DO - GLASA Referees

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GLASA 2011 Spring PreSeason All Referee Meeting
Referee Expectations
New Referee Laws
Assessor Day
On Pitch Clinics
Referee Information
New Glasa ByLaws
Coach’s Feedback
New Referees
Feb, 2011
• Assignors
• Referee
• Clinics
• Season Start Date
• Recertification
• Pics
• The End
GLASA PreSeason Spring 2011 All Referee Mtg
Referee Expectations
Referee Shorts
Pencil / Paper, equipment
No White Undershirts
On Time to Games, Functions,
• Advancement
Grade 9 to 8
Grade 8 to 7
Grade 7 to 6
Grade 6 to 5
Grade 5 to 4
• Uniforms, etc.
– Official Sports
– “Soccer City”
– “Soccer Corner”
Feb, 2011
GLASA PreSeason Spring 2011 All Referee Mtg
Referee Expectations
• Misconduct Reports (Non-NMCSA Games)
– Report needed for all foul Misconducts (Yellow
& Red cards), coach / parent / player ejections
– Send in GLASA Misconduct Reports within 24
hrs of incident [Either email to
[email protected] or fax to GLASA A&D
Feb, 2011
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Misconduct Form
Feb, 2011
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Northern Mid-Cities Official Game / Misconduct Report
Feb, 2011
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NMCSL Referee Misconduct Report
• At all complexes place NMCSL Game
Official Game Reports in the drop boxes.
• Do not leave complex until report filled out
and placed in box
• Do not fax to Glasa A&D
Feb, 2011
GLASA PreSeason Spring 2011 All Referee Mtg
Goal Cage Safety
• 1979 to 2011 36 deaths / 56 injuries from
unanchored goal cages
• Law 1 states “Goals must be anchored
securely to the ground”. Stakes, sand
bags, weights – you inspect for
• 2010 Lake Dallas School death
Feb, 2011
GLASA PreSeason Spring 2011 All Referee Mtg
New Referee Laws
• Know all “18” Laws
• Slide tackles for U8 and younger are allowed –
Referees to punish illegal slide tackles
• Offside
– “Slow and Right than Fast and Wrong”
• Substitutions
– Players “Off before On”
• Ask questions of other referees if not clear on a
Law or a Mechanic
Feb, 2011
GLASA PreSeason Spring 2011 All Referee Mtg
Advice To Referees on the Laws of the Game –
Replacement of Corner Flags
…Players may return bent or leaning corner flags
to the upright position, but they may not bend or
lean them away from the upright position to take
a corner kick, nor may the corner flag be
removed for any reason. (However, a corner flag
which cannot be repositioned upright in a stable
manner and which would interfere with the
normal taking of a corner kick, may be
temporarily held upright until the corner kick is
Feb, 2011
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Memorandum 2010
Feb, 2011
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Two meetings this year (March 6 & May 18)
•Some issues had been left undecided
•World Cup
Feb, 2011
GLASA PreSeason Spring 2011 All Referee Mtg
Law 1 – The Field of Play
Current Text:
- Goals
They [goalposts and crossbar] may be
square, rectangular, round or elliptical in
shape and must not be dangerous to
New Text: must
USSF Advice to Referees: No other shapes are permitted.
Feb, 2011
GLASA PreSeason Spring 2011 All Referee Mtg
Law 5 – The Referee
Interpretation of the Laws of the Game and Guidelines for Referees
Injured Players
General Ruling: if play is stopped for a serious
injury or if, regardless of why play is stopped,
the referee beckons medical personnel onto the
field to assist an injured player,
• the player must leave the field and may not
return until play has restarted and the
permission of the referee is obtained
• the player may not receive treatment on the
Feb, 2011
GLASA PreSeason Spring 2011 All Referee Mtg
Law 5 – The Referee
Interpretation of the Laws of the Game and Guidelines for Referees
Injured Players
- Present Text
Exceptions to this ruling are to be made only when:
• a goalkeeper is injured
• a goalkeeper and an outfield player have
collided and need immediate attention
• a severe injury has occurred, e.g. swallowed
tongue, concussion, broken leg
Feb, 2011
GLASA PreSeason Spring 2011 All Referee Mtg
Law 5 – The Referee
Interpretation of the Laws of the Game and Guidelines for Referees
Injured Players
- New Text
Exceptions to this ruling are to be made only when:
• a goalkeeper is injured
• a goalkeeper and an outfield player have collided and
need immediate attention
• players from the same team have collided and need
immediate attention
•a severe injury has occurred, e.g. swallowed tongue,
concussion, broken leg
USSF Advice to Referees: The reference to “outfield player” (2nd bullet) is
interpreted to include any field player from either team.
Feb, 2011
GLASA PreSeason Spring 2011 All Referee Mtg
Law 5 – The Referee
Interpretation of the Laws of the Game and Guidelines for Referees
Injured Players
- Present Text
• The stretcher-bearers should enter the field of play with
a stretcher at the same time as the doctors to allow the
polayer to be removed as quickly as possible
- New Text
• Stretcher-bearers should only enter the field of play
with a stretcher following a signal from the referee
USSF Advice to Referees: The referee may permit the entry of medical personnel
with or without stretcher-bearers at the same time, or may permit stretcherbearers to enter the field after the entry of medical personnel, or may decide not
to permit stretcher-bearers to enter at all if deemed not necessary
Feb, 2011
GLASA PreSeason Spring 2011 All Referee Mtg
Other Decisions of the IFAB
Law 1 – The Field of Play
Interpretations of the Laws of the Game and Guidelines for
Logos and Emblems
The IFAB reiterated that the reproduction, whether real or virtual, of
representative logos or emblems of FIFA, confederations, member
associations, leagues, clubs or other bodies is forbidden on the field of
play, the goal nets and the areas they enclose, the goals, the flagposts and
their flags during playing time.
Particular emphasis was placed on the fact that such logos may not be
reproduced on corner flags.
Feb, 2011
GLASA PreSeason Spring 2011 All Referee Mtg
Other Decisions of the IFAB
Goal-line technology
(continuation of discussions at the 122nd Annual General Meeting)
The use of goal-line technology and indeed
technology in general within the game was
rejected by majority decision.
Feb, 2011
GLASA PreSeason Spring 2011 All Referee Mtg
Other Decisions of the IFAB
Authoritative language for the Laws of the Game
It was confirmed that in the event of any
divergence between translations of the Laws of
the Game, the English text is authoritative.
Feb, 2011
GLASA PreSeason Spring 2011 All Referee Mtg
Law 14 – The Penalty Kick
Interpretation of the Laws of the Game and Guidelines for Referees
Present Text
Feinting to take a penalty kick to confuse opponents is
permitted as part of football. However, if, in the opinion of the
referee, the feinting is considered an act of unsporting
behavior, the player must be cautioned.
New Text
Feinting in the run-up to take a penalty kick to confuse
opponents is permitted as part of football. However, feinting
to kick the ball once the player has completed his run-up is
considered an infringement of Law 14 and an act of
unsporting behavior for which the player must be cautioned.
Feb, 2011
GLASA PreSeason Spring 2011 All Referee Mtg
Law 14 – The Penalty Kick
Interpretation of the Laws of the Game and Guidelines for Referees
USSF Advice to Referees:
• Kicker may feint during the run to the ball (but no delay or
excessive direction changes)
• Between the completion of the run to the ball and the actual kick, a
feint is a violation of Law 14
• Example: clearly stopping and waiting for a reaction from the
goalkeeper before kicking
• Treat the same as other violations of Law 14
• Allow the kick to proceed
• If ball in the net, cancel goal and order a retake
• If ball not in net, indirect free kick for opposing team where
violation occurred
• In either case, caution the kicker for unsporting behavior before
restarting play
Feb, 2011
GLASA PreSeason Spring 2011 All Referee Mtg
The Fourth Official
Interpretation of the Laws of the Game and Guidelines for Referees
The fourth official and the reserve assistant referee (bullet point 7)
Present Text:
He [4th official] must indicate to the referee when the wrong
player is cautioned because of mistaken identity or when a
player is not sent off having been seen to be given a second
caution or when violent conduct occurs out of the view of the
referee and assistant referees. The referee, however, retains
the authority to decide on all points connected with play.
New Text:
He assists the referee to control the match in accordance
with the Laws of the Game. The referee, however, retains the
authority to decide on all points connected with play.
Feb, 2011
GLASA PreSeason Spring 2011 All Referee Mtg
The Fourth Official
Interpretation of the Laws of the Game and Guidelines for Referees
The fourth official and the reserve assistant referee (bullet point 7)
USSF Advice to Referees: The removal of the listed duties
for the fourth official does not mean that they no longer are
fourth official responsibilities. As the Board explained, the
change was for the purpose of broadening the areas of
fourth official assistance to include anything which may
pertain to assisting the referee to control the match. The
change emphasizes the importance of including in the
pregame conference a discussion of the areas in which the
referee wishes the fourth official to provide specific
Feb, 2011
GLASA PreSeason Spring 2011 All Referee Mtg
Entry into force of Laws of the Game
The IFAB unanimously agreed that the
decisions of the 124th IFAB Annual General
Meeting and the special meeting of the
International Football Association Board
(IFAB) would come into force on 1 June
2010 and therefore apply for the 2010 FIFA
World CupTM.
Feb, 2011
GLASA PreSeason Spring 2011 All Referee Mtg
Assessor Day
• Multiple weekend(s) in March
• Referees will be assessed by USSF
Assessors and provided written feedback
Feb, 2011
GLASA PreSeason Spring 2011 All Referee Mtg
On Pitch Clinics
• Referee Clinic for referees assigned to
Unity and Bakersfield complexes:
Feb 17 at 6:30 pm at Bakersfield Complex
Feb, 2011
GLASA PreSeason Spring 2011 All Referee Mtg
Referee Information
• U5 – U8 Kickoffs / Quarter Restarts /
– Kickoff to start first half, Kickoff to start the
second half
– Quarters (2, 4th) should start with a restart
based on how the last quarter ended
– Substitutions are made at quarter stoppages
and half time; unlimited by both teams
Feb, 2011
GLASA PreSeason Spring 2011 All Referee Mtg
New Glasa ByLaws
U8 Player Rules:
1. Goalkeepers allowed
2. GK wears different jersey or penny
3. GK can touch ball in “penalty area”
4. GK can not kick ball. Only throw or roll ball.
1. If punted, restart by GK with throw or roll
5. GK injury – sub for GK only
Feb, 2011
GLASA PreSeason Spring 2011 All Referee Mtg
New Glasa ByLaws - continued
GK Violations:
6. GK touches or carries ball outside of “PA”.
Restart: IFK at spot of touch by defensive team
on whistle.
7. GK is fouled by attacker.
Restart: IFK at top edge of “PA”.
8. Defensive team foul in “PA”. No penalty Kick.
Restart: IFK for attacking team at top of “PA” +
2 yards.
Feb, 2011
GLASA PreSeason Spring 2011 All Referee Mtg
Do’s and Don’ts
• DO be respectful to Players, Coaches, Parents
• Don’t tolerate a disrespectful Coach
Procedure: (ASK, TELL, REMOVE)
• DO enforce the Laws of the Game
• Don’t be blind to a foul. Make the foul call.
• DO blow the whistle loudly and give direction for
a foul, or give restart all in a quick timeframe.
Feb, 2011
GLASA PreSeason Spring 2011 All Referee Mtg
Do’s and Don’ts
• Don’t debate the Laws with a Coach or a
player or parent
• DO gently explain what you saw as
necessary to diffuse coach and move on
• DO be the Referee. Manage the game!
Review Law 5 for Referee responsibilities..
Feb, 2011
GLASA PreSeason Spring 2011 All Referee Mtg
Weather – Hot and Cold
• Hot Weather – have water breaks. Time
doesn’t stop. Do not add time.
• Lightning Detectors
– When they go off (1 blast) leave field.
– 3 blasts return
– Stop your watch. Note location on field for
restart (dropped ball if on pitch for stoppage).
Feb, 2011
GLASA PreSeason Spring 2011 All Referee Mtg
Referee Pay Scale
Feb, 2011
GLASA PreSeason Spring 2011 All Referee Mtg
W-9 / Social Security Numbers
• Each year submit a new W9 only if info
changes i.e. address, name
• SS# address has to match IRS Address.
You (18 refs) will be notified to make
• Monies are availble for payment to
referees that either have no SS# or no
Feb, 2011
GLASA PreSeason Spring 2011 All Referee Mtg
How Many Active GLASA Referees?
Grade 4 (National) - 0 (1)
Grade 5 – 1 (1)
Grade 6 – 3 (2)
Grade 7 – 2
Grade 8 – 141 (Doesn’t count new referees)
Grade 9 – 113 (Doesn’t count new referees)
Feb, 2011
GLASA PreSeason Spring 2011 All Referee Mtg
Referee Assignments & Pay
• Referee games are assigned thru Arbiter
Sports. You need an account.
• Referees are paid thru Ref Pay. You need
an account.
• Go to Glasa website, Referee page for
Arbiter Sports / RefPay training
presentation for assistance.
Feb, 2011
GLASA PreSeason Spring 2011 All Referee Mtg
Feb, 2011
GLASA PreSeason Spring 2011 All Referee Mtg
Glasa Referee Academy
• Director: Rob Kucenski
• By Invitation Only
• Grade 8’s to Grade 7:
James Meade, Keith Austin, Mike Malone
• Grade 7’s to Grade 6
• Grade 6 to 5 (again): Rob Kucenski
• Grade 5 to Grade 4 (National): Brent Zirkle
Feb, 2011
GLASA PreSeason Spring 2011 All Referee Mtg
Coach’s Feedback
Improved refereeing over last season
Use hand signals (all age groups)
Blow whistle with directional hand signal
Assist little kids with throw-ins and what
they did incorrectly – talk to them
• No Double kicks on kickoffs and restarts
• No defending players in arc on kickoffs
• Enforce coaches box (technical area)
Feb, 2011
GLASA PreSeason Spring 2011 All Referee Mtg
Coaches Feedback - continued
• U5: Enforce no GK rule
U5: ball placement for goal kicks
U5: length of play is 4 x 8 minutes
Improved uniform and dress
Referee Attitude
Feb, 2011
GLASA PreSeason Spring 2011 All Referee Mtg
New Referees
• All new 2011 referees please stand
Feb, 2011
GLASA PreSeason Spring 2011 All Referee Mtg
ASSIGNORS / Fields / Age Groups
• TraceyLynn McElhone – Bakersfield
– (ages U7, U8)
• Brent Zirkle – Unity
– (ages U5, U6)
• Dominic Falcinelli
– Lake Park (U9 – 19)
– Railroad (U10 – 19)
– Chinn Chapel (U12 – 19)
– Tournaments (Glasa, Non-Glasa)
Feb, 2011
GLASA PreSeason Spring 2011 All Referee Mtg
GLASA Referee Committee
Greg Hise
Sian Kinner
Rob Kucenski
James Meade
Jim Parker (chair)
Feb, 2011
GLASA PreSeason Spring 2011 All Referee Mtg
• Go to / Referees /
Clinics for any new clinics
- - or - North Texas State Soccer Association
Feb, 2011
GLASA PreSeason Spring 2011 All Referee Mtg
Spring Season Start Date
• Saturday, February 19, 2011
• Accept or Decline your assigned
games via ArbiterSports.
• Print out your schedule.
• Be On Time for games (30 min early
at the pitch).
• Look sharp / Bring water + Equipment
Feb, 2011
GLASA PreSeason Spring 2011 All Referee Mtg
• After Sept 1 – watch for emails
• On-Line testing for recertification is the
• For 2012 –all recertification and
registration will be on-line.
Feb, 2011
GLASA PreSeason Spring 2011 All Referee Mtg
Feb, 2011
GLASA PreSeason Spring 2011 All Referee Mtg
Let’s Find Waldo (What’s wrong with this picture?)
Green Girl Tripping
Orange Girl
Feb, 2011
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Feb, 2011
GLASA PreSeason Spring 2011 All Referee Mtg
Feb, 2011
GLASA PreSeason Spring 2011 All Referee Mtg
GLASA Referee Academy
Feb, 2011
GLASA PreSeason Spring 2011 All Referee Mtg
Phone Numbers
• GLASA Office: 972.221.4623
• GLASA Fax: 972.221.4619
• GLASA Weather number for fields /
complex status: 972.738.9700
• Jim Parker 214.424.7583
[email protected]
Feb, 2011
GLASA PreSeason Spring 2011 All Referee Mtg
Have a great season !!
Feb, 2011
GLASA PreSeason Spring 2011 All Referee Mtg