Social Emotional Development

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Social Emotional Development
Erik Erikson
divided life
span into eight
ages, each of
which involves
a psychosocial
crisis. One’s
personality is
shaped by how
individuals deal
with these
Stage 1 = Infancy (birth to 12/18 months)
• Trust vs. Mistrust: the infant must form a loving
relationship with caregiver
– Attachment = the enduring, affectionate tie that
binds one person to another
• Signs of Attachment
–Attempts to main contact with caregiver
–Separation anxiety (peaks around 14 to 18
–Goes to person when distressed
–More easily soothed by that person
–Stranger anxiety (7-12 months – schemas for
familiar faces)
Stage 1 = Infancy (birth to 12/18 months)
• Attachment is related to responsive parenting (quality of care; provide level
of stimulation appropriate to temperament of child)
– Mary Ainsworth – “Strange Situation” Study
( or
The Developing Person
• Secure Attachment = a type of attachment characterized by positive
feelings toward attachment figures and feelings of security 
Approach world with TRUST (Anchoring & Refueling)
– Mildly protest mom’s departure, seek interaction upon reunion,
readily comforted by her
• Insecure Attachment = a negative type of attachment in which
children who show indifference or ambivalence toward attachment
– Avoidant – least distressed by mom’s departure, play by
themselves, ignore mom upon return
– Ambivalent/Resistant – the most emotionally severe signs of
distress when mom leaves, ambivalent reunion (pushes away
and clings to), resists comfort
Stage 1 = Infancy (birth to 12/18 months)
Theoretical Views of Attachment
– Behavioral View: Mothers as Reinforcers
• Infants associate their caregivers with gratification. Mothers
are associated with the powerful, reinforcing event of being
fed. Biological basis for attachment
– Harlow’s View : Contact Comfort
• Monkeys spent majority of time with comfortable cloth
mother, even when cloth mother could not feed it, and went
to cloth mother when scared.
– Touch and affection is basis for attachment.
» Release of oxytocin, hormone associated with
trust and bonding
– Mom’s touch is necessary to maintain normal growth
and development (Rat Study ODC)
» Studies: massaging premature babies and
orphanages• Unfortunately, monkeys still developed an insecure attachment since
cloth mother could not be very responsive. Monkeys were terror
stricken when
placed in strange situations.
• Discredited Behaviorist view (The need for Responsive TOUCH)
(Responsive Brain – touch = 3:45-12:20) In Class Video
Stage 1 = Infancy (birth to 12/18 months)
• Theoretical Views of Attachment
– Imprinting = rigid attachment process by
which certain animals form attachments
during a critical period very early in life.
• Maternal-sensitive period: a period of
time during which a mother, because
of hormone levels (oxytocin) in the
body, is theorized to be particularly
disposed toward forming motherinfant bonds of attachment.
– But not critical period for
becoming attached. Adoptive
parents should not feel deficient.
Stage 2 = Toddler (1 to 2 / 3 years old)
• Autonomy vs Doubt: the child starts to take more
responsibility for feeding, dressing, and bathing.
– Those given the opportunity to experience independence
(feeding, dressing, bathing) will gain a sense of autonomy
– Children that are overly restrained or punished harshly
will develop shame and doubt
– Self Concept = a sense of one’s own identity and personal
• Rouge Test – place rouge (blush) on nose of 9-24 months olds are
place in front of mirror
– Before 18 months: don’t recognize self
– 18 months and older: most kids recognize themselves and
were embarrassed
– Dolphins can do it!
Stage 3 = Preschool (2 / 3 to 6 years old)
• Initiative vs. Guilt: Children are exposed to
the wider social world and given greater
– Sense of accomplishment leads to initiative,
whereas feelings of guilt can emerge if the child is
made to feel too anxious or irresponsible (overcontrolling parents)
Stage 4 = Elementary (6 years to puberty)
• Industry vs. Inferiority: the child moves
beyond family to broader social realm of the
neighborhood and school.
– Stage of life surrounding mastery of knowledge
and intellectual skills
– Sense of competence and achievement leads to
– Feeling incompetent and unproductive leads to
Stage 5 = Adolescence (teens into 20s)
• Identity vs. Role Confusion: Developing a sense of who one is and where
s/he is going in life
– Successful resolution leads to positive identity
– Unsuccessful resolution leads to identity confusion or a negative identity
Marcia’s Identity Status Model
-Orientations that may occur at a particular time. Individual may get locked into one of
these patterns or go through several at various times.
-Issues associated with identity formation = political orientation, religious beliefs, desired
occupation, sex/gender roles, sexual orientation, etc
-Crises = Exploration
No Crisis Experienced
Crisis Experienced
No Commitment Made
Diffusion = the person has not yet thought
about or resolved identity issues and has
failed to chart directions in life. EX: “I
haven’t really thought much about religions,
and I guess I don’t know what I believe
Moratorium = the person is seriously contemplating the
issues associated with identity formation and is trying
on new roles routinely, but has putt off making a final
decision. EX: “I’m in the middle of evaluating my
beliefs and hope that I’ll be able to figure out what’s
right for me. I like many of the answers provided by
my Catholic upbringing, but I’ve also become skeptical
about some teachings and have been looking into
Judaism to see if it might help me answer my
Commitment Made
Foreclosure = the person seems to know who
he or she is but has latched on to an identity
prematurely, without much thought (e.g., by
uncritically becoming what parents or other
authority figures suggest they should). EX:
“My parents are Baptists and I’m a Baptist;
it’s just the way I grew up.”
Identity Achievement = the person has developed a
separate and unique identity they feel comfortable with,
after some consideration of alternative possibilities. EX:
“I really did some soul-searching about my religion and
other religions too and finally know what I believe and
what I don’t.”
David Elkind: Adolescent Egocentrism
• A heightened self-consciousness of adolescents. Thinking becomes
very introspective and teens often go through periods of extreme selfabsorption. Can lead to cognitive limitations:
– Imaginary Audience = belief that everyone is watching and the tendency
to overestimate the degree to which one’s behavior will lead to social
acceptance or social rejection
• EX: Wrapped up with appearance – everyone will notice pimple, new
hair do, etc
• EX: Drink alcohol at party because he/she believes his/her friends will
think less of him/her for not drinking
– Personal Fable = perceptions of one’s own uniqueness (experiences,
perspectives, feelings, values) and that one is destined for greatness
• EX: “No one has been in love like this before!”; “You don’t
understand… you have never had this much work to accomplish in one
• EX: Write in journals about their future as the next great novelist or
rock star
– Invincibility Fable = belief that one is invincible and can never be hurt.
Regardless of what happens to others, believe no harm will come to them
• EX: drinking and driving ; won’t get pregnant, etc…
Social Development: Child-Rearing Practices
– parents impose rules
and expect
– “Don’t interrupt”
– “Why? Because I said
– parents are both
demanding and
– set rules, but explain
– encourage discussion
• Permissive
– submit to children’s
– make few demands
– use little punishment
• Rejecting-neglecting
– disengaged
– expect little
– invest little
Social Development: Child-Rearing Practices
• Three explanations for correlation between authoritative
parenting and social competence
(1) Parent’s behavior
may be influencing child.
(2) Child’s behavior may
be influencing parents.
Socially competent
Socially competent
(3) Some third factor may be
influencing both parents and child.
High education, ample
income, harmonious
marriage, common genes
Socially competent
Are We Born Moral?
Moral Development
Morality = ability to discern right from wrong and behave accordingly
Determine level by examining reasoning behind answer to hypothetical dilemmas – does not matter if you
answer yes or no!
Often use the same stage consistently, but can use different stages depending on the dilemma
As moral development progresses, the focus of concern moves from the self to the wider social world.
Postconventional Level: Morality of abstract principles: to affirm agreedupon rights and personal (not majority) ethical principles
– Stage 5: Human Rights and Social Welfare Morality - Laws are agreed to
for a reason, but there are extreme exceptions
– Stage 6: People choose own ethical principles (ex. justice, respect)
Conventional Level: Morality of law and social rules (family, religion, etc) :
to gain approval or avoid disapproval (ages 13-16)
– Stage 3: Interpersonal Accord and Conformity - Good behavior meets the
needs and expectations of others
– Stage 4: Law and Order Morality - Judgments based on rules that
maintain social order, respecting authority, doing one's duty
Preconventional Level: Morality of self-interest: to avoid punishment or
gain concrete rewards (up to age 9, also many criminals)
– Stage 1: Obedience and Punishment - Good behavior is that which is
obedient and avoids punishment
– Stage 2: Self-Interested Exchanges - Good behavior is that which allows
people to satisfy their needs or the needs of others
Moral Development
• Kohlberg (1981, 1984) sought to describe the development of moral
reasoning by posing moral dilemmas to children and adolescents,
such as “Should a person steal medicine to save a loved one’s life?”
– Heinz Dilemma: In Europe, a woman was near death from a
special kind of cancer. There was one drug that the doctors
thought might save her. It was a form of radium that a druggist
in the same town had recently discovered. The drug was
expensive to make, but the druggist was charging ten times
what the drug cost him to make. He paid $200 for the radium
and charged $2,000 for a small dose of the drug. The sick
woman's husband, Heinz, went to everyone he knew to borrow
the money, but he could only get together about $ 1,000 which
is half of what it cost. He told the druggist that his wife was
dying and asked him to sell it cheaper or let him pay later. But
the druggist said: "No, I discovered the drug and I'm going to
make money from it." So Heinz got desperate and broke into the
man's store to steal the drug-for his wife. Should the husband
have done that? (Kohlberg, 1963)."
Moral Development
• Criticisms:
– Value assertion that the higher stages represent
better, more justifiable reasons than the lower stages
– Reasoning at lower stages promotes contradiction,
such as stage four’s strict obedience to the law (i.e.,
marriage between homosexuals – illegal in one state
but not another, so change reasoning if change state
– Only studies males
– Few people move beyond stage four or five
• Stage 6: Young adulthood
– Intimacy vs. Isolation
– Once you have a clear and comfortable sense of
who you are, you gain the capacity to hold
commitments with others, which leads to intimacy
• Stage 7: Middle Adulthood (40-65 years old)
– Generativity vs. Stagnation
– Caring for others in family, friends and work leads to
sense of contribution to later generations
Stage 8: Late Adulthood (65 years to death)
• Integrity vs. Despair
– Fully accepting oneself and achievements.
Coming to terms with death
– The “normal” range of reactions or grief stages
after the death of a loved one varies widely. Grief
is more severe if death occurs unexpectedly.
People who view their lives with a sense of
integrity (in Erikson’s terms) see life as meaningful
and worthwhile.
Adulthood: Physical Development
• The peak of physical performance occurs around 20 years
of age, after which it declines imperceptibly for most of
• Muscular strength, reaction time, sensory abilities and
cardiac output begin to decline after the mid-twenties.
Around age 50, women go through menopause, and men
experience decreased levels of hormones and fertility.
Adulthood: Social Development
• Social Clock – the culturally preferred timing of social events,
such as marriage, parenthood, and retirement
• Mid-life crises at 40 are less likely to occur than crises
triggered by major events (divorce, new marriage).
Old Age: Sensory Abilities
• After age 70, hearing, distance perception, and
the sense of smell diminish, as do muscle
strength, reaction time, and stamina. After 80,
neural processes slow down, especially for
complex tasks.
Old Age: Motor Abilities
• At age 70, our motor abilities also decline. A
70-year-old is no match for a 20-year-old
individual. Fatal accidents also increase
around this age.
Old Age: Health
• As we get older our immune system weakens,
thus we become more susceptible to life
threatening ailments (cancer).
• However, we build up a collection of
antibodies throughout the years, so we get
minor colds less often as we age.
• Life Expectancy keeps increasing - now about
75. Women outlive men by about 4 years.
Aging and Memory
Dementia – an abnormal deterioration in
mental faculties seen in the elderly. Risk
increases with age
As we age, we remember some things
well. These include recent past events
and events that happened a decade or
two back. However, recalling names
becomes increasingly difficult.
Recognition memory does not
decline with age, and material that
is meaningful is recalled better
than meaningless material.
Alzheimer’s Disease
• One of the most devastating forms
of memory loss is Alzheimer's
disease, an irreversible and
progressive brain disorder that
slowly destroys memory , language,
thinking skills and physical
• Today, Alzheimer's is the second
most-feared illness in America,
following cancer, and may affect as
many as five million Americans. It is
the seventh-leading cause of death
in the United States.
• Has no current cure.
• Quiz
– 1. F; 2. F; 3. F; 4. T; 5. T; 6. T; 7.
F; 8. F; 9. T; 10. F
Alzheimer's destroys brain cells. Two
abnormal structures called plaques and tangles
are prime suspects in damaging and killing
nerve cells.
– Plaques build up between nerve cells.
They contain deposits of a protein
fragment called beta-amyloid (BAY-tuh
– Tangles are twisted fibers of another
protein called tau (rhymes with “wow”)
and form inside dying cells.
• Most experts believe they somehow
block communication among nerve
cells and disrupt activities that cells
need to survive.
Also, linked to a deterioration of neurons that
produce neurotransmitter acetylcholine
Inside the Brain:;; Secret Life of the Brain:;;
Alzheimer’s Disease
Alzheimer’s Disease
Alzheimer’s Disease
Aging and Intelligence
It is believed today that fluid intelligence (ability to reason speedily)
declines with age, but crystalline intelligence (accumulated knowledge and
skills) does not. We gain vocabulary and knowledge but lose recall memory
and process more slowly.
A number of
cognitive abilities
decline with age.
vocabulary and
general knowledge
increase with age.