Innovative techniques of Needs Assessment

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Transcript Innovative techniques of Needs Assessment

Goals and objectives
Session 16
Global Youth Network Workshop
Needs Assessment & Programme
Why a project proposal?
 To explain to donors what you want to
do and why in a language they
 To be able to look back and see
whether you have achieved what you
wanted to achieve (that is, to
 Every format is different, but they
are all the same!
Goals and objectives
 Usually there is a distinction between
aims that you can achieve within the
life of the project (we call these
objectives) and those that your
project can only contribute to (we call
these goals)
 Be particularly careful, each donor
has its own terminology and
 Example: a small youth group working in substance
abuse prevention applying for a US$10,000 grant
for a 1-2 years long project
 One goal, e.g. “by the end of the project, the
number of young people starting to use substances
in our community will have decreased”
 The goal is your dream, your vision, the direction
towards which you want the project to take you
(but you know will not reach)!
Objectives (I)
Setting your objectives
 Link each objective to a risk/ protective
factor that you want to do something about
Problem/ present situation (risk/ protective
Ideal/ desired situation (goals and objectives)
What are you going to do to move from one to
the other (activities)
 Describe the situation that you want to
achieve (the impact, NOT the activities) on
your target group (NOT on you!)
Objectives (II)
An example
 Risk factor: youth
 To organise
have nothing to do
in their free time
activities for the
youth (NO, this is
 Objective: By the
an activity)
end of the project,
all youth in our
 To establish a youth
community will be
centre (NO, this is
employing their
an activity and does
free time in fun and
not say how the life
of youth will be
Objectives (III)
Formulating your objectives
 Make them
Specific to a
target group
 More than one (as
no one factor is the
cause of substance
abuse), but not too