Transcript Slide 1

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
• Please answer the following questions in
complete sentences. No more than 2-3
• Be prepared to discuss your answers on
Comprehension Questions Ch. 1
1. What do you learn about Maycomb in
this chapter?
2. What do you learn about Atticus and his
family in this chapter?
3. Why does the Radley place fascinate
Scout, Jem, and Dill?
4. What do you notice about the narrative
voice and viewpoint of this novel?
Comprehension Questions Ch. 2-4
5. What opinions does Scout have of school and
is she justified in her feelings? Why?
6. Who is Calpurnia? What is her place in the
Finch household?
7. Who is Walter Cunningham? What happens at
the dinner table?
8. What do you learn about the Ewells?
9. What do the children do in their Boo Radley
Comprehension Questions Ch. 5-6
10. Describe Miss Maudie Atkinson. What do
the children think of her, especially
11. What does Miss Maudie tell scout about
Boo? How does this compare with what
Scout already believes?
12. What reasons does Atticus give for the
children not to play the Boo Radley
Reading Comp Questions 7-8
13. When Jem tells Scout about getting his
trousers back, he tells her of something
strage. What is it?
14. Does Jem still fear the gifts in the tree?
Give reasons for your answer.
15. When Atticus asks scout about the
blanket around her shoulders, what does
Jem realize?
Comprehension Questions Ch 9-11
16. What promise does Scout break that she made
to Atticus? How was it broken?
17. What are the reasons that Atticus gives Scout
for defending Tom Robinson?
18. Why is Jem ashamed of Atticus? How does
Atticus redeem himself (think of the incident
with the dog)?
19. Why is it a sin to kill a mockingbird?
20. Who is Mrs. Dubose? What happens between
her and Jem?
21. Why does Atticus make Jem read to Mrs.
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