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Accomplish CashManager is used by over 17,000 small businesses and recommended by
hundreds of accounting firms throughout New Zealand and Australia. This walkthrough
highlights the key features and benefits that make CashManager “The Simpler Alternative” for
85% of New Zealand small businesses.
Features in this walkthrough include –
• the cashbook – chart of accounts and system features
• bank account reconciliation
• importing bank statement transactions
• printing cashbook and cashflow reports
• GST 101 completion and printing an Audit Trail
• Managing Customer and Supplier invoicing, and
• Joining the Awesome Support & Update Programme
For immediate assistance at any stage of your CashManager Walkthrough, please contact
Accomplish on 0800 707 111 or email [email protected].
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CashManager Testimonials – Why is CashManager “the simpler alternative”?
“ We have recommended CashManager to our clients for over
10 years. CashManager has continually developed to keep up
with our client demands and it has remained both "client
proof" and intuitive. We have found that the "Bank
Reconciliation" & "GST Return" processes are “foolproof”.
“ Our clients have limited time to do their accounting work, and
generally they do not have an appreciation of debits, credits and
how it all works. They need something easy to learn and use,
that cuts down on their time and costs. That is why we
encourage our clients to use CashManager.
Lizelle Swart - Grant Thornton
CashManager perfectly complements PA software from APS as
it is a simple matter to preview the clients’ data and if
necessary edit reconciled transactions prior to exporting
them to PA. Not only does this minimise double handling but
ensures clean data (minimal miscoding) for annual and
periodic account preparation.
The ability to "lock" CashManager transactions after export is
very important for security and maintaining data integrity.
Very few other "Cashbooks" have these important features.
Comprehensive reporting provides valuable information for
clients and they can simply download bank transactions over
the Internet and import them into CashManager on demand.
We strongly recommend CashManager to other Accountants
who don’t want confused clients. The CashManager - APS
combination is a win-win situation for both clients and their
Roger Keys - Goldsmith Fox PKF
Accounting Practice has a large number of clients that
operate Accomplish CashManager …including Farmers, Dairies,
Chemists, Manufacturers and Builders. A significant number of
these had no computer experience prior to using CashManager
and all have found the system to be extremely user friendly and
easy to operate.
Jim Scott - Hubbard Churcher
“When Accomplish say "awesome support" they mean it. I've had
dealings with almost all of the support team, and I have to say
that they're all pretty guys are certainly the
Jeannie Norman – Lyndsay Tait Chartered Accountant
Next 
“The Simpler Alternative” for your bookkeeping needs
What level of CashManager should you use?
Sending Data to the Accountant
Transaction Entry
Accountants File Export
CashManager Chart of Accounts
Budgeting and monthly analysis reports
Reconciling your bank accounts
Customer & Supplier Invoicing + Quotes
Importing Bank Statements
Contact Management
CashManager Reports
The Awesome Support & Update Programme
Completing your GST 101
Contacting Accomplish
Click on buttons to view the different areas of this walkthrough
CashManager Levels
CashManager is perfect for you if you do not have any accounting or bookkeeping knowledge. You don’t need to worry
about debits and credits, journals, profit and loss and balance sheets. CashManager is about cash-in and cash-out,
making it simple to learn, use and understand.
CashManager is available in three levels –
CashManager LITE – for doing the bookkeeping basics including importing bank
CashManager STANDARD – for doing the bookkeeping basics and managing your
CashManager PLUS (Recommended for Accountants only) – for producing financial
statements, reconciling bank accounts, GST completion and data transfer via email
business performance with budgeting and monthly analysis reporting tools. Reporting categories are
also available for reporting on various sources of income and expenses. Especially good for reporting
on primary production.
reports and journals. This is a General Ledger package. Includes both the Customer & Supplier and
Multi-business Add-on outlined below.
CashManager Add-ons
CashManager offers two additional modules for invoicing and managing multiple businesses. Both
modules can be added to any level of CashManager
Customer & Supplier Invoicing Module - for managing Customer and Supplier invoices
Multi-business module - for managing more than one entity and maintaining historical data
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Transaction entry
Transaction Entry
Unlimited bank accounts
While a lot of systems limit users to one
bank account in the cashbook,
CashManager enables you to set up as
many bank accounts as you need to
effectively record all of your business
Transaction types
CashManager has 4 standard transaction
types you can select when entering
transactions into your cashbook.
Changing Transaction types
EFT is also available if you want to
transfer direct payment authorities to
your bank via banking software.
If transactions are entered incorrectly,
they can be moved to another bank
account or the transaction type can be
changed with a click of your right mouse
You can also use the EDIT option from
the transaction screen above.
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Easysearch on Payee/Payer
Transaction fields
Simply complete the Date; Ref;
Payee/Drawer; Account; Amount and
Details fields for the transaction you are
Easysearch on Payee/Payer
Easysearch on Payee
Click the Easysearch button in the
Payee/Drawer field to access your
CashManager Names file. Every new
name used in the cashbook will be added
to this Names file for future use.
Dissecting transactions
Transactions can be dissected and
allocated to different accounts in your
chart of accounts using the ADD option
that appears on every transaction entry
Enter-As-Tab option
For those who are used to using the
ENTER key to move between fields,
CashManager can be set up to
accommodate this. The default setting is
to use the TAB key to move through the
data entry fields.
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CashManager Chart of Accounts
Chart of Accounts
Easysearch on Account
Easysearch is also available on the
Account field in the transaction entry
screen. You can select the relevant
account from your chart to apply to the
Chart of Accounts in CashManager
The chart of accounts in CashManager is
completely customisable and can be
defined by either the User or the
Each account code has an appropriate
GST category, Account Name and
Reporting category (if using budgeting).
The GST Category on each account
code determines the GST calculated
on each transaction.
A code in the accountants chart can also
be added to the account, to enable
transaction mapping when exporting
data to a practice accounting system.
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Bank Reconciliation Wizard
Reconciliation Wizard
This is the first of 2 methods for
reconciling bank accounts in
CashManager. It requires that you have
a bank statement printout in front of you
before starting the reconciliation.
Bank Reconciliation – Step 1 & 2
Step 1
By simply recording the Closing balance
and Date of the closing balance, you can
then move to step 2 where the ticking of
transaction begins.
You can confirm that your last bank
reconciliation is in order by verifying the
opening balance on the bank statement
with the opening balance showing on the
Step 2
You can now simply tick the transactions
in your cashbook that appear on your
bank statement. The left mouse button
is used to tick the transactions. During
ticking-off, you may find it easier to resort the transactions on the screen.
Editing transactions
For transactions that require editing, you
can simply right mouse click on the
transaction and either edit the
transaction or change it to an
appropriate transaction type.
The right mouse click is also used to add
transactions from the bank statement
that don’t appear in your cashbook. For
Example: Interest received or Bank
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Bank Reconciliation Wizard
Bank Reconciliation – Step 3
Congratulations! Your cashbook is
now reconciled with your bank
Step 3
Once all of your transactions are ticked
off against your bank statement, you can
then view and print a reconciliation
report. This report includes a list of your
unpresented cheques and deposits (if
any exist).
Out of Balance!
If your reconciliation doesn’t balance it
will be because you ticked an incorrect
amount, or overlooked an item on the
bank statement. Printing the Pro Forma
bank statement makes finding this error
a breeze.
In Balance!
Once you have completed the ticking off
process and CashManager indicates that
you are “In Balance”, the reconciliation
will be finalised.
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Bank Statement import
Importing bank statement transactions
into CashManager
Importing Bank Statements
This is the second method for reconciling your
bank accounts within CashManager. By signing
up with your banks Internet banking service, you
can export bank statement transactions from
their website, and import them into CashManager
to auto-reconcile your bank accounts and autogenerate the transactions in the cashbook.
Your Bank
CashManager accommodates bank statement
files from all major trading banks throughout
New Zealand - BNZ, ASB, WESTPAC, ANZ,
TSB, and NATIONAL BANK. Each of those
available in CashManager have a transaction
export facility on their website. CashManager
can also import bank statements from banking
software packages such as Direct Link and
Fastnet Office. This includes BankLink.
Overlapping transaction files
The date ranges for the bank statement import
must be consecutive to ensure that transactions
are not duplicated when imported. CashManager
provides a warning should this occur.
Accessing your Bank’s website
Bank Statement import
This method of reconciling your bank accounts provides you
with the ability to perform simple or detailed allocations on
any transaction you are importing into CashManager. These
allocation methods can eliminate time consuming data-entry
and means that you can complete bank reconciliations
When you setup your bank accounts in
CashManager, there is a facility to enter your
banks Internet Banking website address. Simply
click the web link at the bottom of the bank
statement import screen to visit your bank’s
website to download your transactions.
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CashManager Reports
CashManager Reports
CashManager Reports
CashManager offers a range of cashbook
reports that can be generated by the user.
The ease with which it takes to create these
reports, and their clarity make them a key
benefit of CashManager.
Each report comes with a range of options
that filter the data that is presented in the
reports, enabling you to define the reports
to your requirements and those of your
Exporting Reports to other programs
Budgeting Reports in CashManager
The budgeting reports listed above are only available in CashManager
Standard and PLUS. CashManager LITE provides you with the
Bookkeeping Reports, including the GST Return and List reports as shown
All CashManager reports can be exported to
other programs such as Word and Excel. A
“Save As” option is available on each report
screen when you select “VIEW”.
This is great if you need to perform
additional calculations on the CashManager
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Summary Cashbook Report
Summary Cashbook Report
Summary Cashbook
This report shows a complete and concise
summary of the cashbook, reconciling with
the closing bank reconciliation, for any
nominated period in the current financial
year. Amounts in this report can be
inclusive or exclusive of GST.
This is the report that your accountant will
find most helpful.
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Account Details Report
Account Details report
Account Details Report
This report prints all transactions for a
specified range of accounts from your
chart of accounts. All transactions are
listed, with the deposit amounts shown
as negatives to show that they are
If you are working with more than one
bank account, you can also select which
account or accounts are to be included
in the report.
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GST Return
GST Return
GST Return
The GST Return can be printed directly
from CashManager, signed, and sent to
the Inland Revenue with the original
GST 101 form.
The IRD require that the original GST
101 form with the barcode is included
with this printed GST Return when filed.
Closing your GST period
After running the GST Return, you will
be asked if you wish to “close” that GST
period. Closing the period means that
the amounts of all transactions in that
period cannot be altered, and no more
transactions can be entered for that
period. This is an important control in
maintaining the accuracy of future GST
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GST Audit Trail
GST Audit Trail
GST Audit Trail
The GST Audit Trail is part of the GST
Return report, and lists all transactions
during the period that make up each of
the totals on the return. The report is
broken up into the various categories
that appear in the report. Any
transaction that has a non-standard
GST component, is highlighted with a
hash symbol (#) enabling quick
resolution of any GST issues.
In this example, the GST should not be
zero on this transaction. Once
amended, the transaction will appear
under taxable purchases.
It is this report that IRD auditors will be
most interested in.
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CashManager Transfer Files
CashManager Transfer Files
CashManager Transfer Files
When you need to transfer
CashManager data to the Accountant,
you can create a CashManager transfer
file that can be saved to a floppy disk or
emailed directly from CashManager.
This file is called a “CashManager
Transfer File”
Email setup
You will need to setup your email
details under Setup | Options in
CashManager. This includes your email
address and that of your accountant.
This file can also be emailed to the
Accomplish Support Team if required.
Backwards Compatible
This file is also backwards compatible
meaning that the accountant only
requires the latest CashManager
version on their network in order to
read data from their clients.
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Accountants Export File
Accountants File Transfer
Accountants Export File
CashManager data can be exported to
all major practice accounting systems.
A full list of these systems can be seen
in the Accountants Export File screen in
The chart of accounts needs to have
the correct “Code in Accountants
Chart”. If a code is not mapped
correctly, it will simply be allocated to a
suspense account in the accountants
system where it can be recoded.
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Monthly Analysis Report
Monthly Analysis Report
Monthly Analysis Report
This report is a month by month summary
of the balance of each income, expense
and other accounts from your chart, with
the months across the top of the page,
and the accounts appearing down the
This report will be invaluable when you or
your accountants prepare cashflow
projections, as it illustrates your actual
cashflow pattern over the year.
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Budget/Actual Comparison
Budget/Actual Comparison
Budget/Actual Comparison Report
This report shows the budget, actual and
variance for a nominated period, and
shows alongside this the same data for
the year-to-date. A final column shows
how much, if any, of the annual budget
The Budget Actual Comparison Report can
be run for any period in the current
financial year.
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Cashflow Forecast Report
Cashflow Forecast Report
Cashflow Forecast Report
This report is a combination of the
Monthly Analysis and the Budget Report.
In the traditional format, it shows the
actual cash inflows and outflows up to the
nominated date, and then projects to the
end of the twelve month period using the
budget values.
The Cashflow Forecast Report can be run
for any twelve month period spanning the
current or next financial year.
The benefits of cashflow forecasting in CashManager
Your accountant and bank manager will love this report because it
forecasts the year end cash balance for your business. It is also a
powerful report that can be used for tax planning for the financial year.
All Actual figures in this report can be carried forward as budgeted figures
for the next financial year.
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Customer Invoicing
Customer Invoicing
Customer Invoicing
Customer Invoicing is a CashManager
Add-on for Users who wish to customise
and produce their own invoices and
Customer Invoicing offers ledger-based
customer invoice management,
customisable invoices, statement and
remittance advices, and a wide selection
of relevant Customer reports. And of
course seamless integration to the
cashbook side of CashManager.
Use the “Invoice” button to enter invoices.
Filtering and sorting invoices
The main Customer invoicing screen gives
you the option to sort the invoices for a
range of criteria, including Date,
Reference, Details and Code.
You can also filter the displayed invoices
by Customer or Paid/Unpaid status.
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Entering Customer Invoices
Entering Customer Invoices
Entering Customer Invoices
Much like entering a transaction into the
cashbook, you can simply complete all of
the fields required to complete the details
of the invoice, including Customer Code;
Customer Ref; Product Code and
Unlimited Customers and Products
You can set-up as many Customers and
Products as required, with the ability to
enter 3 different prices for each product
and a default price list for each customer.
Use the “ADD LINE” button to add
Products and Services to your invoice.
Entering Customer Invoices
Use the Product Easysearch button to
access your Product file. Products can be
added from this Easysearch screen.
CashManager enables you to enter a
quantity for each Product/Service being
invoiced, and can represent a measure of
units the Product/Service is sold as. Time,
Weight and Per Unit are 3 examples.
You can enter a line discount for the
Product/Service being invoiced.
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Selecting your invoice layout
The CashManager Invoicing module offers
two invoice layouts that you, your
accountant or the Accomplish Support
Team can customise.
Products Invoices
Customer Invoice layouts
Invoice Layouts
This invoice layout includes the quantity of
each product/service on the invoice. It
also shows the unit for each
Product/Service with the appropriate GST
and price.
Professional/Trade Invoices
This invoice layout shows only the
Product/Service description, net amount of
each with the appropriate GST.
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Printing Customer Statements
Customer Statements
Like Customer invoices in CashManager,
Customer statements are also fully
customisable using the CashManager RAV
Select the Customers
Customer Statements
Simply tick the Customer(s) for whom you
wish to print the statement(s), or use the
Tick All option should you wish to print
statements for all of your Customers.
Statement layouts
CashManager provides options for both
Open Item and Balance-Forward
Statements. The Open Item statement
(Plain Paper Statement) shows unpaid
invoices only and Balance-Forward
statement will show an opening balance
for unpaid invoices dated prior to the
current month, along with details of
current unpaid invoices.
Letterhead statement
If you have a standard letterhead to print
on, you can suppress your company
details so they do not appear on the
statement. This layout leaves space at
the top of the statement for the logo and
company address details on your preprinted letterhead.
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Customer Reporting
Customer Reports
Customer Reporting
CashManager invoicing offers a range of
Customer reports that enable you to
manage your Customers efficiently.
Aged Analysis Report
The Aged Analysis report shows your total
unpaid Customer invoices and percentage
of total invoices outstanding for 30, 60
and 90 days.
Customer Ledger Report
This report shows a history of each
Customer, including paid and unpaid
Summary & Detailed Sales reports
These reports can be filtered to show the
sales performance of Products/Services
and Customers, by revenue or units.
These reports are great for determining
which Customers are contributing to the
success of your business and which
Products/Services are performing or not
Report Options
All of the Customer Reports have filtering
and sorting options. Like the cashbook
reports, Customer reports are clear, easy
to understand and easy to produce.
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Customer Reporting
Printing Customer Reports
Like the cashbook reports,
Customer and Supplier reports are
well set out, clear and easy to
Customer Reports
Each report screen gives you the
option to “Save As” if you wish to
export the report data to a text
file for use in Microsoft Excel.
Emailing Reports
Like printing invoices and
cashbook reports, you can email
Customer reports directly from
CashManager will create a PDF of
your report and attach it to an
email ready for you to send.
Simply select a recipient, enter an
email address, subject and
message and then click “Create
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Next 
Customer Quotes
Customer Quotes
Customer Quotes can be created
in CashManager. Quotes are
created using the same method as
entering a Customer Invoice.
Customer Quotes
Converting Quotes into
You can convert any quote into an
invoice by selecting the Quote to
be converted and then clicking the
“Convert” button.
Quotes can also be emailed like
cashbook and Customer/Supplier
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Supplier Invoicing
Supplier Invoicing
Supplier Invoicing
Supplier invoicing in CashManager is much
like the Customer Invoicing, although in
this case you are allocating Supplier
invoices to expenses within your chart of
accounts. Supplier invoicing is not
product driven, but allows you to enter a
basic description of each Product/Service
Unlimited Suppliers
There is no limit to the number of
Suppliers you can set-up in CashManager.
Each new Supplier must have a default
expense account from your chart of
accounts to ensure that the payment of
the invoice in the cashbook, is allocated
Auto-paying Supplier Invoices
CashManager provides a Pay option on the
main Supplier invoicing screen. This can
be used to pay multiple invoices for a
Supplier and to transfer the payment to
your cashbook at the same time. This
eliminates double ups with data-entry.
Part-payments for Supplier invoices can be
completed using the Select Invoices option
that appears on every transaction entry
screen in the cashbook.
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Contact Management
Contact Management
Contact Management
CashManager offers a Contact
Management feature that needs to be
turned on under the SETUP | OPTIONS
Contact Management enables you to build
a full record of your Customer and
Supplier contact details including company
name, address, contact name, phone
numbers, and email address.
Notes History
You can also keep a full history of the
communications you have had with
Customers and Suppliers. Simply append
NOTES to each record as you need to
record details of the communication.
Exporting Addresses
Contact Management also enables you to
export your Customer & Supplier
addresses. This export file can then be
used as a source document if you need to
mail merge a communication in Microsoft
Word (e.g. a newsletter) to send to your
Customers or Suppliers.
Simply use the “Export” button to export
your address and contact details.
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Awesome Support Program
The Awesome Support and Update Programme
Accomplish website
To complement every CashManager purchase, Accomplish offer membership
to the Awesome Support and Update Programme. This programme provides
complete peace of mind, knowing that a team of CashManager
professionals is on hand should they be required.
For more information on CashManager and the
benefits it can deliver to your business, please
visit our website at:
Membership gives you:
Contact Accomplish
Unlimited 0800 phone support
Software Updates for the duration of your membership
Access to the CashManager knowledgebase at
Unlimited support via email or fax
Free database fixes if required
Regular CashManager Tips ‘n’ Tricks via email
You can also email the team at Accomplish
should you have any further questions:
[email protected]
or phone our Client Services team on:
0800 707 111
Free Support for 30 Days
All CashManager systems come with 30 Days free support, so Accomplish can provide assistance should it be required.
Accomplish want to make CashManager a success in your business. This 30 Days free support is aimed at getting you
off to the best start possible.
And of course, anyone evaluating CashManager prior to the purchase has unlimited access to the Support Team for
any technical queries.
Free phone 0800 707 111
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Accurate &
reliable data
Contact Accomplish
Less learning time no expensive training
courses required
Simple GST
Fewer bells &
whistles - Less is
Easy to match
to the needs of
all Users
Compatible with all
major client
accounting systems
“The simpler alternative”
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