What is Child Abuse?

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Transcript What is Child Abuse?

Opening Prayer
• Lord Jesus, please cleanse and heal the Church
and the world. Bring your peace to each
suffering soul. Renew us and pour into us the
gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
• Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with Thee.
Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is
the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
• Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
• Guardian Angels, pray for us and protect us.
Crisis and Opportunity
• The reality of sexual abuse that came to light in the
Church in the early 2000s was both a crisis and an
– Although media treatment was unfair, even one case of
abuse is unacceptable.
– There was a need for soul searching, to see the deeper
root of the problem.
– Faithfulness to the full message of Jesus and the Church
will always provide a Safe Environment.
– We have an opportunity to discuss the truth and
meaning of human sexuality and the proper way to form
children, while at the same time working to prevent,
recognize, and report any cases of the evil of child abuse.
Love and Responsibility
• Pope John Paul II taught frequently about the
mystery of human sexuality and the need for true
love and deep purity, entitling one of his famous
works, “Love and Responsibility.”
• We can teach these truths by the way we live and
the way that we carry on the ministry of Jesus
within the parish.
• When the parish is reaching out to children with
the mystery of faith, it is important that it does so
in a context of love and responsibility.
• We love others, because they are made in the
image and likeness of God. We love God in them
and them in God.
• Jesus is the full revelation of man to himself and
makes us understand man’s true calling (GS 22)
• Every human person, from the moment of
conception, shares this inviolable dignity and
infinite worth.
• Jesus said, “whatever you do for the least of my
brother and sisters, you do for me.”
• God made parents the primary formators and educators
of their children. It is both their right and their duty to
raise and teach their children.
• Parents choose to entrust the staff and volunteers of the
parish with the dignity and innocence of their children,
for specific times and purposes.
• It is not our mission to usurp the role of parents, but to
assist them, and supplement the work that they do with
their children.
• We are responsible for what we think, say, and do
regarding the children to whom we minister.
• A careful plan should be in place for ministry with
children, to both ensure their safety and to give them the
best formation as young Catholics. “First do no harm.”
It Takes a Parish
• The parish can greatly assist the family in the Catholic upbringing
of children.
• The parish is a place of belief, of mystery, of learning right from
wrong, and of prayer.
• The volunteer or staff member should work with parish children,
as a member of their family, in communication with parents, and
aware of parental rights and responsibilities.
• The volunteer or staff member, however, should never shy away
from teaching the fullness of the Faith to children, according to
age level and appropriateness (some things are best reserved for
discussion at home).
• The volunteer or staff member must understand that healthy
boundaries are not simply a safeguard against liability, but a
matter of Catholic morality and human responsibility.
Catholic Diocese of Evansville
Best Practices for Pastoral Conduct
(for Priests, Deacons, Pastoral Ministers, Administrators,
Staff and Volunteers)
Our children are the most important gifts God has entrusted to us. As one who works
with children in any capacity, I promise to follow these best practices as a condition of
my providing services to the children and youth of our diocese.
I will
Treat everyone with respect, loyalty, patience, integrity, courtesy, dignity, and
Report any suspected abuse and neglect to the local Child Protection Services
agency or civil authorities, then inform the appropriate supervisor and the bishop’s
Cooperate fully in any investigation of abuse of children and/or youth.
Participate fully in the required training sessions for adults working with children/
Refrain from smoking or using tobacco products at any time while serving children
and/or youth in parish or diocesan sponsored events.
Refrain from using, possessing, or being under the influence of alcohol or illegal
drugs at any time while serving children and/or youth in parish or diocesan sponsored
The Duty of Reporting Child Abuse
Every parish has a Safe Environment Coordinator, who ensures
that each staff member or volunteer who works with children
has had a background check, and has been trained in and agreed
to the guidelines contained in the Safe Environment Program.
A parish volunteer or staff member must:
Report any suspected abuse and neglect to the local Child Protection
Services agency
OR civil authorities, then inform the appropriate supervisor and the
bishop’s office.
Cooperate fully in any investigation of abuse of children and/or youth.
Please share your suspicions first with the Safe Environment
Coordinator (SEC) to make sure you are reading the signs
correctly (unless you suspect the SEC himself, or if the SEC will
not listen to a valid suspicion).
Faith and Awareness
• Children are all-too-often the target of violence and
– Over 1,000,000 abortions yearly in our nation.
– Statistics vary, but basically state that 1 in 4 children , male
and female, will be abused at some point.
– The media onslaught that destroys the values and
innocence of young children.
– Peer pressure, bullying, and other factors that are faced in
schools, and often there is not enough well-organized or
available supervision.
• As Catholics, we so value the dignity of each child, that
we do not allow these factors to go unnoticed.
• We must bravely combat these evils, including the evil
of child abuse. To do so, we must be aware of what
child abuse is, and what its warning signs can be.
The Golden Mean
What is Child Abuse?
Child abuse is physical or mental maltreatment,
intentional injury, sexual misconduct,
exploitation, or negligent treatment toward a
person under the age of 18 (except in the case
of sexual abuse, where age is specified by the
child protection law of the State) by a person
who is responsible for the child’s welfare*.
* We are all responsible.
Remember LOGIC: The Scientific
Method doesn’t work in reverse.
• Don’t affirm the consequent or deny the antecedent.
• Huh?
• TRUE – if it rains, my driveway will get wet. BUT,
– Just because my driveway is wet doesn’t mean it’s raining.
– Just because it’s not raining doesn’t mean my driveway’s
not wet.
• TRUE – where child abuse occurs, there are normal
signs. BUT,
– Just because some things which are possible signs of abuse
are there doesn’t mean it’s abuse.
– Just because the signs of abuse aren’t there doesn’t mean
it’s not abuse.
• The following warning signs are things that you may
see, hear from a child, or overhear in conversation.
Physical Abuse:
When an adult inflicts or allows infliction of physical
injury by other than accidental means.
Recognizing Physical Abuse (Possible Warning Signs):
• Physical Indicators
Welts, lumps, bumps
Unexplained fractures
Burns-cigarette, immersion
• Emotional Indicators
– Child verbalizes abuse
– Fear of going
– Unusually neat
– Overly mature
– Withdrawn
What to do?
If you are not sure, speak with your supervisor as soon
as possible. If you have a definite suspicion of abuse,
follow the reporting procedures.
Is Discipline Abusive?
Discipline which causes physical injuries
that are not accidental is classified as
child abuse (caused by striking with a
hand, fist, or instrument, throwing,
shaking, burning, suffocating, or
Normal Bruising vs. Suspicious Bruising
It is normal to have bruises
in places where children
often fall down and get hurt.
Bruises are suspicious
when they happen in “soft
spots,” in areas of the body
that do not easily bruise or
rarely come in contact with
something that could bruise
them (e.g. by falling on the
Emotional Abuse:
Mental/emotional harm inflicted by verbal harassment,
threats, and systematic destruction of child’s self
How to Recognize (Possible Warning Signs):
Destructive Habits
Sleep Problems
fantasy over reality
Maliciously violent
behaviors toward
animals / children
Speech disorders
Severely withdrawn
Unable to make
Elimination problems
Developmental lags
Fear and anxiety
What to do?
If you are not sure, speak with your supervisor as soon
as possible. If you have a definite suspicion of abuse,
follow the reporting procedures.
The chronic failure to meet the basic needs of a child in
regards to food, clothing, shelter, medical care,
education, and/or supervision.
How to Recognize (Possible Warning Signs):
• Physical Indicators
– Lack of supervision
– Lack of adequate
clothing and hygiene
– Lack of medical or
dental care
– Lack of adequate
• Behavioral Indicators
Development lags
Constant fatigue
Substance abuse
School absences
Flat bald spot on
infant’s head
– Consistent hunger
– Dirty, smelly
– Torn, dirty or
– Underweight
What to do?
If you are not sure, speak with your supervisor as soon
as possible. If you have a definite suspicion of abuse,
follow the reporting procedures.
Sexual Abuse
Utilizing a child for sexual gratification by an adult (or older
child in a position of power) or permitting another person to
utilize a child for sexual gratification
How to Recognize (Possible Warning Signs):
Seductive behavior
Artwork depicts sexual themes
Self destructive behavior (suicide,
Sleep disorders
Running away
Any venereal disease
Foreign matter in genitals
Bruised or dilated genitals
Recurrent urinary tract infection
Difficulty /painful walking
What to do?
If you are not sure, speak with your supervisor as soon
as possible. If you have a definite suspicion of abuse,
follow the reporting procedures.
“See not that you despise one of these little ones…”
Matt 18:10
Characteristics of those who abuse children:
Seems unconcerned about the
Sees the child as “bad,” “evil,” a
“monster,” or “witch.”
Offers illogical, unconvincing,
contradictory explanations or have
no explanation of the child’s injury.
Attempts to conceal the child’s
injury or to protect the identity of
the person responsible.
Routinely employs harsh,
unreasonable discipline which is
inappropriate to the child’s age,
transgression, and condition.
Were often abused as children.
Were expected to meet high
demands of their parents.
Were unable to depend on their
parents for love and nurturing.
Cannot provide emotionally for
themselves as adults.
Expect their children to fill their
emotional void.
Have poor impulse control.
Expect rejection.
Have low self-esteem.
Are emotionally immature.
Are isolated, have no support
“I am the good shepherd. I know my sheep and mine
know me.” John 10:14
Characteristics of those who neglect children.
May have a chaotic home life. or afford child care.
May live in unsafe conditions Generally have not
(no food; garbage and
experienced success.
excrement in living areas;
Had emotional needs which
exposed wiring; drugs and
were not met by parents.
poisons kept within the reach Have low self-esteem.
of children).
little motivation or skills
May abuse drugs or alcohol. Have
to effect changes in their
May be mentally retarded, lives.
have low IQ or have a flat
Tend to be passive.
May be motivated and
employed, but unable to find
It would be better for him if a millstone were hung
around his neck and he were cast into the sea than that
he should cause one of these little ones to sin.
Luke 17:2
Characteristics of those who abuse children
Little or no interest in child
Threatening child or child’s possessions
Cutting off child from normal social expression
Teaching deviant patterns of behavior
“…who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly
are ravaging wolves.” Matt 7:15
Characteristics of those who sexually abuse children:
Refusal to take responsibility for actions and blames Overly self-indulgent
others or circumstances for failures
A sense of entitlement
Sexualize, objectify women
Low self-esteem
Users of various kinds of pornography
Need for power and control
Great helpers — are there to lend a helping hand —
Lack of empathy
prey n people in need, when they can insinuate
Inability to form intimate relationships with adults themselves in your life
Use stressful and vulnerable situations to get in —
History of abuse
they find a need they can fill and they use that to
Troubled childhood
get next to the victim
Deviant sexual behavior and attitudes
Notoriously friendly, nice, kind, engaging and
Often offend where they won’t get caught — when likeable.
they have misdirected people’s attention
Target their victims, often insinuating themselves
Often married or in relationships
into that child's life through their family, school,
Offend when the victim is handy
house of worship, sports, and hobbies.
Not always strangers, often family members, family Professional con artists and are experts at getting
friends and neighbors
children and families to trust them.
Most attracted to adults
Will smile at you, look you right in the eye and
Good manipulators (seduction is an integral part) make you believe they are trustworthy.
Victim/Suspect Relationships
4% 3% 1%
Parents (all)
Other Relative
Mother's Boyfriend
God “wills everyone to be saved
and to come to knowledge of the
1 Timothy 2:4
Catholic Diocese of Evansville
Youth are to be recognized and valued by all as true gifts from
Education and training to recognize the signs of violation of
children and young people shall be provided to all paid staff
members, volunteers engaged in ministry to and for children,
and parents.
Education shall be provided for children about the potential for
abuse, especially sexual abuse, and ways to respond should
they be victims of it.
Paid staff members and volunteers who have regular contact
with children in the course of their work shall be evaluated so
as to determine their suitability for association with children
and young people.
Paid staff members and volunteers shall accept responsibility to
report immediately any suspected acts of abuse of children and
young people in their charge to appropriate civil and church
authorities without concern for retribution from the accused or
employers/institutions in whose name they minister.
The expectation is that all who are willing to engage in
ministry to children and young people as
representatives of the Catholic Diocese of Evansville
are also willing to agree to background checks and
educational programs designed to stem this heinous
crime against children and young people.
The Catholic Diocese of Evansville will expend
resources, both in personnel and finances, necessary to
fulfill this vision and to maintain such programs
appropriate to accomplish this vision.
Primary components of a framework to accomplish this
task include the items listed below. At the outset, we
recognize that we are on a difficult and ambitious
journey, hence this is a living document.
Diocesan Policies
1. Best Practices for Adults working with children
and youth.
2. Directives for supervisors engaged in ministry to
children and young people.
• Curriculum and resources for education on personal
safety for children, young people, families and
• Criminal background checks on all paid staff and
volunteers who have regular contact with children or
youth, for which the parish/institution pays the fee.
• REPORT AND INFORM: In the event of al allegation of
sexual abuse of a minor (a person under 18) by
diocesan personnel, report the allegation to
authorities and inform the Victims Assistance
Coordinator for the Diocese.
– Toll free: (866) 200-3004
– Local: (812) 490-9565
Two-Deep Leadership
Two approved adult leaders or one approved
leader and a parent of a participant, both of
whom must be 21 years of age or older, are
required for all parish approved youth activities.
The parish is responsible ensuring that sufficient
leadership is provided for all activities.
• “Approved” means that the Pastor knows the
person and approves him or her AND the person
has submitted to a criminal history background
No one-on-one contact
One-on-one contact between adults and youth is
not permitted. In the rare situations that require
personal conferences, the meeting is to be
conducted in view of other adults and youths.
NOTE: Professional Mental Health Counselors, who
are required to follow the Ethical Code of their
professional discipline, State licensing
requirements, and State legislation regulating
professional conduct, may conduct one-on-one
private counseling.
The term “professional mental health counselor”, as used herein, means a
person with a master’s degree in a recognized mental health discipline,
who is licensed or supervised by a licensed professional, and is employed
by Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Evansville or is officially approved by
the Catholic Education Office to provide services on school premises.
Respect of privacy
• Adult leaders must respect the privacy of
youth and intrude only to the extent that
health and safety require. Adults must protect
their own privacy in similar situations.
Separate accommodations
• When staying overnight, no youth is permitted
to sleep in the room of an adult other than his
or her own parent or guardian.
Proper preparation for high
adventure activities
• Activities with elements of risk should never
be undertaken without proper preparation,
equipment, clothing, competent supervision,
and safety measures.
No secret organizations
• The Catholic Diocese of Evansville does not
recognize any secret organizations as part of
its program. All aspects of the youth program
are open to observation by pastors, parents,
and leaders. Even in cases of closed
membership (i. e. TEC, Knights of Columbus
Squire Circles, etc.) parents and pastors MUST
be admitted at any time to observe the
Appropriate attire
• Proper clothing for activities is required.
Modest dress is always required. Guidelines
for appropriate attire for a given activity
should be written and stated before all youth
Constructive discipline
• Discipline used in youth ministry, educational,
and catechetical ministry should be
constructive and reflect the Church’s values.
Corporal punishment is never permitted.
Hazing is prohibited
• Physical hazing and initiations are prohibited
and may not be included as part of any
activity. Adult leaders must monitor and
guide the leadership techniques used by
youth leaders and ensure that diocesan
policies are followed.
Dignity of the Human Diocesan Policies
Two-deep leadership
Person: Each Child
No one-on-one contact
Children and their
Respect for privacy
The role of the parish
Proper preparation for
The dangers facing
high adventure
No secret organizations
Appropriate attire
Recognizing and
Constructive discipline
Reporting Child Abuse
Hazing is prohibited
Closing Prayer
• Lord Jesus, you have called little children to
come to you. We pray in reparation for the
sins of abuse committed against your Sacred
Heart. Make us as innocent as little children,
and form in your Church a people that is
pleasing to You, Who live and reign with the
Father and the Holy Spirit, One God, forever
and ever. Amen.
• Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!
• Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us!