1) EIV Security Awareness and Training PowerPoint

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Transcript 1) EIV Security Awareness and Training PowerPoint

Enterprise Income Verification
What is EIV?
EIV brings together information for both the
Social Security Administration and the
Department of Health and Human Services to
provide Housing Administrators with a method to
verify income on residents against what is
reported to these agencies.
It is now used on ALL Move Ins and
Recertifications for properties that receive Project
Based Section 8 Subsidy.
It is not used on RD Properties unless PB Section 8 is present.
It is not used on Section 42 properties unless PB Section 8 is
How Does EIV Work - Overview
Daily, income information from the Social Security
Administration and Department of Health and Human Services is
combined into the EIV Database for those residents who are
currently receiving Section 8 or PHA Subsidies.
Upon receipt of an Initial or Move In Certification, and
successful identity verification of all family members, EIV then
begins collecting data for all household members with the next
submission of data from SSA and DHHS.
EIV maintains a rolling 15 months of this data.
Discrepancies are pushed back to the Community manager in
the form of Income and Discrepancy Reports.
Owner/Agents (Us) are required to use this information to make
sure residents are entitled to the subsidy they are receiving.
How Does EIV Work – Identity Verifications
Each 50059 submitted to TRACS has the following information
validated against the Database.
Social Security Number is valid.
Social Security Number is not issued to a deceased person.
Social Security Number matches the name reported.
Date of Birth reported matches date on file with the SSA.
If this is the first certification to hit EIV for this Head of Household,
EIV will not begin to collect data on this resident until the validation
issues are corrected. These events are called “Failed Pre-Screens”
If this is a subsequent certification for households already in the EIV
and TRACS, the same information will be returned, however the
system will continue to collect and report income information on
the household.
Validation issues in both cases must be immediately resolved.
How Does EIV Work – Income Discrepancies
Each 50059 submitted to TRACS has the income validations and
comparisons performed against the EIV Database.
If this is the first certification to hit EIV for this Household, EIV will
not have income information available for up to 90 days.
Each month the O/A must review the Income information for
discrepancies for the Certifications which happened 90 days prior
and for those annual certifications that are to be done in 120
All Income Discrepancies must be documented in the Discrepancy
logs and addressed/resolved as per the Wallick EIV Policy, with
Retro-Active Tenant and Subsidy portion adjustments done if
misreporting situation exists.
EIV Security Awareness
(The will be a test!)
ALL Current Associates must have a Signed Rules of
Behavior and Privacy Rules on file with the Corporate
All 3rd parties who access resident files must sign a
Rules of Behavior form before accessing the files.
All associates who access the EIV system directly
must have the following:
THEIR OWN HUD Secure Connection Login
User Access Authorization Form (UAAF) Printed and filed in
the Community EIV Binder
Printed copy of the last Security Awareness Testing printed
and filed in the Community EIV Binder.
EIV Security Awareness
(The will be a test!)
Printed EIV information must be segregated in
the resident file so access to it is restricted from
reviewers OTHER than a HUD Designated MOR
This information must be kept in a flapped envelope in
the resident file in a manner so the envelope must be
removed from the folder “prongs” in order to open it.
Tax Credit Inspectors should not have access to this
EIV Security Awareness
(The will be a test!)
Resident files must be secured at all times when
not actively in use.
 During the recert process the file must be
locked up EXCEPT when the file is actively being
looked at.
 Resident files can only be removed from the
community rental office by the regional
supervisor or other corporate office designee.
 Printed EIV information is never to be emailed
to any email address outside the Wallick
Network (ie Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL or other
personal email accounts)
EIV Security Awareness
(The will be a test!)
Printed EIV information can be provided ONLY to
the household to whom it applies.
Current (signed within the last 15 months)
HUD form 9887 must be on file for all
accessed EIV information, PRIOR TO
HUD 9887 is not required on Applicants for
the Existing Tenant Search.
EIV Security Awareness
(The will be a test!)
Associates are never to share their logins and
passwords with anyone else.
That means anyone.
Logins and passwords must be secured by the
user so that no one can access the system using
their credentials.
EIV Security Awareness
(The will be a test!)
Understanding How Important Password
Protection Is!
The user to whom the login is assigned can be subject to
termination by the company for a breach of the
security policies as well as be financially and criminally
liable for the resulting misuse.
EIV Security Awareness
MOR Inspectors in addition to physically inspecting
the required authorization documentation as
outlined in the policy, will also look for obvious and
not so obvious signs of Password misconduct.
They may ask and can ask you to sign in while they are
(The will be a test!)
If your login and password is not memorized, where it is written
down must be secured in such manor that only you can access it,
they required to report a security breach to HUD.
This will result in the entire Wallick Enterprise being suspended.
Obtaining EIV Access (Step 1)
User must request HUD Secure Connection Login.
User follows instructions in document called Secure
Connection Login Request Instructions located on
the Dataprompter.
Once HUD accepts the online application, the
corporate coordinator will communicate the uses
Login (MXXXX) to the user via email and assign the
appropriate properties.
Obtaining EIV Access (Step 2)
Upon Receipt of their Login information from the
system coordinator, the user must then login to
the EIV system and apply for a User Access
Authorization Form (UAAF).
Follow instructions provided on HUD EIV UAAF
Instructions available on the Dataprompter.
Upon completion of the user request, the system
EIV coordinator will approve the UAAF and notify
the user that they are approved.
Upon receipt of approval, the user will return to
the EIV system and print their approved UAAF and
file it in the Community EIV Binder.
Obtaining EIV Access (Step 3)
When first logging into the EIV system, the user
will be prompted to take the Security Awareness
Testing (SAT).
The SAT must be taken immediately when
prompted. You must take the test at that point
and not wait regardless of amount of time given by
the system.
The SAT must be taken BEFORE the first EIV
information is accessed.
The SAT must be printed and filed in the
Community EIV Authorization Binder.
Maintaining EIV Access
In addition to the up front sign up and
authorization process there is on going periodic
items that must be done to maintain
uninterrupted access to the system.
Secure Connection Login (MXXXXX)
Any login not used at all during a 120 period will be
terminated. Terminated accounts can be
reactivated by submitting a help desk ticket.
Maintaining EIV Access
Secure Connection Password
At random intervals the system will force the user to
reset their password.
Should you forget or loose your password there are two
steps to regaining access:
Use the “Forgot Password” link on the login page.
Contact the REAC Help Desk at 1.888.245.4860
Should you lock your account by supplying the wrong
password 3 times you must also contact the REAC Help
Desk to request an Unlock.
Maintaining EIV Access
Security Awareness Testing
Every 6 months the user must take, pass and print a new
Security Awareness test.
You are required to complete this test the first time you
are prompted even though the system will allow you
additional time to complete it.
Maintaining EIV Access
Every 6 months each user must request a new UAAF
form to be recertified to maintain access.
Failure to do so will result in the “No Projects/Contracts
Found” Message to appear.
If a user has UAAF’s for multiple projects, they may
expired at different times based on when they were
originally applied for.
TO DO THIS. Please mark your calendars to apply for
recertification during the 5th month. Access is stopped
on the 15th day of the 7th month.
EIV Reports
Existing Tenant Search (For Approved Applicants)
 Determines if an applicant is already receiving
subsidy in another community.
Deceased Tenant Reports. (Monthly)
Shows if any current residents have been reported as
Income Reports (Monthly/Recert)
Income Report
Income Summary
Deceased Tenant
New Hires Report
EIV Reports
Multiple Subsidy Report (Monthly)
Failed Prescreening Report (Monthly)
Shows if a current resident started getting subsidy
Shows new households submitted to the system that
have failed ID Verification.
Failed Validation Reports (Monthly)
Shows current households that have identity validation
When is EIV Used?
During the application process to confirm
no double subsidy exists BEFORE Moving
the Resident in.
90 Days after each Move In and Annual
120 days prior to the a Scheduled Annual
Prior to all Interim Recertifications.
EIV Discrepancies and other info.
ALL Income Discrepancies are to be
documented in the EIV Discrepancy Log
along with the resolution.
Even if the EIV report confirms the resident
reported income, Third Party Verifications
are still required.
When a discrepancy exists between EIV and
reported income, if Third Party Verfication
supports resident reported numbers, the
resident reported numbers stand.
EIV Binder Contents
At MOR the inspector can request the following
and should be in the EIV Binder.
Owners Authorization Letter.
CAAF for Todd.
UAAF for all users who have access to property (Including Regional)
SAT Results for all users who have access to the property.
Income Discrepancy Log
Deceased Tenant Reports
Security Policy
Rules of Behavior Forms
EIV Policy
Should not include:
Any Resident Income or Discrepancy Reports showing resident income
In conclusion
Watch for emails in the next 7 days with links to the new
documentation, processes, checklists and forms.
Upon returning to your office, if you are not already doing
so, you must begin using the EIV system immediately.
Supervisors will be checking status of their properties over
the prior to April 1.
Users who require additional steps to get activated must
follow the steps emailed to them over the past week.
If you have not received those instructions or are unclear
of your status, please talk to your supervisor.
In the next round of MOR’s no properties will be given a
pass at MOR time to avoid a 5% voucher penalty. NOTE:
Subsidy funds you PAYCHECK!
Forms, Documents,Checklists
EIV Chart
EIV Report Requirements
Recert Tracking Log
Sample Resident File
Sample EIV Binders
We said there would be a test!
Some could be trick questions!
When is it permissible for a
community manager to give their
Login and password to their
All users who access EIV must
have their OWN Login!
Subsequent Security Awareness
tests must be taken:
a) Every 30 Days
b) Every 60 Days
c) Every 6 months
d) None of the above
c) Every 6 months.
(Test’s are to be taken when
first prompted!)
When is the only time EIV
information can be
accessed WITHOUT having
a signed HUD-9887 on file
for each member over 18?
When Running the Existing
Tenant Search at Application
When filing EIV information in the
resident file is it attached to the
a) Current 50059.
b) Third Party Verification Paper
c) Original Credit Report from
Move in.
d) None of the above.
d) None of the above.
(Must be segregated in the
manila EIV envelope.)
True or False
Income Discrepancies do not
need to be recorded in the
discrepancy log, if the 3 party
verification supports the
residents reported income.
d) False
(All discrepancies must be
recorded along with their
resolution in the discrepancy
True or False?
When carrying resident
files to your car so that you
may work on recerts at
home, your maintenance
person should assist you?
d) False
(Taking resident files outside
of the rental office to work on
at home is not permitted.)
If you forget your password
you should:
a) Submit a help desk ticket
b) call Todd on his cell phone
c) Use the “Forgot Password” link
d) Call the REAC Help desk
e) C then D
e) C then D
(Attempt to reset the
password yourself, then call
the REAC Help Desk. Wallick
IMG does not have access to
Enterprise Income Verification