Margaret McGettrick`s presentation - The National Spirituality and

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Transcript Margaret McGettrick`s presentation - The National Spirituality and

Implications for chaplaincy of the
new [2015] guidelines
NSMHF September 2015
Margaret McGettrick
The traditions of Chaplaincy
Models of ministry
NSMHF and compassion
Model of therapeutic spiritual care
Chaplaincy traditions
Traditions are formed from practices in which are embedded cultural beliefs
1. 1948-2003
• Context: modernism [individualism, reason and secularism]
• NHS: equitable and free
• HCC model: religious /pastoral care as healing, sustaining, guiding & reconciliation] care
through, parish visiting model, counselling and psychotherapy
2. 2003
• Context: Pluralism & rise of spirituality, rise of Pentecostal/ charismatic spirituality,
transitioning to postmodernism [secular-spiritual].
• NHS: Equality and quality
• HCC model: religious [pastoral] and spiritual care [meaning and purpose] generic
spiritual care
3. 2015
• Context: post modernism [individual-community/ relational, reason-experience
• NHS: Funding , hospital to community, holistic care, recovery in MH, scandals
• HCC model: religious [pastoral] and spiritual care and compassionate –professional:
best practice model, evidence based care that demonstrates effective and efficient
Lack of definition of spirit and spirituality/what happened to models of practice
Pentecostal/ charismatic spirituality
• 2003 documentation didn’t recognise religious
growth area
• Associated with healing ministry
• Healing one of the four features of pastoral
• There is empirical evidence for its
• Is this potentially a new emerging model of
therapeutic spiritual care
May 2015 memorial lecture professor Paul
Gilbert on ‘Compassionate approach to spiritual
and mental well-being’.
• Spirituality –a unifying force
• ‘There is a need for a new spirituality whose
core recognises the importance of
• Compassion-opportunity to develop new
model of practice
A new generic model of spiritual care based on compassion?
Spirit can be known by what it does .15 functions based on the work of Professor Tomislav Ivancic [2006].
The unifying life force and centre of the human person, which can be recognised by its functions. [15].It
animates, unifies, creates, loves, [itself, others and God and connects with them] .It searches for truth
[meaning and purpose], seeks goodness and beauty, the home of compassion, the seat of freewill, choice
decision-making, reason and conscience. and virtues.] It is the centre of transcendence , of search, for
encounter with and transformation by God /the ground of being. Ultimate being.
The general way in which all human persons seek to live in relationship to the spiritual dimension of their
Anderson: Social spiritualty model of the human person. Ecology [inter-relationship] of physical, spiritual
and social [Anderson 2003:173].primacy to social being.
Pastoral care: spiritual. Discern spiritual pathology and provide appropriate therapy’[Anderson 2003:76].
Burton: Spiritual pain model [ handout]. Pain is caused by dis-integration or eccentric movement of
dimensions. Uses Clinebell’s model of integrated life: spirit unifying body, mind, relationships, work, rest
and world. ‘Identifying, & responding to spiritual pain should be a central task for the…pastoral care
Galek et al [2005]: Dimensions of spiritual need [love and belonging, meaning and purpose, hope, peace
and gratitude, connecting with the divine, morality and ethics, appreciation of beauty, the need to forgive
self and others and acceptance of dying [in Fraser 2013:39].
Ministry [leadership] built on charism/gift/virtues .3 fold who I am [virtues/gift], what I know and what I
do [practices].Compassion the virtue/gift for pastoral care . Gift is discerned, grows and develop into
practice [Cahalan 2010:81] also, to guide, to sustain, and facilitate healing and reconciliation and
knowledge of same.
Nursing / chaplaincy process of assessment, planning, implementation & Evaluation
Aim of care : spiritual health/wellbeing
Chaplain therapeutic spiritual care specialist
What counts as evidence
Correspondence [Quantitative/scientific method] :
Truth corresponds to verified facts gathered objectively [Cartledge 2003:76 & 80].
Methods: survey, questionnaire, experiments, data mining,
structured observation and interviews with predetermined items.
Excludes the metaphysical
Coherence: Something is true if it coheres with other truths
Pragmatic: ‘If it works’
– Yada: Believing through participating/self authenticating
– Testimony: We believe the testimony because we trust the witness
Not presenting truth but a particular perspective [Cartlege 2003:78]
‘…participant observation, interviews, focus groups, life histories, oral
history, documentary analysis …case study’ or a combination of methods
[Cartledge 2003: 67-73]
Current Research
2000: Cochrane review into 7 empirical studies of intercessory prayer: ‘We found no data to
doubt or contradict the use of prayer for seriously ill people [Gunther Brown 2012:92-93]
2001:Koenig, Mc Cullough & Larson: Reviewed 1,200 studies & 400 reviews. 60-80%
correlation with improved health [NHS 2015:15]
2012: Candy Gunther Brown. Empirical study of people in Brazil and Mozambique with visual
& hearing problems prayed with by Charismatic Christians showed a 10 fold increase through
PIP [proximal intercessory prayer].
1990-2002 CAMS complementary alternative to medicine [US] Prayer most common CAMS
43%[selves] & 24% [ask others [Gunther Brown 2012:2].
2013 Caroline Leaf: Thought changes brain physiology positively and negatively [brain
damage]. Neuroplasticity: Thoughts are epigenetic signals that act as switches activating DNA
to build or destroy memory trees .Genetic inheritance: Thoughts are passed on through DNA.
Epigenetics External signals [thoughts] can change genetic patterns[Leaf 2013:57]. Thinking
involves electromagnetic, electrochemical and quantum activity. Quantum physics law of
entanglement. Is about the behaviour of subatomic particles. Everyone and everything are
linked together. We all affect each other, outside of time and space. Energy signals
communicate faster than light. ’We impact each other through out intentions and prayers’[Leaf
2013:114.]This happens independent of distance [Leaf 2013:121].Our brains are ‘hardwired to
experience powerful compassion for others’ and to choose goodness [Leaf 2013:112].
• How equitable is the profession of chaplaincy
when viewed from a multi faith perspective.
• Is our present appointments system, which
means representatives from minority faiths are
part-time appointments, acting as a barrier to
their professional development.
• There is already evidence of the efficacy of
intercessory healing prayer. Might it be a cost
effective spiritual care practice unique to
chaplaincy? Is it Multi faith?
Anderson, Ray S. [2003]. Spiritual Caregiving as Spiritual Sacrament . London: Jessica
Kingsley Publishers.
Burton, Rod. [2004] . Spiritual pain: origins, nature and management. Contact 143.
pp. 3-13.
Cahalan, Kathleen A .[2010]. Introducing the Practice of Ministry.Collegeville,
Minnesota: Order of St Benedict.
Cartledge, Mark [2003]. Practical Theology. Carlisle, Cumbria: Paternoster Press.
Fraser, Derek. J [2013].CPD an essential component of healthcare chaplaincy. HSCC1.1
pp. 22-34.
Gunther Brown, Candy .[2012]. Testing Prayer: Science and Healing. Cambridge,
Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
Ivancic, Tomislav [2006] 3rd edition. Diagnosing the Soul and Hagiotherapy. Salzburg:
Grafocommerce Salzburg.
Leaf, Caroline [2013]. Switch on your Brain. Grand Rapids, Michigan:Baker Books
NHS [2015]. NHS Chaplaincy Guidelines2 015: Promoting Excellence in Pastoral,
Spiritual and Religious Care. NHS England.