"The visit" by IL Caragiale

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Transcript "The visit" by IL Caragiale




-life and literar activity     Ion Luca Caragiale (January 30, 1852 - July 9, 1912) was a Romanian playwright and short story writer. He was born in Haimanale, Wallachia. The name of the locality, which is now situated in the Prahova_County, Romania, has been changed to „I. L. Caragiale”. Caragiale began his career as a writer by publishing a series of poems in the magazine Ghimpele ("The Thorn"). His most influential works are : • O noapte furtunoasã ("A Stormy Night") • O scrisoare pierdutã ("A Lost Letter") • Conu Leonida fata cu reactiunea ("Mr. Leonida Faces the Reaction") • Napasta ("The Calamity") • D-ale carnavalului ("Carnival Adventures")

"The visit" by I.L. Caragiale

    Ionel Popescu is the main character in the” Visit” a sketch, written by our well known playwright I. L. Caragiale.

The physic portrait of the character can be summarized as follows: Ionel Popescu is an eight year old boy; his exterior aspect can be described in a few words: “I had found him dressed as a major, in a very ellegant suit”. Ionel is a very naughty boy. His cheekiness results from the way he talks to the guest, from his disrespectful attitude the adults and the rude way of the boy who help himself to jam directly from the jar instead of putting some jam on to the plate.

The boy’s behaviour shows us the wrong education that he was getting from his family; he does make foolish things for his age, unintentionally. It proves that he’s a child that makes no difference between good and evil, what’s allowed and what’s forbidden.

The Visit

by I.L. Caragiale   Author:“My respects, Mrs. Popescu! These are for you!” Mrs. Popescu:“My God, what beautiful flowers! How kind of you! Thank you so very much!”

The Visit

by I.L. Caragiale  Servant:“Look, ma’am, Ionel wouldn’t behave himself!

The Visit

by I.L. Caragiale  Mrs. Popescu:“It’s enough, Ionel! You’ve already had enough jam! You’re going to have a stomach ache again!”

The Visit

by I.L. Caragiale  Mrs. Popescu:“To tell you the truth, when Ionel was just a little boy, it was alright; but now, when he has grown up, I have to tend to him”

The Visit

by I.L. Caragiale  Mrs. Popescu:“Can’t you see what may happen if you don’t behave yourself? You were about to pull my eye off…Would you have liked to kill me? Kiss me to forgive you!”

The Visit

by I.L. Caragiale  Mrs Popescu:”Ionel! Behave yourself! You’re going to break something…Do you want to make me angry?”

The Visit

by I.L. Caragiale  Author:“This is not good, major. Tobacco is poison…”

The Visit

by I.L. Caragiale  Mrs. Popescu:“Ionel! Mummy! What is wrong with you?” “My god! He’s sick! Help! My baby is going to die!”

The Visit

by I.L. Caragiale  Author:”Bring some cold water! “

The Visit

by I.L. Caragiale  Author:”He’s OK”

The Visit

by I.L. Caragiale  Author:“Can’t you see what you’ve done? Haven’t I told you tobacco is bad? You should never ever smoke again!”

The Visit

by I.L. Caragiale  Author: When I arrived home, I understood my the major had, for only a moment, left with the bowl in the hall – to pour jam in my galoshes.