Meet Harper Lee 2-21-13 - Rochester Community Schools

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Transcript Meet Harper Lee 2-21-13 - Rochester Community Schools

Give three interesting facts about Harper Lee
2. State three good ideas/facts about the time and place of our new
February 25th, 2013
To Kill a Mockingbird
Chapters 1 & 2
1. What do we learn about the historical context of the novel from Chapter 1? What
details does Scout provide in the first chapter about the social, economic, cultural and
political climate in Maycomb- and the United States –during this time period?
Reference specific details from this first chapter to support your assertions.
2. In Chapter 1, Scout asserts, “Jem and I found our father satisfactory: he played with
us, read to us, and treated us with courteous detachment” (Lee 10). Why do you think
the children feel this way? How do you feel about the fact that Atticus regards them
with “courteous detachment?” Why do you think Scout calls her father “Atticus”? Is
this a reflection of their relationship?
Chapter 2:
3. What do we learn about Scout, her classmates, her school, Maycomb’s educational system
and the community from her first day at school? What does the reader learn from Scout's
interaction with Walter Cunningham? Use details from the book to support your statements.
February 26th, 2013
To Kill a Mockingbird
Chapters 3 & 4
Chapter 3:
1. What is Walter Cunningham like? What does his behavior during lunch suggest about
his home life?
2. Contrast the difference in the way Jem and Scout treat Walter. What does this show
about the difference between Jem and Scout at this point in the novel?
3. Atticus says that you never really understand a person “until you climb into his skin and
walk around in it”. What does this mean? Is it an easy thing for Scout to learn? Why?
4. What do you learn in this chapter about the Ewells?
Chapter 4:
5. What characteristics of children are revealed through the Boo Radley game?
6. Why doesn’t Scout enjoy the games as much as the boys do?
February 28th, 2013
To Kill a Mockingbird
Chapters 5 & 6
Chapter 5:
1. Why do the children have faith in Miss Maudie?
2. What does Miss Maudie mean when she says Atticus is the same in his own house
as he is on the public streets?
3. What does Miss Maudie mean when she says that the things told about Author
Radley (Boo) are “three-fourths colored folks and one-fourth Stephanie Crawford?
4. What gesture of friendship cements Miss Maudie’s and Scout’s relationship?
Chapter 6:
5. What is the children’s new plan in Chapter 6?
6. What does Jem lose on his way to the Radley place? What false story does Dill tell
about the missing pants?
March 4, 2013
To Kill a Mockingbird
Chapters 7 & 8
Chapter 7:
1. What is unusual about Jem’s pants that he retrieved from the fence?
2. How does Jem respond to the tree being plugged with cement?
Chapter 8:
3. Who dies in Chapter 8?
4. Why do Jem and Scout feel guilty when Mr. Avery tells them that children who
disobey parents, smoke cigarettes, and make war on each other can cause a change in
the seasons?
March 4, 2013
To Kill a Mockingbird
Chapters 9 & 10
Chapter 9:
1. Atticus is to defend a member of Calpurnia’a church. What is this person’s name?
2. Why does Atticus take a case which is causing so much discussion in the
3. What is Maycomb’s unusual disease that Atticus hopes both his children will not
Chapter 10:
4. What action of Atticus makes him unpopular with the community?
5. Why is Calpurnia supposed to go to the back door at the Radley place?
March 4, 2013
To Kill a Mockingbird
Chapters 11 & 12
Chapter 11:
1. Why do Jem and Scout hate Mrs. Dubose at first?
2. What is Atticus’s advice to Jem when Mrs. Dubose angers him?
3. What things does Atticus require Jem to do to make amends with his rage?
4. What is Mrs. Dubose battling? Also what does Mrs. Dubose give Jem before she
Chapter 12:
5. What does the political cartoon of Atticus chained to a desk and wearing short
pants mean to Jem?
6. How is Tom’s wife Helen treated after Tom’s accusation?
March 11, 2013
To Kill a Mockingbird
Chapters 13 & 14
Chapter 13:
1. Why does Aunt Alexandra come to stay with the Finch family?
2. What message does Aunt Alexandra ask Atticus to bring to the children?
3. What does Scout mean when she says that Aunt Alexandra thinks that everybody
in Maycomb had a streak?
Chapter 14:
4. What does Scout find under her bed?
5. Why does Dill run away?
6. Why does Scout seem to be a very innocent child?
March 11, 2013
To Kill a Mockingbird
Chapters 15 & 16
Chapter 15:
1. What are the only two reasons grown men stand outside of the yard, according to
2. Who is the Mockingbird in this chapter? WHY?
3. What does Calpurnia mean when she says Jem has the “look-arounds”?
Chapter 16:
4. What presides/manages over Tom’s trial?
5. With whom did the children sit with in court?
6. Why does Aunt Alexandra critcizeAtticus?
March 12, 2013
To Kill a Mockingbird
Chapters 17 & 18
Chapter 17:
1. What are the main points in Heck Tate's evidence? Use examples from the text
(remember to cite page numbers).
2. What do we learn indirectly of the home life of the Ewell family in this chapter? Again
use evidence from the text
3. Why is it important for Mr. Ewell to sign his name with his left hand?
Chapter 18:
4. How does Mayella react to Atticus's politeness? Is she used to people being polite?
5. Why is Tom Robinson’s left arm crippled?
6. What question does Atticus ask Mayella that makes her furious?
March 12, 2013
To Kill a Mockingbird
Chapters 17 & 18
Chapter 17:
1. What are the main points in Heck Tate's evidence? Use examples from the text
(remember to cite page numbers).
2. What do we learn indirectly of the home life of the Ewell family in this chapter? Again
use evidence from the text
3. Why is it important for Mr. Ewell to sign his name with his left hand?
Chapter 18:
4. How does Mayella react to Atticus's politeness? Is she used to people being polite?
5. Why is Tom Robinson’s left arm crippled?
6. What question does Atticus ask Mayella that makes her furious?
March 13, 2013
To Kill a Mockingbird
Chapters 19 & 20
Chapter 19:
1. What made Tom Robinson visit the Ewell’s house in the first place?
2. Why does Scout think Mayella Ewell was the “loneliest person in the world”?
3. Describe Mayella’s relationship with her father.
4. What does Tom say that Mr. Ewell saw through the window?
5. When Tom was approached by Mayella, he did something which Scout says was
sure a sign of guilt. What was it?
Chapter 20:
6. What, according to Atticus, is the thing that Mayella has done wrong?
7. Explain, in your own words, Atticus's views on people's being equal
8. What does Atticus do in the court room that the children never see him do event at
March 14, 2013
To Kill a Mockingbird
Chapters 21 & 22
Chapter 21:
1. What is unusual about how long it takes the jury to reach a verdict? Is the verdict
predictable or not?
2. Why does Atticus walk down the middle aisle?
3. How can you tell when a jury has convicted a defendant?
Chapter 22:
4. Although Atticus did not want his children in court, he defends Jem's right to
know what has happened. Explain, in your own words, Atticus's reasons for this.
(Look at the speech beginning, “This is their home, sister.”
4. Miss Maudie tells Jem that “things are never as bad as they seem.” What reasons
does she give for this view?
6. What does Mr. Ewell say and do to Atticus?
March 18, 2013
To Kill a Mockingbird
Chapters 23 & 24
Chapter 23:
1. What humorous remark does Atticus make when Ewell spits on his face?
2. Do you think Tom could get a fair trial with a jury of white males outside of
Maycomb? WHY?
3. Atticus says one type of person is trash. Who was this?
Chapter 24:
4. Describe a theme thus far that can be used throughout the story? (Theme=message
or moral of the story)
4. What bad news does Atticus bring home?
6. Mrs. Merriweather keeps saying there is someone the ladies needed to forgive. Who
is it?
March 19, 2013
To Kill a Mockingbird
Chapters 25 & 26
Chapter 25:
1. What does Jem scold Scout about in the beginning of the chapter? How does
this have to do with one of the book’s themes about killing mockingbirds?
2. How does Helen Robinson react to the news? How does the town of Maycomb
react to the news? Mr. Underwood?
Chapter 26:
3. How has Scout’s relationship with Atticus and her classmates changed since the trial?
4. What does Cecil Jacobs bring up during current events? What lesson does Miss Gates
teach the children as a result?
5. What does Scout think about after the classroom discussion and talking to her father?
What is she learning about prejudice?
March 19, 2013
To Kill a Mockingbird
Chapters 27 & 28
Chapter 27:
1. What are the three things that Scout says happened in Maycomb that indirectly
concerned her?
2. Why does Atticus believe Bob Ewell is still disgruntled about the outcome of the
3. Why does Maycomb change the Halloween events this year? (What happened to
Tutti and Frutti?)
4. What is Scout for the Halloween pageant?
Chapter 28:
5. Who scares Jem and Scout on their way to the Halloween pageant?
6. Describe the fight scene from what Scout sees and hears.
7. What is revealed at the end of the chapter?
Comma and Semicolon Answers
1. My mom lives at 521 N. Colfax Street, La Habra, California.
2. Thomas Jefferson died on July 4, 1826, in Monticello, Virginia.
3. Dear Dad,
4. Very truly yours,
5. February 2, 2010, is our 25th anniversary.
6. Brittany's birthday party is March 21, 2009, at the pavilion in West End
Park in Columbia, South Carolina.
7. The Blue Ridge Mountains, part of the Appalachian Mountain Range,
begin in Georgia and run through North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia,
and Maryland, and end in Pennsylvania.
8. "You're invited to the cast party," said Randy, "and you'll meet the star
of the show, Stan Hanks."
Answers Cont.
9. We had a choice of steak, fish, or vegetable plate at Marcie's bridal dinner.
10. For her work as a surgeon during the Civil War, Dr. Mary Edwards Walker
became the first woman to receive the Congressional Medal of Honor.
11. Darla's grocery list included six items: eggs, milk, toothpaste, soap, cat food,
and bleach
12. To whom it may concern:
13. Tabitha used to watch Star Trek: The Next Generation after school every day.
14. Which time is better for you, 12:00 p.m. or 2:30 p.m.?
15. Dad rang the doorbell several times; he had lost his key.
16. Although Joseph is far from home, he still brings his laundry when he visits;
perhaps he should invest in a new washer and dryer.
Answers Cont.
17. Daren admires Winston Churchill's quote: "We make a living by
what we get; we make a life by what we give."
18. Mr. Joe owns Kelsey's Bakery; coincidentally, Kelsey owns Joe's Bar
and Grill.
19. He just made a hole-in-one; there was no one there to see it but him.
20. The instructions said to consult Volume J: pages 30–36 and Volume
P: pages 89–90 for further information.
March 21, 2013
To Kill a Mockingbird
Chapters 29 & 30
Chapter 29:
1.Why does Mr. Tate say Mr. Ewell acted the way he did?
2. Who rescued Jem?
3. What does Scout say to the man who rescued Jem and her?
Chapter 30:
3. Although Heck Tate is trying to be blunt, Atticus is still not getting it. Who
really is responsible for what happened?
4. Heck Tate finally redeems himself, although he, essentially, covers up the truth.
Is this justice or negligence? Why might Heck feel he needs to change the story?
5. What comparison does Scout make with Boo
March 21, 2013
To Kill a Mockingbird
Chapters 31
Chapter 31:
1. By the beginning of the book with this passage, ‘When he was nearly thirteen, my
brother Jem got his arm badly broken at the elbow,” Harper Lee is able to write the
entire book using which important literary element?
2. Why does Boo go inside the Finch house again?
3. What makes Scout sad in thinking back on all the gifts Boo had given them?
4. What was the tone of the story?
5. What were some symbols of TKAM?
Grammar Answers: Semicolons & Colons
1.Scott used his sister's cell phone to call Kris; he lost his yesterday.
2. We watched Garfield: A Tail of Two Kittens after school on Monday.
3. Add these to your list when you go to the grocery store: bread, milk, lunch meat,
and cheese.
4. Shari owns four dogs; three of them are poodles.
5. Helen Keller once said: "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot
be seen or even touched. They must be felt within the heart."
6. Dear Dr. Klinger:
7. Lexi likes knitting scarves and hats, Gina likes watercolor painting, and Mona
likes making pottery.
8. Harry: Spy Aficionado of Fourth Street tops Orland's list of favorite books.
9. Kayla's school supply list included a calculator, ruler, and protractor for math; a
composition book, pocket dictionary, and pens for English; and a binder
10. Dear Congressman Henderson:
Important Dates:
1. Friday, March 22, 2013: Summaries due for TKAM
chapters 17-31 (Remember to have pages numbers provided
for each chapter. You will be marked down if you miss this
2. Friday, March 22, 2013; Independent reading day (last
reading day for quarter 3) Journal #8
3. Monday, March 25, 2013: Reading summaries due for
independent reading novel (#’s 1,3,4,5,6,7,8) Remember
journal #2 will be counted as an extra assignment it is not
required to complete. Summaries will be counted as a
writing grade so take your time and be free of GUMS.
4. Monday March 25, 2013: Unit test for TKAM 35 questions
total. Prepare and study! 
Study Guide: TKAM
1.Literary Terms:
Irony, onomatopoeia, flashback, theme, suspense, simile,
alliteration, foreshadowing, symbolism, direct and indirect
2. Context clues:
(Know how to find a meaning of a word through context clues)
3. Narrator: why do you think they had Scout be the narrator
4. Themes: (know some themes of the story)
5. Who could be known as Mockingbirds in the story?
6. What is the time-honored code that Mayella broke?