8-1: Reasons for the Cold War

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Transcript 8-1: Reasons for the Cold War

8-1: Reasons for the Cold War
• The “Cold War” was a term used to describe
the ideological war fought by the world’s two
superpowers after WWII, the U.S., and the
Soviet Union, from 1945-1990.
• One major motivating factor was the
difference in economic ideology.
– Soviet Union/communism(Karl Marx was founder
of communism)
– U.S./capitalism
8-1: Reasons for the Cold War
• Other reasons why U.S./Soviet Union drifted
– Soviet Union/Stalin was mad at U.S. because:
• The U.S. took so long to invade France
• The U.S. would not share atomic bomb technology
– U.S. government was mad at Soviet Union
• Stalin did not allow the people in countries of Eastern
Europe, that he liberated from the Nazis, hold free,
democratic elections
8-1: Reasons for the Cold War
• Last meeting of Big Three before FDR died was at Yalta,
February, 1945
– Big Three agreed Germany should be divided into four zones
– Stalin promised to let Eastern European countries have free,
democratic elections.
• Harry Truman met Stalin for the first time at the Potsdam
Conference, August, 1945
– It is here that relations between U.S./Soviet Union begin to fall
– Stalin goes back on his promise to allow free elections in Eastern
– Stalin is angered when he learns U.S. will use an atomic bomb
on Japan.
8-1 Note Quiz
1. Define “Cold War.”
2. What was one major motivating factor of the
cold war, and how did it create tension between
the U.S., and the Soviet Union?
3. Give one other reason why EITHER the U.S., OR
the Soviet Union, was mad at the other country,
following WWII.
4. What was decided at Yalta?
5. At what conference did the relationship
between the Soviet Union, and the U.S. begin to
fall apart?
8-2: Cold War/2nd Red Scare/”Arms
• The Discovery of atomic bomb technology by the
U.S./Soviet Union caused an “arms race” as both
countries competed to have the most nuclear
– U.S. gets hydrogen bomb (more powerful and destructive)
in 1952, Soviets get theirs less than a year later
• Both countries stockpiles of nuclear weapons
multiplied, or proliferate(d) quickly.
• Both countries kept these nuclear arsenals for mutual
assured destruction. This was the belief that neither
nation would attack the other, because they feared the
use of nuclear weapons on each other.
8-2: Cold War/2nd Red Scare/”Arms
• A 2nd Red Scare also swept the U.S. This fear was
fueled by U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy.
• President Truman also created a loyalty review
board to root suspected communists out of the
• The House of Representatives established the
HUAC (House Un-American Activities
Committee) to investigate movie producers and
union leaders that it suspected were communists
8-2: Cold War/2nd Red Scare/”Arms
• Notable figures that were convicted for
communist activity were Alger Hiss, and husband
and wife, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, who were
convicted of selling atomic secrets to the Soviets.
• Eventually McCarthy attacked too many people
and his witch hunt ended, as people ignored him.
To this day, irrational fear of communists during
the 1950’s is known as “McCarthyism.”
8-2 Note Quiz
1. What is an irrational fear of communism
during the 1950’s known as?
2. Define “proliferate”
3. What American politician helped cause the
2nd Red Scare during the 1950’s?
4. What did the House of Representatives do,
that showed it was worried about
communists in the government?
5. Describe “mutual assured destruction”