EleUM - Maastricht University
Transcript EleUM - Maastricht University
(Electronic Learning Environment University Maastricht)
• Find your course material, assignments
and announcements regarding the course.
• Hand in assignments electronically.
• Communicate with your teachers and
fellow students.
– maastrichtuniversity.nl/eleum
– fasos.info/eleum
– fasos.info/study (click on Course material)
Welcome to EleUM!
Click the LOGIN button
Right! Fill in your
Username and
Password, and
Click the log
in button
You enter EleUM on the My EleUM tab.
In this demo we will guide you through the tabs and modules.
We first want to discuss a few more concepts.
EleUM is a Learning System and is basically meant to support education.
There are 2 important terms to remember: Courses and Organisations
Let’s first explain more about the Courses using the My Courses module.
Click anywhere in the My Courses module.
The module is called My Courses, because in the list you only see the courses that you are
enrolled in (have registered for).
A course is accessible for all the students that registered for that course. So it is the ideal
place to inform all students in this course and to present them the course material, assignments or
other information regarding the course.
As you can see every course has a name and a code. Course codes are important because they are
unique and form the link to a course in all UM education systems.
The code for Mentor Programme Year 1 is: 2015-100-EUS1508
(2015=academic year 2015/2016; 100=course period 1; EUS1508= course code)
Especially the course code (in red) is good to remember, because it is unique when searching for
courses in the various systems.
Click on a course that is unavailable.
Clicking on a black link does not take you to that course. That is because it is
not yet made available to students by the course coordinator.
So you cannot enter that course yet. The course coordinator is still preparing
it and is not yet ready.
The text ‘(not currently available)’ indicates that and the fact that it is black
instead of blue and the name and course code are not yet a clickable link.
Click on the Mentor Programme course.
This is the course menu of all courses of 2015-2016. Some menu items
may not be visible, because they are not filled with content. So, if no
‘Examination materials’ are posted, this menu item will not be visible.
You enter a course on the Announcements page. It shows you all available
announcements in the course.
Click on the About the course menu item.
About the course is meant
for general information about
the course.
Click on the Course
Materials menu item.
In this area the course book and all kinds of additional course material is placed, organized in
folders or as separate items. Simply click on the links of the folders to see what items are in it.
Click on the Assignments menu link.
Here you can find electronic hand-in points for assignments.
To hand in you have to click on the link that goes with the assignment.
Click on the link of the assignment: Test Assignment Workshop FASoS Online.
To upload your document use the “Browse My Computer” button
behind ‘Attach File’. When the file is visibly linked click the Submit
button to actually hand in. ‘Save draft’ does not hand in!!
* Do not use the ‘Write Submission’ option unless specifically approved by the
course coordinator.
* All files handed in here are checked for plagiarism. It is not obligatory to tick the
box after ‘Plagiarism Tools’.
Examination Materials
Some course coordinators may put old exams online for you to practise
with or post grades on EleUM. Note that grades posted in EleUM are
never official grades; only grades published in My UM are official.
Many coordinators do not put any examination materials online, so then
you won’t see this menu item.
Click on the My Organisations link.
In EleUM each tutorial group (the group of people you have group meetings with in the classrooms) of every
course has its own electronic working environment. That working environment is called an Organisation.
As you can see above this particular student is in tutorial group 1 of the course “Human rights of women” and in
group 2 of “International development law”. Obviously, these group numbers correspond with the group number
you find in the course timetable.
Next to these tutorial group organisations there are also special, non-course related, organisations like
Bachelor ES. This is an organisation in which all students of the Bachelor ES programme are enrolled. It is used by
the programme director to inform students about things that are not course specific.
Click on the link of “Bachelor ES” organisation.
An organisation of a tutorial group looks very similar to a course and has similar menus and tools,
and here you enter in the Home Page area. Announcements posted here are only visible for
students in this specific tutorial group.
Mainly, a (tutorial) organisation is used for communication purposes within the tutorial group or for
handing in assignments. This is usually done in courses that have many students enrolled and
therefore have many tutorial groups.
Back in the course we look at the Tools menu item.
The basic tools placed here are the same in all UM courses. But in many courses many tools are not
being used. You can use the Send Email tool to quickly email fellow students or teachers and this
tool is linked to your UM mailbox.
We are back on the My EleUM page.
The Courses Tab shows basically the same as the My Courses
module and the Organisations Tab shows basically the same
as the My Organisations module.
My Announcements shows all recent announcements of all
Courses and Organisations you are enrolled in.
Click on the My Timetable Upcoming Events module.
The MyTimetable Upcoming Events module is a very convenient module for you as a student, as
it shows your personal upcoming education events, including course code, time slot and
location of the tutorial room or lecture hall.
It’s data are directly taken from the My Timetable application.
It also contains a link to the full My Timetable application online.
If you need help on using EleUM you can click
the special Support button on the right side of
the screen.
Click the Support button to continue.
The Support Page provides links for
students and staff to the EleUM Support
Blog, FAQs and links to Faculty EleUM
Navigating through EleUM
So far we have been moving around
in EleUM by clicking on Tabs, links
within modules and menu items in
Courses or Organisations.
Next to that the Back and Forward
buttons of your browser can also be
used to navigate in EleUM.
Logging out of EleUM is done by
clicking the special Logout button
the arrow points to.
Click on the Logout button.
Blackboard Mobile
Check EleUM on your mobile device:
• Available for iPhone, iPad, Android phones and tablets. Check the
Apple Store or Google Play.
• Notifications of Announcements and newly posted course material
on your phone.
• Free for UM students and staff
• After installation, start the App and find our university: Maastricht
University; then log in with your UM username and password and
you’re there. Set up notifications to your needs.
Thank you for your attention!
The EleUM demo showed you how to:
• Find your course material, assignments and
announcements regarding a course.
• Hand in assignments electronically.
• Communicate with your teachers and fellow
Click to end this presentation.