Transcript Slide 1

Unit 5

T 5.1 Listen and complete the conversation between Ben and Alice.

B = Ben A = Alice B: I’m going shopping. Do we need anything?

A: I don’t think so. … Oh, hang on. We haven’t got any sugar.

B: It’s OK. It’s on my list. I ______(1)_______ some.

A: What about bread?

B: Good idea! I______(2)_______ a loaf.

A: Erm, what time will you get back?

B: I don’t know. I might stop at Nick’s. it depends on how much time I’ve got.

A: Don’t forget we______(3)_______ tennis with Dave and Donna this afternoon.

B: Don’t worry. I ____(4)_____ forget. I____(5)______ back before then.

A: Ok.






Answer: ’m going to buy ’ll get ’re playing won’t ’ll be

T 5.2 Listen to three short conversations. Say what is going to happen.


Make sentences using I think … will and the prompts in A. Match them with a sentence in B T 5.3 Listen and check. Practise saying them.

T 5.5 Liz and Min Young are arranging to meet over the weekend. What plans do they already have? Listen and complete the chart. Where and what time do they arrange to meet?

T 5.6Listen to the weather forecast and make notes about your part.

T 5.7 Listen and check. Practise the conversations with a partner.