required installation method
Rockwool Insulation
Rock or stone wool insulation
Rock wool, as the name suggests, is
manufactured in a furnace from molten rock
(typically basalt) at a temperature of about
1600 °C
Much as glass wool is manufactured, the
molten rock is spun on high speed spinning
It is a process similar to that used to make
The final product is a mass of fine, intertwined
fibres; an organic binder is added, often oil, to
reduce dusting
Rockwool has a melting point of over 1000
degrees C, making it particularly suitable for
fire protection
Rock or stone wool insulation
Metamorphic stones are good conductor of heat; why then are they used for
Though the individual fibres conduct heat very well, when pressed
into rolls and sheets their ability to partition air makes them
excellent heat insulators.
Their high density (between 40 and 120kg/m3) also makes them
useful as an acoustic absorbers
Polystyrene Insulation
Polystyrene Insulation
There are two types of polystyrene insulation:
t 2 . C e ll S tru c tu re
Expanded or EPS polystyrene (density from 15 to 24kg/m3)
h fo a m s a re m a d e u s in g p o lys tyre n e m o n o m e r. T h is is th e e x te n t o f th e ir 's im ila rity' a n d
d iffe re n c e s a re se lf-e vid eExtruded
nt upon c
s e epolystyrene
x a m in a tio n(density
30kg and above)
Expanded polystyrene is an open cell
thermal performance is
F a c t 2 . C eproduct;
ll S tru cit’s
tu re
B o th fo a mseverely
s a re m a
d e u s in g p o lys
n e m o n o m e r. T h is is th e e x te n t o f th e ir 's im ila rity'
th e d iffe reto
n cwater
e s a reand
s e water
lf-e vidvapour
e n t u p o n c lo s e e x a m in a tio n .
Y R O F O A M * E x tru d e d C lo s e d S tru c tu re
y c lo s e d c e lls . W a te r ta k e n u p o n ly b y
c t a b s o rp tio n th ro u g h p o lys tyre n e c e ll
s - ve r y s lo w , if a t a ll.
E P S (E x p a n d e d P o lys tyre n e ) O p e n S tru c tu re
P a rt o p e n , p a rt c lo s e d c e lls . In te rs titia l vo id s
w wExtruded
a id
a llo
a te r u p taPolystyrene
k e . S ize o fisvo
s c a ncell
c a p illa rproduct
y a c tio nwhich
a n d has
w a te
r re te nabsorption
tio n .
S T Y R O F O A M * E x tru d e d C lo s e d S tru c tu re
F u lly c lo s e d c e lls . W a te r ta k e n u p o n ly b y
E P S (E x p a n d e d P o lys tyre n e ) O p e n S tru
P a rt o p e n , p a rt c lo s e d c e lls . In te rs titia l v
Polystyrene Insulation
The thermal performance of extruded polystyrene is around 25%
better than that of expanded polystyrene
Many extruded polystyrenes are blown with HCFC’s
These will be largely banned world wide by 2015
Some manufacturers, such as BASF, have therefore moved to CO2
blown manufacture of their expanded polystyrenes
The net result is an entrapment of an ozone depleting substance, rather
than a release of it
With a CO2 blowing agent, rather than an HCFC however, there is a
thermal performance loss of around 15%
This is due to the conductivity of the gases trapped within the cells and
High Performance Insulation
High Performance Insulators
Legislative requirements and consumer
demand has led to a significant increase in
legislated minimum R values
Key drivers for consumers are both a
desire for ever larger glazed areas, and
also the desire for more energy efficiency in
their buildings
The desire for higher insulation values in
walls and ceilings has always had to be
balanced against the impact on the
building envelope; on the wall and ceiling
thickness’ and the cost
High Performance Insulators
This has led to the development of high performance insulating materials such
as Polyurethane (PUR), Polyisocyanurate (PIR) and Phenolic foams
These low density, rigid foam products deliver significantly higher thermal
resistivity, for thickness, than more traditional insulants
Further, their closed cell structure means they do not provide a pathway for the
ingress of moisture vapour into the insulating material, which significantly
reduces it’s thermal efficiency
High Performance Insulators
The performance of phenolic product can be explained by considering the four factors,
which contribute to heat transfer:
Solid conduction – this factor is
low in the phenolic cellular structure
as the ‘solid content’ typically accounts
for about 3-4% of the total volume of
the low density insulation
Gaseous conduction - the blowing
agents used in the creation of the
phenolic foam cellular structure,
have very low thermal conductivity
compared to other gases and to air
Radiative transfer - due to their small cellular structure, phenolic foam has a
comparatively low radiative heat transfer; radiative heat transfer increases with
increasing cell diameter
Convective transfer - due to the fine closed cell structure of phenolic insulation
products, heat transfer through convection is insignificant and can be ignored
High Performance Insulators
All blown insulating products undergo
changes in cell gas composition over
time. This results in changes to their
thermal conductivity
Many products, like Kingspan Kooltherm
K10, are faced with gas-impermeable
materials such as aluminium foil.
These facings significantly reduce
thermal conductivity aging caused by
migration of air into the insulation
Rigid phenolic insulation also out-performs all other types of rigid insulation for
fire performance. Alternatives such as polystyrene and polyurethanes are
becoming less and less popular because of their flammability
Rigid phenolic insulation manufacturers subject their products to regulated
testing. Quoted R values take into account aging and also include safety
increments to ensure that products deliver better than specified performance
over their life
European rigid phenolic insulation is CFC/HCFC-free and has zero ODP
Insulation K values
K Value comparisons
Glass wool
U or K Value comparisons
I mentioned that Phenolic sheets have a solid content of 3-4%; glass
wool is similarly only as little as 5% solid. Why do phenolics perform so
much better thermally?
Closed cell structure
The very small size of the individual cells largely prevent
radiative heat transfer
The gas contained within the cells is a poor thermal conductor
What role does the foil face play in the long term effectiveness of rigid
phenolic insulation product?
It largely prevents the migration of air into the cells
As air is a better thermal conductor than the gas within the
cells, it significantly improves the insulation’s long term
thermal performance
Cost versus performance
Thickness (mm) and Cost $/m2
Thickness to achieve R2.6 versus cost m2
Rock Wool
Glass Fibre
Pipe insulation
Pipe insulation fulfils an important function in maintaining the operational
reliability of industrial equipment
Insulation keeps the process running, ensures corrosion protection,
reduces noise emissions and increases the energy efficiency of the
It should therefore be taken into adequate consideration at an early stage of
Pipe insulation is made in three forms:
Open cell insulation
Closed cell rigid pipe sections
Closed cell flexible pipe sections
Open Cell Pipe Insulation
Open Cell Pipe Sections
Manufactured as a pipe profile section, as a
flexible blanket or as a semi rigid board
Densities vary across manufacturers but
generally they are around 30-42 kg/m3
The blanket forms are wrapped around
objects that are irregular in shape
Blankets are also used to clad large, flat
Blanket-type insulation can be specified to
protect against heat loss, impact protection
and/or fire
Open Cell Pipe Sections
For temperatures between 20 and 400 degrees C, glass fibre
insulation is commonly used
This is often bonded to a foil facing to allow wrapping around tight
radius and also to increase it insulative properties
For temperatures above around 400 degrees more specialist, high
temperature insulators such as Rockwool and ceramic fibres,
such as Calcium Silicate, in rigid pipe sections and blankets are
Where low temperatures, chemical attack and or moisture ingress
(such as in in-ground applications) are a concern, a closed cell
rigid pipe section, such as FoamGlas, is recommended
What are the three primary purposes for insulating pipe work?
To prevent heat loss
To prevent injury through contact
Condensation control
Rigid Closed Cell Insulation
Closed cell, rigid, preformed pipe sections
Rigid preformed sections are used primarily
on straight pipe runs; to both insulate and
They are most commonly specified
for their extremely high insulating properties,
their impact resistance and their chemical
One such example is Foamglas pipe insulation
Foamglas is a lightweight, rigid, insulating material composed of millions of
completely sealed glass cells; each an insulating space
Closed cell, rigid, preformed pipe sections
The all-glass, closed-cell structure makes it a very effective insulator
(its U value is between 0.03 and 0.04)
It also has the capability to perform at operating temperatures from
minus 268 to plus 482 degrees C
Foamglas is resistant to water in both liquid and vapour form; it is
therefore well suited for use in buried and aggressive environments
It is also non-combustible and cannot absorb combustible liquids or
It is also CFC and HCFC free
Flexible Closed Cell Insulation
Flexible Closed Cell Pipe Insulation
For pipe work which carry fluids at below ambient temperature, closed cell
insulation should be used
This is because between 40 and 60 % of the maintenance costs for pipe work
is due to corrosion under insulation
The main cause of corrosion is damp insulation
Moisture can penetrate the insulation due to
damaged to the cladding and/or through water
vapour transmission
Condensation occurs when the surface
temperature of the pipe is below the dew
point temperature
Or when it falls below the dew point
temperature, due to changing operating
In these cases effective corrosion protection must be applied
Flexible Closed Cell Pipe Insulation
Low-temperature insulation materials should therefore be
And have a high resistance to water vapour transmission
This is because the low-temperature insulation must prevent
moisture from the ambient air penetrating the insulation
As will occur with an open cell insulation such as glass wool or
rock wool
This is known as institial condensation
ROI case study
The energy saving potential which can be realized by insulating industrial
equipment is immense
Calculations carried out by the Dutch Centre for Technical Insulation (NCTI)
showed a refinery with a capacity of 300,000 barrels per day, could achieve
annual savings of 66 million Euros by insulating 1,375 km of pipe work
According to the NCTI’s model calculation, the costs for the insulation would
be paid off after just 3 months
Further, the CO2 emissions could be reduced by 500,000 tonnes a year
The PVC Nitrol pipe insulating products such as the Armaflex range from
Armacell offer a thermal conductivity at l0°C ≤ 0.033 W/m.K
When Armaflex is used for pipe insulation on refrigerated lines, the
simultaneous improvement of the thermal conductivity and resistance to
water vapour transmission has a particularly positive effect on the long-term
performance of the pipe work
What two properties might limit the use of polyesters in pipe insulation?
Maximum operating temperature (120 degrees)
Open cell structure; condensation issues
At what temperature is glass wool is also not suitable?
Above 450 degrees (such as on boilers and furnaces); rock wools
are commonly used
Above 120 degrees high temperature binders are added
What rock is rock wool manufactured from?
Most commonly basalt rock
Solid Construction
Changes in solid construction legislation
Recent changes in the Building Act regarding required minimum system R
values have had a significant effect on traditional methods of solid construction
The increases in minimum R values mean that solid wall construction
methodologies that were acceptable in the past may not now comply with
current legislation
The key to the acceptability of lower R values in
solid construction is linked to the ability to utilize
the thermal mass of the wall
The standard requires that the thermal mass is
accessible; therefore, if the interior walls are
insulated, to achieve the required R value, the
thermal mass is no longer accessible
High performance insulators, such as phenolics,
can deliver a cost effective and efficient solution;
minimizing the installation time and also the lost
interior space
Green Building
Green Building
Buildings and associated communities account for over 40% of the world’s
greenhouse gas emissions
Specifying the right insulation will increase the building’s energy efficiency,
improve the health and well-being of the occupants and reduces greenhouse
gas emissions
It is a low tech and inexpensive solution
that will deliver a high economic and
environmental payback
Energy consumption in buildings is
growing faster than most other areas
of use
Insulation alone can cut New Zealand’s
greenhouse gas emissions by up to 5%
Ballard Library in Seattle
The return on the investment in specifying high quality insulation can be
measured in months rather than years
Forman and Green Building
Yale Sculpture Building and Gallery
Many of the products offered by Forman have
zero ozone depleting potential and most contain
no CFC’s, or HCFC’s
Many are sourced from suppliers who have
made tangible, independently certified,
commitments to pursue sustainable manufacturing
Discover Centre at South Lake Union
We are have a number of our products, including
the Kingspan Kooltherm K10, with enhanced
listings on the Green Build Website
We are committed to sustainable solutions and
continue to expand this area of our offering
Forman have been specifying, selling, distributing and installing insulation products for
almost 95 years; so we know insulation!
The range of products we distribute stretches across all the areas discussed today.
Our product range includes the distribution of:
We are happy to assist and advise on the best product for your application
Any Questions?