Knowledge Transfer Partnerships

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Knowledge Transfer Partnerships:
Benefiting Business
Monday 20th February 2006
Dr Debbie Buckley-Golder
KTP Programme Director
‘Europe’s most successful
Knowledge Transfer Programme…’
Outline Programme
- objectives and achievements
Benefits to participants
Looking to the future
KTP Mission
‘To strengthen the competitiveness, wealth creation and economic
performance of the UK by the enhancement of knowledge
transfer and skills and the stimulation of innovation through
collaborative projects between business and the knowledge
1975 launched as Teaching Companies scheme (TCS).
2003 Knowledge Transfer Partnerships replaced TCS
and Colleges & Businesses Partnership scheme (CBP).
1 October 2004 Momenta awarded 4-year
management contract
Current Sponsorship
£32m grant support to new partnerships across UK.
plus over £52m from participating companies.
Currently 15 sponsors (DTI, SE, WAG, Invest NI, Defra,
ESF, One North East, SEEDA)
Further regional sponsorship under negotiation
Knowledge Base
Higher Education Institutions
Further Education Institutions (teaching NVQ Level 4)
Research and Technology Organisations
Public Sector Research Institutes
Stable companies of all sizes from all industrial sectors
Charities and not-for-profit organisations
Education institutions (LEAs and schools)
Health organisations (hospitals and NHS Trusts)
The Associate
Recently qualified with:
First degree ~ 77% hold 1st or 2(i)
Higher degree ~ 38%
NVQ level 4
Average age 28 years
All disciplines
Project length 12 – 36 months
Associates recruited by KB and Company partners
Employed by KB partner
Project located at business premises with company
KB Supervisor spends ~ half day per week at company
Annual Budget
Standard Budget
~ £55k
SME Contribution
KTP Grant
~ £18k (33%)
~ £37k (67%)
Large Company Contribution
KTP Grant
~ £28k (50%)
~ £28k (50%)
FEC effective from 1 January 2006
Available to HEIs and RTOs
Knowledge Base
Published papers
Teaching materials, case studies and projects (82%)
New research themes - commercial relevance (80%)
Staff development – commercial awareness (88%)
Higher degree registrations
Graduate career opportunities
IP – negotiated with the company
Strategic relationship with company
Benefits per Associate project:
Annual profit up > £227k (highest £20m)
Invest. in plant & machinery > £106k (highest £7m)
New jobs created ~ 4
IP applied commercially > 65%
New research projects initiated ~ 3
Benefits per £1m Government spend:
Jobs created 77
Company staff trained 263
Annual increase in profit before tax > £3m
Investment in plant and machinery > £1.5m
Long-term, strategic relationship with KB partner
Recruitment of the ‘right’ people
Transfer of knowledge/expertise
Embedding of innovation culture
Part of country’s largest graduate recruitment scheme
Competitive salary
Employment within chose academic discipline
Fast-track career development
51% registered for higher degree during project
74% offered employment by host company
Training & development with qualification in Management to
National Standard
Location of Company Partner
1005 current Partnerships across UK with 1121 Associates
Size of Enterprise
The Process
with help of
KTP Adviser
by regional
assessed by
Approval Group
Proposal funded
– continued input
from KTP Adviser
Project Criteria
Strategic relevance to the business
Stimulating and challenging for the academic team
Intellectually challenging for Associate
Sound business case
Clear knowledge transfer
Clear additionality
Benefits likely to accrue
Future Plans
Rebalance to 25% large companies
75% graduate or post-graduate projects
Increase participation by FE Sector
Increase participation by high-tech and 5/5* Departments
Operate a minimum of 1100 live projects
Expand and develop range of sponsors
Dr Debbie Buckley-Golder
OX11 0QJ
Phone: 0870 190 6422
Email: [email protected]
Knowledge Transfer Partnerships:
Benefiting Business
Monday 20th February 2006
Creative Knowledge Transfer
Richard Denyer, Business Development Manager
Norwich School of Art and Design
• Traditionally operate in technology-driven
• Now operate in specialist higher education
institutes too, such as Norwich School of Art
and Design
• Are now supported by the Arts & Humanities
Research Council
• Offer exciting possibilities for business
Art and Design in the
business environment
• Affects how you are perceived by the world:
– Imagine McDonalds without the golden
– Or Apple Macintosh without the apple
• Companies have clear ideas about how they
want to appear but often lack the skills to
create and develop their image
• The received wisdom is that when times are
hard, the marketing and publicity budgets are
the first to be chopped
• As MD of Unilever famously remarked –
‘I know that half my marketing budget is
wasted, I just don’t know which half…’
The company: Mahal Leisurewear Ltd
Established country clothing manufacturer, especially for the
equestrian market
Product range utilises latest developments in waterproof outwear
Well established markets in the Far East & UK
The challenge:
To develop new clothing range whilst remaining competitive
To bring sub-contracted design process in-house
To provide one- stop service for customers
To increase market share with new products and brand development
The KTP project set up with UCE
Sourced an appropriate graduate and academic supervisor
The graduate: identified suitable CAD/CAM software package
brought textile design skills to the company
trained existing staff
The increase in orders resulted in a move to new premises to meet
manufacturing demand
The Company grew through the new CAD/CAM capabilities
The technological input to design activities lead to more effective
planning through the design process
Graduate employed at company after the KTP ended
“We are already seeing results
and feel positive about the
future…” MD
The company: Hayley Sharp Associates
One of top 5 interior design consultancies in UK, £1.7M turnover
Offer complete design service: preparing briefs, generating design
concepts and detailed drawings…all by hand
The challenge:
To invest in appropriate IT system (where no existing software
solution was available) and avoid making wrong investment
To increase efficiency of the design process and output of the staff
to provide faster response time to customer requirements without
compromising quality
The KTP project set up with UCE
Sourced two appropriate graduates and academic supervisors
Graduate One:
Graduate Two:
Systematically analysed existing working practices
Recommended software for drawing and project
management, and planned and implemented an IT
Developed new design practices across the company,
based on the new software
Design productivity doubled
New in-house design service established
‘The appropriate IT system has provided
clear visualisations of design solutions
to which alterations can be quickly
made. This allows the customer realtime participation in the design process’
Knowledge Transfer Partnerships
enable companies to
Develop their business
strategically, using
specialist support
Norwich School of Art and Design:
Graphic Design
Digital media
Sound design & animation
Games design
Textiles design
Design project management - for the public
sector as well as private companies
Knowledge Transfer Partnerships:
Benefiting Business
Monday 20th February 2006
KTP and Business – a Case Study
Antech Calibration Services
Jim Gunn
[email protected]
Antech / KTP Collaborations
Two sequential 2-year KTP/TCS projects
First project: Developing Company-wide workflow management system
Second project: Internet front-end for CMS including automated Email and
SMS functionalities
Pre-KTP Business Challenges
Work tracking, planning and organisation
Improving customer services
Attracting new business and retaining existing client base
Increasing market share
Obtaining an edge over competition
Our Interest in KTP
UEA Department of Computer Sciences
Failure of commercial solutions
Wealth of UEA expertise
Quality Masters graduate recruitment
How the KTP developed
Initial research and definition of requirements
Discussions with UEA academic contacts
Close previous relationship with UEA
Proximity of UEA to business head office
Program Duration
Intensive development cycle combining state of the art technology with
business practice
Formulation of explicit project development plan, timescale and budget,
reviewed & amended regularly
Regular project team meetings - closely monitored progress
Realisation of Benefits
Project 1 - CMS:
• Approx. 6 months following deployment
• Monitor and organise all business activities from a single centralised
• Forced re-evaluation of existing business practices
Project 2 – Web / Automated services:
• Project was the deciding factor in securing large-scale national contract
• Significantly reduced workload of customer services
• Continuing growth in usage of new services
• Publication of project research in renowned ACM SAC conference
UEA relationship outcomes
Fundamental review and improvement of business practices and
Access to large source of expertise
International exposure in recognised conference and KTP forums
Third party perspective on business operations
Today’s presentation!
Recommend KTP?
Encouragement to review business methodologies
Expert advice and guidance leading thinkers in your chosen field
Commercially-driven project with closely monitored timescales and
Competent graduate employment
• Put together a focused, committed team
• Be flexible to change
Antech Calibration Services
Jim Gunn
[email protected]
Knowledge Transfer Partnerships:
Benefiting Business
Monday 20th February 2006
Knowledge Transfer Partnerships:
Benefiting Business
If you are interested in a KTP with
University of East Anglia
Norwich School of Art and Design .......
Research & Business Services at UEA
Tel: 01603 591574
Email: [email protected]