Things the pioneers used to survive. In the NWC library, Joanne Deming showed us artifacts from the American Pioneer Days. By: Jose Rivera.

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Transcript Things the pioneers used to survive. In the NWC library, Joanne Deming showed us artifacts from the American Pioneer Days. By: Jose Rivera.

Things the pioneers used to survive. In the NWC library, Joanne Deming showed us artifacts from the American Pioneer Days. By: Jose Rivera

Toys of the Past  This are the kind of toys the pioneer’s children played with. Handkerchief Doll Jumping Jack

This is what the pioneers use to farm with  A way to get cotton or other plants.


This is what they used to separate the cotton  It’s called a cotton carder.

The things the women and girls used  The bonnets protected girls from the sun.

They made plates to eat

This was what they ate off of.

Metal plate with metal fork and knife Wooden dish and spoon

The Kind of drawing.

 This is one of oxen. They were used to pull wagons and plows.

It felt like if I tuck a trip in to the past  We had a Blast