Transcript Document

Insulate Northern Ireland Event
Neil Marshall
Chief Executive
4th October 2007
Who we are and what we do
• UK wide trade association
• Cavity wall insulation, loft insulation, draught proofing
+ solid wall insulation
• 120 members
• manufacturers/system designers
• installers – over 90% of capacity
• associates – scheme managers
• Our aims
• increase awareness of the benefits of insulation
• maintain and raise industry standards and professionalism
• work with policy makers in shaping environmental policy and
• work in partnership with like minded organisations
• EST/EEAC’s/Eaga/Charities/energy suppliers
Benefits of Membership
• Recognition as a professional company
• Expert lobbying to influence government and other key policy
• Advice on legislation and ongoing policy developments
• Represent members views and concerns to scheme
managers to improve operational effectiveness
• Local forum meetings
• Use of NIA logo on stationery and advertising
• Promotion via our website
• Annual conference
• Added value membership services
NIA Code of Professional Practice
• All members agree to adhere to the code
• Developed in conjunction with our members
• Promotes high standards to maintain Customer Satisfaction
• Gives consumers Peace of Mind
The Challenges/Opportunities
Educating and Engaging the General Public
NIA/EST Research – Jan 2007
• heat lost?????????
• cost of CWI £2.5k
• 10/20 year payback
• messy/disruptive and takes a day
• ‘if it only costs £299 what is wrong with it?’
• existing loft insulation is adequate
• Promote the benefits and value v lowest price
• Overarching marketing campaign
Targeting Households
• Installers have a key role to play using local knowledge
• Work in partnership – sharing data
• DWP/energy suppliers
• Systematic approach
• Cross scheme referrals
The Challenges/Opportunities
Whole House Approach
• Ensure that properties receive all effective energy efficiency
• Ideally in one hit to minimise costs and disruption
• Join up schemes and funding
• Incentives for a whole house approach-CWI/solid wall & loft top up
Customer Reassurance
• Professionalism, quality of workmanship and customer service
are key
• Growing importance of NIA membership and CIGA guarantee
• key messages in marketing
• requirement of scheme managers
North East Home Insulation Partnership
• Founded by the EST in 2005
• Mission to insulate every home in North East England
• Full working partnership with the NIA
• Aims to develop the solid wall insulation market
• Installers must be NIA members
We look forward to working with you!