Transcript Document

Health Care Facility Outreach
Municipal Clerk
SVRS Election Administration Training
“SVRS Focus” of HCF Outreach
Updated 8/19/2014 smh
HCF Outreach
SVRS Training Agenda
HCF SVRS Profiles
Preparing for HCF Outreach Voting Day Activities
Entering HCF AB Applications into SVRS
The HCF Outreach Voting Day
Return of HCF Outreach Voting Materials to Clerk
Preparations for General Election HCF Outreach
 Retention
 Questions
Health Care Facility Outreach Statutes &
◦ M.S. 203B.11, subd. 2
 “During the 20 days preceding an election, the election judges shall deliver
absentee ballots only to an eligible voter who has applied for absentee ballots
to the county auditor or municipal clerk under section 203B.04, subd. 1.”
◦ All elections means ANY election including a
stand-alone special election
◦ Need to use trained election judges who have
additional hour of HCF Outreach Voting training
 Unless the Municipal Clerk has been delegated as an
election judge training authority, the county auditor shall
provide the extra hour of HCF Outreach Voting training
(M.R. 8240.0100)
 Each training authority shall attend training on adult education
methods conducted either by the OSS or county auditor (M.R.
“Health Care Facility” means
◦ a hospital, sanitarium or other institution licensed
under M.S. 144.50
◦ a nursing home licensed to serve adults under M.S.
Unsure if the facility is considered a nursing home:
◦ Suggestion:
 check the MN DOH website at
 select Facilities & Professions
 scroll down and select “Nursing homes in your area”
 type in a zip code and it will list facilities considered to be “nursing
homes” and their addresses
 Keep in mind that “nursing home” facilities might only be a portion of an
overall residential community/campus
M.S. 203B.01, subd. 4
HCF Profiles in SVRS
HCF Profiles in SVRS
At the beginning of each year:
◦ Review for any new facilities
 doesn’t happen often due to moratorium M.S. 144A.071
◦ Review for closures or status changes of current
◦ Inquire as to staff changes and new contact
◦ Phone number changes/street name changes, etc.
for current facilities
◦ Add or update SVRS residential facility profiles if
HCF (Residential Facility) SVRS
Correct & Updated
Profiles = easier
process for entering
HCF AB Applications
& printing HCF AB
 Found under Profiles
 Residential Facility
The First HCF (Residential Facility)
Profile Screen in SVRS
The first screen that
appears will not have
any information
 Select the “Search”
button to review all
profiles that exist
 The next screen will
provide additional
Adding a HCF Profile
Add a new HCF (residential facility)
Add a new HCF into SVRS
Suggested: Complete all fields as much as possible. Some info might be “the
same” in multiple fields, but, different fields are tied to different reports or labels.
Click the “Continue” button in bottom, right corner when finished.
Add a new HCF into SVRS
Final Review Screen
If all is well, click “Submit” button.
Updating a HCF Profile
Under Profiles in left
 Choose Residential
 You need to click
“Search” button to
view existing facility
Updating a HCF Profile
Update a HCF (residential facility)
1. Click on the blue box to the left of the name of the
facility to highlight it (the line turns light-yellow)
2. Then choose “Update”
Updating a HCF Profile
Make changes as
 Click “Continue”
 Review Changes
 If all looks good on
the final review
screen, click “Submit”
HCF Employee Entry & Updates
Municipal users are not able to add or
update HCF Employee information
 Please have health care facilities share
their employee information with the
County Auditor
Preparing for HCF
Outreach Voting Day
Preparation for HCF Outreach
Voting Day
Review each year’s election calendar with
◦ Might not be any elections…
◦ It’s good to keep in contact and verify so they
are not wondering
Work with contact to keep facility’s
residents registered to vote, on a
continual basis, so they are in SVRS well
before absentee voting begins for an
Preparation for HCF Outreach
Voting Day
As election draws near, send/deliver AB
Applications to HCF contact
◦ Suggestion: A couple of weeks ahead of the
outreach day
Collect completed & signed AB
Applications well in advance of the HCF
Outreach Voting Day
◦ Review and work with contact to resolve any
application issues
Preparation for HCF Outreach
Voting Day (cont.)
Remind contact that those applying to AB
vote at that location:
◦ Need to reside in the nursing home portion of a
◦ Consider the location their residence for that
◦ Have not already applied or plan to apply for an
AB ballot (not HCF AB) with the assistance of
“helpful” family members
◦ Room numbers are not necessary
 Suggestion: Do not list room/suite numbers within
nursing homes
Preparation for HCF Outreach
Voting Day (cont.)
If there will be a primary and general
election, and
If a person believes they will be a resident of
that facility for both the primary and general
◦ They will select “both elections” on the AB
If a person is “unsure”, they should only
choose the upcoming election
◦ and complete another application for the next
election if needed
Entering HCF AB Applications
into SVRS
Example HCF AB Application
Steps to Enter HCF AB Application
Info into SVRS
Double check that the
facility’s profile is up-todate before entering
apps for that location
This will make
application entry
Select AB Records
under Absentee
Steps to Enter HCF Application Info into
SVRS – Already Registered Voter
Search and select the
voter registration
record for HCF AB
Select the Registered
Voter record and
click Express ABRegistered button
Steps to Enter HCF Application Info into
SVRS – Already Registered Voter
Double check that the record
matches what is placed on the
◦ If a common name, make sure you
have the “correct” person
There are more “Ruth Hanson”s in
the State of Minnesota than you
Choose Health Care Facility for
Delivery Primary and Delivery
General (if appropriate) – “A”
 Choose the facility from the
drop down menu by Health Care
Facilities – “B”
◦ Only those facilities within the
precinct of the voter will “display”
Click Submit-Print Later or
Submit-Print Now – depending
upon your process
Printing HCF AB Labels “Now”
If the HCF Voting Outreach Day is one day away or that
day, then it might be a good idea to print “now”
◦ But, if the date is farther away, suggest to print “later”
Click “Submit-Print Now” button
 Make sure to print a label for the correct election
 Choose “Print Dymo w/o Rtn Addr” button - there is
no need to print a return address label
Print “Now” Dymo Labels
APP label
◦ Place on application
ENV#2 label
◦ Place on Registered Voter Signature Envelope in voter name and
address section (top of envelope), aka the #2 envelope
Mail To: label
◦ Extra label, not needed
Please note that the type of AB Ballot is “HCF”
Completing the “official use only”
section of HCF AB Application
This is a suggested practice:
◦ Now that the application has been submitted,
complete the official use only section of the
 Mark the appropriate box(es) for reg or non-reg
 Received date is the date the application was
 If they have requested both primary and general ballots on
the application, it is the same date
Completing the “official use only”
section of HCF AB Application
◦ This is a suggested practice:
 Ballot issued date is the date the ballot labels are
printed and placed on the signature envelope in
preparation for HCF Outreach Voting at that facility
 The General ballot issued date and initials will be filled in
later if those labels are printed later
 Usual-Common Practice: Initials are the initials of
the person printing the ballot labels, not the person
entering the application
 Circle HCF for both primary and general ballots if
Completing the “official use only”
section of HCF AB Application
◦ Only use the Replacement section if a replacement ballot
process takes place. Very rare in the case of HCF voting
◦ Add precinct name and school district name in the correct
boxes in the bottom, right corner
◦ NOTE: Whether labels are to be printed Now or Later…
complete most of the “official use only” section upon
“submitting” the application information into SVRS
 Complete the ballot issued date and initials when labels are printed
Printing HCF AB Labels “Later”
Click “Submit-Print Later”
 The label will be placed in a
queue to be printed as a batch
 Use this process if you want
to enter many applications and
then print Avery labels
◦ You may print “Dymo” labels for
later as well
◦ We will demonstrate Avery
labels for this presentation
When you are ready to print
the batch of labels, select
“Standard Reports” under
Printing HCF AB labels “Later”
Choose Local AB in the Report Category
drop down menu
 Select AB Labels Avery
 Choose the Appropriate Report
Printing HCF AB labels “Later”
Suggested Report Parameters:
◦ Just your city should be the only choice under
◦ Leave “District Type”, “District” and “Precinct” blank
◦ Choose the correct Election
◦ “Initially issued only” should be checked,
“Replacement…” and “Both…” unchecked
◦ Select “County entered” AND “Municipality entered” so
no labels are “lost”
 This makes the label unavailable for county, but, that should be
◦ Select all categories under Application Received Via so no
labels are “lost”
◦ IMPORTANT: Select ONLY Health Care Facility
(HCF) under “Regular Application Delivery Method”
 Choose the correct facility
Printing HCF AB labels “Later”
Suggested Report Parameters (cont.):
◦ Leave “UOCAVA Delivery Method” categories
◦ Leave “Domestic/International” category check
marked as Both
◦ Select all categories under Group By
◦ Leave the “Sort By’s”only category of “AB
Record ID” unchecked
◦ Choose to “Save for 90 days” and name the
report the facility’s name, election name and date
 i.e., Sunshine Shady Oakes Primary 8-12-2014
◦ Click “Run Report Now” button
Printing HCF AB labels “Later”
Suggested Report Parameters (cont.):
◦ It might give you another warning. It is okay to continue.
◦ Click “Run Report Now” button again if needed
◦ Labels will pop up as an Avery Report (.pdf) to print
 This example includes only one label, there will be more on the page if multiple
applications have been entered and are waiting in the queue
Printing HCF AB labels “Later”
Mail To: Label - don’t use
ENV#2 Label – Place on Registered Voter Signature Envelope in voter
name and address section (top of envelope), aka the #2 envelope
ENV#3 Label – don’t use
APP Label – Place on application
Notice that the type of AB Ballot is HCF
Steps to Enter HCF Application Info into SVRS –
Non-Registered Voter
Entering an NON-Registered HCF
AB Voter Application into SVRS
Search and make sure there is not an existing
voter registration record
 If there is no record, record for another
address, or it is challenged for any reason, the
voter is considered NON-registered 1
Entering a NON-Registered HCF
AB Voter Application into SVRS
If there was a record with a different address or
challenged, you will select that voter registration
◦ Click on the voter registration record (the row will turn
◦ Click the “Add Regular/Pres – Registered” button above
the voter record
 not the “Add Regular/Pres – New” button found lower on the
◦ Make corrections in the next screen and this will
“trigger” a NON-registered AB ballot to be scheduled
and the appropriate labels will be printed
◦ “Tying” this application to the voter record is important
 the database shares this information statewide – “this person has applied
for an absentee ballot”
This NON-Registered Example
The example that we provide for this
presentation, the HCF AB Applicant does
not have an existing voter registration
◦ Click the “Add Regular/Pres – New” button
found lower on the screen
Entering NON-Registered HCF AB
Application Info into SVRS
Enter all the data applicable to:
◦ Application Information
◦ Applicant Information
You don’t need to type anything into Residential
Address… because… see next steps….
 IMPORTANT: Choose Health Care Facility in the
drop down menus Delivery…
◦ The Health Care Facilities for that precinct will be
made available in a drop down menu – choose the
correct facility
◦ Click the “Use HCF as Residential Address” button
 It places the residential address of the facility into the
Residential Address fields for you!
Entering NON-Registered HCF AB
Application Info into SVRS
If all looks good on the screen, click the Continue
Make sure that it says in red, “SEND NONREGISTERED…” in the Materials field.
Then choose “submit print now” button or the “submit
print later” button based on your usual procedures
NON-Registered HCF AB Labels
Whether you print Now or Later or
whether you print Dymo or Avery labels,
you will receive an extra label for NONRegistered AB voters
◦ The VRA label is to be placed on a blank EDR
Voter Registration Application and sent with
the NON-Registered #2 envelope for that
Warning Messages
If you receive warning messages of any kind,
stop with the application’s entry
Read the message
If the message is that the person is going to
receive non-registered materials and that is
correct, continue with the application’s entry
into SVRS
◦ If the message is in error, it could be that the
information that is being typed into the AB record
does not match the voter registration record
 Work with the county auditor’s office to resolve the issues
if needed
Warning Messages (cont.)
If the warning message is similar to
“another application exists,” contact the
county auditor’s office and work with that
office to resolve the issue
◦ The county auditor might have to work with
another county to resolve the issue
◦ They will provide instructions to you, if you
should enter the application or not
The HCF Outreach
Voting Day
Items for HCF Outreach Voting Day
Prepared absentee ballot materials
◦ Usual practice is to have:
 Labels placed on the Name and Address of Voter section
of #2 Signature Envelope
 EDR voter registration applications with corresponding non-reg
voters’ VRA labels - it has voucher documentation area on
backside of form
 Make sure there is a ballot and secrecy envelope for each
prepared #2 envelope
Blank AB applications
“Unlabeled” Registered and Non-Registered
Signature envelopes
◦ For those who haven’t completed an AB
application ahead of time
Extra secrecy envelopes
Items for HCF Outreach Voting Day
Extra Election Day Registration Voter Registration
◦ Includes the voucher documentation on the backside
of the application
Bucket or box for misc. administrative materials
Secure ballot transfer case
Seal on the case when it leaves
Master list – specific to nursing home address
Certified List of Employees – facility specific
Extra seal in the case for return
Ballots for each prepared #2 signature envelope
Extra ballots for spoiled ballot replacements &
additional voters
Items for HCF Outreach Voting Day
Seal “cutter” (scissors or wire cutter)
 Paper clips
 Ballot pens
 Signature guides and magnifying glasses
 Election Judge Oath Signature Sheet
 Copies of voter assistance law
 Copies of determining residence law
HCF Outreach Voting Materials Log
Have outreach judges who are picking up
outreach materials sign a log that lists:
◦ Number of ballots
◦ Master list
◦ Other materials
Before Voting Begins at Facility
Make sure outreach election judges have
taken and signed the election judge oath
 Separate prepared #2 signature envelopes
from extra voting materials
 Pay careful attention to prepared #2
signature envelopes with similar names
◦ John Hanson v. Joe Hansen
If multiple teams of judges, pair judges with
different major political party affiliations
Before Voting Begins at Facility
Work with facility staff to have reasonably
separated voting stations that provide
privacy as much as possible
 When residents arrive to vote:
◦ Ask for their name and clarify if you have any
◦ Remember to offer the assistance of election
◦ A person can choose to vote their ballot on
their own
Activities at the Facility
If a voter does not have a prepared #2 AB
envelope, they HAVE NOT completed an AB
application and they are required to do so
before they are able to vote at location
Make sure the new AB voter resides within
the nursing home portion of a campus
◦ Assisted Living residents need to apply for a
regular absentee ballot
 Provide to them an application and have them complete
it – make sure they list their apartment/unit number
 Tell them you will bring the application back to the AB
office and they will mail out an AB ballot packet to them
 Make sure to deliver those applications to the AB office
immediately upon your return to the office
Activities at the Facility
Prepared HCF AB Ballot #2 Envelopes
and EDR VRAs:
◦ Labels found in Voter Name and Address
portion of Signature Envelope
 Registered - make sure to complete the signature
envelope documentation
 NON-registered - make sure to complete the
signature envelope documentation AND complete
the EDR VRA as well!!!
Voters Who Do Not Have a
Prepared #2 Signature Envelopes
Complete AB Application
Review Master List to determine if the
person is a registered, non-challenged, voter
at that facility’s address
◦ If yes, registered materials
◦ If no, NON-registered materials
Write name and address in that portion of
the #2 Signature Envelope
If NON-registered, complete the Election
Day Registration process and the EDR VRA
NON-Registered HCF AB Voters
Whether they have a prepared HCF AB #2
envelopes or not, they must complete an EDR
◦ HCF Voting Registration (EDR VRA)
 HCF residents often don’t have ID
 HCF Employees may vouch for unlimited number of residents
 On list
 Letter
 Employee badge
 An HCF resident who is a registered voter in the precinct (not
vouched for that day) can vouch for up to eight other residents
◦ “The proof of ID used” information is documented #2
NON-registered signature envelope and if a voucher
was used, the backside of the EDR VRA must be
completed as well
Vouching by a health care facility
employee is the most often method of
proof of id/address for non-reg AB voters
residing at a HCF
◦ Check the certified employee list and verify
that the vouching employee is on the list
◦ If they are not on the list, ask to view a badge
 Usually, it is one or two employees who have
provided this service for voters for many years
Double Check all Voted AB Ballot
Whether the AB #2 signature envelope has been
prepared ahead of time or not
◦ Make sure that EVERYTHING is completed on the #2
signature envelope!
 and an EDR VRA has been completed if necessary
Voted envelope packets have:
◦ A voted ballot sealed in a secrecy envelope
◦ The secrecy envelope is sealed in the completed and
signed #2 envelope
 If an EDR VRA is present (non-reg), it is right next to secrecy
envelope within the #2 envelope
You do not want the AB Ballot Board to have to
reject an HCF AB ballot
Ready to Return to Clerk’s Office
Prepared HCF AB #2 signature envelopes
that are:
◦ Completed and signed
◦ Include a secrecy envelope with a voted ballot
sealed in it
If non-registered:
◦ the completed and signed EDR VRA is right next
to secrecy envelope/ballot WITHIN the #2
signature envelope
Newly completed AB applications
All other materials
Return of HCF Voting Outreach
Ballots and Materials to Clerk
At the Clerk’s Office upon Return
HCF Outreach Voting Elections Judges:
◦ Turn in:
 Completed “prepared” AB ballot packets
 Unused “prepared” AB ballot packets
 Newly completed applications and associated
completed AB ballot packets
 Unused ballots
 Master list
 Other materials
◦ Sign a log that the materials that went out
with election judges have been returned
When Outreach Materials are Returned….
Mark completed “prepared” AB ballot packets
as “received” in SVRS
 Place the completed “prepared” AB ballot
packets in storage for AB Ballot Board review
 Enter newly completed applications and print
◦ Follow SVRS entry directions listed in this
 If it is a non-registered ballot packet, make sure that EDR
VRA is in the #2 envelope
◦ Attach labels to corresponding envelopes,
applications and EDR VRAs (if present)
◦ Mark these ballot packets as “received” in SVRS
◦ Place these ballot packets in storage for AB Ballot
Board review
When Outreach Materials are Returned
Put away unused ballots
 Store and retain outreach voting activity
documents & materials
 Put away any office supplies and envelopes
 Unused “prepared” AB #2 signature
envelopes will be addressed later in this
Marking Ballots as “Received”
Either scan or type in
the Ballot ID number
Marking Ballots as “Received”
If you are typing in
the Ballot ID number,
you will need to click
the “Record Ballot”
button after each
 If you are
scanning/wanding the
Ballot ID number, it
will automatically
Once you are done
with recording all
ballots, click the
“Receive” button
Marking Ballots as “Received”
Double check that all
ballots have been
marked as “received”
If all looks “correct”,
click the “Submit”
AB Ballot Board Review
All HCF Outreach Voting completed AB
ballot packets are to be delivered to the
AB Ballot Board within 3 days of voting
 If they are rejected for any reason…
◦ Very rare, but, if so, follow replacement ballot
Mark accepted ballots as “accepted” in
Marking Ballot as “Accepted” in
Select Action:
 Scan or type in Ballot
ID numbers
If Prepared #2 Signature Envelopes
are Returned as Unused
Suggested practice:
◦ Update the ballot within the AB record as
“spoiled” and do not re-issue a ballot.
 Make a note in “comments” of the AB record
If Prepared #2 Signature Envelopes
are Returned as Unused
If Prepared #2 Signature Envelopes
are Returned as Unused
If Prepared #2 Signature Envelopes
are Returned as Unused
Preparations for General Election
HCF AB Outreach Voting
Preparing for General Election HCF
AB Outreach Voting
Well before the 20 days for the General’s
HCF outreach voting, send AB applications
to HCF contact
◦ Any new residents since the primary election will
need to complete an application and choose
General Only
Double check with HCF contact if anyone
who has a HCF AB application on file is no
longer a resident of the facility for the
General election
◦ Spoil any ballots for those with a ballot record
and are no longer a resident
Entry of New HCF AB Applications
for General Election
Suggestion: Wait to print AB labels for
prepared #2 signature envelopes as a
batch “later” after….
◦ Entering any new applications into SVRS in
preparation for General election outreach
Complete the new application’s “official
use only” area for the General ballots
sections only
Printing HCF AB Labels for the
General Election
Gather the applications for the HCF that were
received before the Primary and were marked for
“both” elections
 Before printing labels, review the “both elections”
applications and find those that were marked “nonreg” for the primary election:
◦ Search SVRS and determine if that voter has now become
registered since that time
 If so, update the AB record through the “Non-linked AB process”
(instructions in this presentation)
 Make sure to note in the “office use only” section that the voter will be
sent registered materials for the General election
 If not, double check that the AB record is going to produce a
label for non-registered materials
Print all the HCF AB labels using the “print later”
process described earlier
Printing HCF AB Labels for the
General Election
Place the APP labels on the applications
◦ If it is a new application, there will only be one
APP label on the application
◦ If it is an application from the Primary, a 2nd
APP label will be placed on the application
Applications for both primary and general
elections: Complete the “official use
only” General ballot area’s “ballot issued
date” and “initials” sections
Non-Linked AB Records Process
APP label’s
AB Record ID
Type in AB Record ID
found on APP Label on
(see below)
Non-Linked AB Records Process
1. Double check that it is the correct voter record. If so, click the “Link”
2. You will receive a “This record has been Linked successfully” message
in red at top of screen.
Non-Linked AB Records Process
Double check that the AB record is now considered
If so, the correct set of labels will print when you
complete the batch printing process
“official use only” Examples for
General Election HCF Outreach
Application for
General Only
Application for
both Primary
and General
Retention of HCF Voting Materials
The voted HCF ballot packets are sent to the
ballot board and then become ballot
board/central counting center materials
 Unused ballots are placed back with the AB ballot
 Unused envelopes that do not have identifying
information, return to stock
 Unused envelopes with identifying information
should be kept with all other forms/documents
used and written upon during the HCF Voting
Outreach process; specific to that location/date
◦ Consult the organization’s retention plan
 Usually retained for 22 months (M.S. 204B.40)
If you have questions….
First work with your county elections
office for assistance with election laws
and the technical aspects of SVRS
 If you have further questions about election law,
please contact the OSS Elections Division at
[email protected] or 651/296-9073
 If you have further questions technical questions
about SVRS, please contact the OSS Elections
Division at [email protected] or 651/2974848