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Transcript 医学系テニュアトラック教員の甲斐田大輔特命助教と中川崇

日時: 平成23年7月15日 17:00〜18:30
場所: 富山大学付属病院 第2臨床講義室
1. 「疾患の治療法の開発を目指したRNAスプライシング研究」
甲斐田 大輔
RNA splicing is one of the most critical steps for proper
gene expression. Translation of pre-mRNA due to splicing
defects produces abnormal and deleterious proteins and
causes numerous diseases including cancer and
neurodegenerative diseases. I will talk about techniques to
modulate splicing activity and our recent study on
transcriptome change upon splicing inhibition.
2. 「ミトコンドリアでの代謝を介した老化制御機構の解明」
中川 崇
Aging is a complex and abstruse process. However,
it is clearly shown that several genes can control the
aging process and promote longevity in many
organisms. Interestingly, most of them are involved
in the metabolism pathway. In this seminar, I will
discuss how metabolism pathways in mitochondria
influence the aging and aging related diseases, and
present the future direction of our research.
主催: 富山大学テニュアトラック実施委員会
問合せ先:研究振興部研究振興グループ TEL:074-445-6395