My Favourite Book

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My Favourite Book
My Favourite Book
K. Kaufman, M. Kaufman, 8.
Работа выполнена учителем английского языка
МОУ «Лямбирская СОШ №1»
Егорчиковой Кларой Медарисовной
«The Lion,the Witch and the Wardrobe»
When I was about 7 or 8 years old I
fell in love with "The Chronicles of
Narnia" books by C.S. Lewis. I had
just learned to read and was so
excited to read these amazing
stories. They were unlike any other
books I had ever read before. I
especially loved the second one in
the series called "The Lion, the
Witch, and the Wardrobe." I have
read and listened to that wonderful
story countless times. So I'm sure
that you can imagine my surprise
and delight when I found out the
year 2005 that Disney had made a
movie about it! So, whenThe
at last
did an incredible job o
got to see the new moviebringing
with mythe world of Narnia and C.S
family I was amazed by how
well beloved
characters to life. Seeing
was done and loved it!
that film was one of the highlights of my
year. Since then I have watched it severa
times over again. It has become of my
most favorite movies!
• What is the book about?
"The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" begins in
England during the 1940's when London was being
bombed mercilessly (беспощадно) by the Nazi's. Four
siblings (братья и сестры) named Peter, Susan, Edmund,
and Lucy, are evacuated from the city and are sent to the
country to live in a big house with an elderly professor
for the summer.
The youngest of the siblings, Lucy, finds an old and beautiful
wardrobe in the house one day while looking for a place to
hide during a game of hide-and-go-seek. She slips
(проскользнула) into it and hides in the back. But much to
her surprise instead of solid (твердый )boards she feels
something cold and soft on her fingers and finds that she has
fallen into a snowy wood! Looking about her she sees that
right in the middle of this wood there is a tall lamp post
(фонарный столб).
When she goes to take a
closer look she meets a
creature unlike any she has
ever seen before. A half man,
half goat creature called a
He is very friendly to Lucy
and invites her over to his
house for tea. There he tells
her about how Narnia was
once a happy and bright land
but that now it is always
winter and never Christmas
because the White Witch,
Queen of Narnia has made it
so. The faun at first intends
to kidnap Lucy and bring her
to the "White Witch" whom he
serves but after seeing how
nice Lucy is he can't bear to
do it and after repenting
(сожаление) sends Lucy
back through the wardrobe.
When Lucy comes out and tells her
siblings what she has been doing
they don't believe her and think that
she has only been pretending things.
But then in a strange twist of fate
(поворот судьбы) one day all four of
them end up hiding in the wardrobe
from the housekeeper and suddenly
find themselves in the land of
Narnia. And so begins their
They meet new friends Mr. and Mrs Beaver who tells
them that all Narnia has been waiting for them for a
long time now. For much to their surprise they find that
they are fulfillment (исполнение) to a prophecy that
will end the White Witch's reign and that they are to be
the rightful Kings and Queens of Narnia. They tell the
children that it is all Aslan's doing. The great Lion from
over the sea and ruler of all who will crown them and
destroy the witch. The beavers tell the children that
Aslan has just arrived and that they must take them to
But just before they leave they find that Edmund has gone and
betrayed (предал) them all to White Witch. He had once been in
Narnia himself and lied about to his older siblings. Now he imagined
that White Witch was his friend and would give him everything he
wanted. The White Witch takes Edmund captive (взять в плен) and
goes after the other children. But they escape in time and journey
with the beavers to a place called the "Stone Table" where they
meet Aslan. They are immediately filled with reverence (почтение)
and awe (трепет) as they look upon the great lion. Aslan welcomes
them to his camp where he is preparing an army of faithful (верный)
follwers to battle the Witch and make the children rulers.
• Aslan rescues (спасать) Edmund and reunites him with
his siblings. Edmund has repented (раскаиваться).
Edmund has been rescued but it is not without a price.
Edmund had betrayed (предовать) Aslan. He had
committed (совершать) a crime that could only be paid
for in blood. His blood. Aslan then does for Edmund what
no one else can. He offers his life to the Witch to pay for
Edmunds crime instead. That night while everyone else
is asleep in the camp Aslan slips away to the stone
table where the Witch has gathered an evil army. Lucy
and Susan who follow at a distance behind behold
(безопасное расстояние) a terrible sight there as they
watch the Lion they love die at the hands of the White
Witch. Filled with grief (скорбь) and shock they spend
the night at the stone table after the witch has left.
Early the next morning Peter and Edmund get the news that
Aslan is dead. It is now up to Peter to lead the army into battle.
He prepares a plan and gets ready. Just as the sun comes up
Peters army assembles on the battlefield. "For Narnia and for
Aslan!" He cries as he charges forward. A long, hard fight ensues
in which Peter and Edmund fight bravely and valiantly but the
witch still begins to get the upper hand.
Meanwhile Susan and Lucy are about to leave the stone
table when suddenly an earthquake happens and cracks
the stone table in two! Jumping up to look behind them
the girls behold a wonderful sight: Aslan has risen from
the dead! Filled with joy they run to him and he tells them
the story of how if a willing victim (добровольная
жертва) who has done no wrong offers himself in place of
a traitor (предатель) the stone table would crack and
death itself would go backward.
Susan and Lucy climb unto his back and he races away
with them to the battlefield to help Peter and Edmund.
There Aslan defeats the White Witch and destroys her
and her power forever.
Afterwards a joyous celebration is held at the beautiful
castle by the sea Cair Paravel, where Peter, Susan,
Edmund, and Lucy are crowned as Kings and Queens
with all their friends looking on.
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