Community Gardens Zoning Text Amendments

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Northside Comprehensive Land Use Plan Update

Kickoff Meeting

June 10, 2013


• • • • • • • • 6:00 – 6:15 – Introductions 6:15 – 6:45 – Presentation 6:45 – 7:00 – Discuss Goals 7:00 – 7:10 – Discuss Focus Areas 7:10 – 7:20 – Discuss Commercial Opportunities 7:20 – 7:30 – Discuss Housing Opportunities 7:30 – 7:35 – Next Steps 7:35 – 7:45 – Q & A


What is a Comprehensive Land Use Plan?

• • • • • Sets a vision for the next 5-15 years.

Acts as a guide for the future growth and development of Northside.

Creates goals and objectives for the neighborhood and ways to implement them.

Recommends rezoning certain areas of the neighborhood to better suit community need.

This Plan update will build off Plan Cincinnati with specific recommendations for Northside.


• • • • • Northside Community Plan (1983) Northside NBD Plan (1996) Colerain Connector Master Plan (2000) Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2006) Plan Cincinnati (2012)

The Process

• The Department of City Planning and Buildings and the Steering Committee envision a process that engages people from all parts of the Northside community – from residents and property owners to representatives of our businesses and institutions.

The Process

• • • • • • • Typically, a Comprehensive Planning process follows a standard format:

Where Are We Now?

Where Do We Want To Go?

How Do We Get There?

Who Are Our Partners?

What Is Our Priority?

How Do We Implement It?

Where are we now?


Total Population 1990 364,040 Cincinnati 2000 331,285 2010 296,943 1990 10,527 Northside 2000 9,389 2010 7,467


Total Households 1990 154,243 Cincinnati 2000 147,979 2010 133,420 1990 4,388 Northside 2000 4,054 2010 3,570





Current Zoning

Current Land Use

Compact Walkable Area

Reviewing the 2006 Comprehensive Land Use Plan


• The 2006 Plan is divided into four key areas: • • • • • • Quality of Life Housing Greenspace Development Commercial Development Action Strategies, Recommendations and Implementation Strategies focused on these four areas.

Also targeted specific areas in which to focus additional attention, including commercial and housing developments.

2006 Comprehensive Land Use Plan Goals

• • • Quality of Life • Ensure a quality of life where people young and old feel safe, nurtured and enriched.

Housing • Create a variety of quality housing for a diverse group of people with mixed incomes.

Greenspace Development • Enhance, connect and protect the wonderful greenspaces in the neighborhood; the green beltway that surrounds Northside.

2006 Comprehensive Land Use Plan Goals

• Commercial Development • Create a climate for new and innovative commercial uses that enhance our historic character and identify opportunities for mixed-use redevelopments • • Focus redevelopment opportunities in the area south of Blue Rock for new kinds of commercial, residential, studio, and light manufacturing uses and other unique, unconventional live/work spaces.

Pursue compatible land uses and redevelopment opportunities for those places identified as “transitional” areas in the plan (e.g. industrial area south of Blue Rock, closed school site)

2006 Comprehensive Land Use Plan Goals

• • • • The 2006 Plan accomplished many of its goals and objectives.

A large amount of the goals coming out of this plan have been implemented or are in progress.

Categorized from each of the four elements of the Plan.

The following actions have stemmed from implementation recommendations from this plan:

Quality of Life

• • Actively work with CPS and other education providers to provide quality schools in Northside • • New Chase and Parker Woods Schools, McKie Recreation Center Kirby Road School is being developed into market rate apartments Work to eliminate drug related crime • Citizens on Patrol

Quality of Life

• • Actively work with neighborhood organizations to develop positive programming for teens and pre-teens.

• • Provide spaces and events to showcase the arts.

• Happen, Inc • CAIN neighborhood ministry Youth Council Wordplay

Quality of Life

• • Create new and strengthen existing programs welcoming new residents and actively participate in community programming.

• • • • Welcome to Northside guide Northside Community Fund Northside Farmers Market Block parties Continue to promote diversity and tolerance.

• Forums for Community Dialogue on Education and Cultural Diversity


• • Increase home ownership and restore poorly reconfigured multi-family homes back to single family homes.

• • Improve quality of affordable and rental housing • Habitat for Humanity • CNCURC created Model Group renovations Working in Neighborhoods


• • Create a marketing strategy for the neighborhood.

• NBA created marketing brochures • website created Provide a wide variety of new housing types.

• • • Rockford Woods and Virginia Place American Can, Kirby Road School Senior housing next to American Can


• • Enhance connections between greenspaces to strengthen the green beltway around the neighborhood.

• • Colerain Connector Plan Mill Creek Restoration Project Create wayfinding for existing greenspace and promote community gardening.

• Northside Greenspace, Inc.

• Gardens at McKie, Witler St, and Village Green

Commercial Development

• • Respect the historic character of the Hamilton Ave Business District while encouraging renovations that fit the neighborhood character.

• Several new businesses have opened up, renovating their building.

Coordinate retail and entertainment in mixed use settings. New construction should be appropriate in scale and massing with existing buildings.

• American Can • Milhaus development at Myron Johnson site

Commercial Development

• • Gateway Circulation and HUB Project • Queen City Metro is planning a transfer hub on Blue Rock St across from American Can Encourage larger commercial and office uses to locate away from Hamilton Ave.

• This plan was cited to stop a Walgreens development at Hamilton Ave and Blue Rock St.

Transition Areas

• • The 2006 Plan focused on 10 transition areas Areas that had a good opportunity to redevelop in the near future • • Many of these transition areas are complete or are in progress Kirby Road School, Chase/McKie, Schwab School.

• • Some are partially complete Colerain Connector, mixed use development along the eastern part of Blue Rock Road

Future Land Use and Zoning Maps

• • The community developed a conceptual Future Land Use Map.

• What land use would ideally be in an area in 10-20 years.

Rezoning recommendations were made from the conceptual Future Land Use Map and the Transition Area map.

• Would ensure that new development is consistent with the Future Land Use Map.

The 2013 Comprehensive Land Use Plan Update


• • • Make sure this Plan is consistent with Plan Cincinnati Review and update the Goals, Objectives, Action and Implementation Strategies of the 2006 Plan • • Change categories to the Five Initiative Areas of Plan Cincinnati Review and update the Future Land Use Map Review and update the rezoning recommendations map

Updating Our Goals

• • • City staff and the Steering Committee have started the process of updating the goals from the 2006 Plan.

Some goals were recommended to be added, some were recommended to be removed, some were recommended to be modified.

A complete list of the 2006 Plan goals can be found on posters around this room.

Updating Our Goals

• • • • The following goals were added by the steering committee to reflect the current needs of the neighborhood: Create prominent gateways at neighborhood entrances, including signage, monuments, buildings, and public art.

Preserve the industrial employment base along existing industrial corridors of the neighborhood and be proactive in retaining those businesses, many of which have decades of history in Northside. Encourage development in the areas where interchange abandonment or reconfiguration will provide new developable land. (Powers St and Colerain Ave)

Updating Our Goals

• • Work to retain and attract new tenants to the existing industrial areas along the Mill Creek.

Encourage “complete streets” especially along Hamilton Avenue.

Updating Our Goals

What other goals should be included?

Updating our Focus Areas

• • • Based on the Transition Area Map, the Focus Area map identifies important areas in the community that need attention.

Some areas are ongoing • Mainly mixed use commercial/industrial/office/residential areas in the south portion of the neighborhood.

Some areas are new.

• The I-74 interchange abandonment/reconfiguration, commercial development along Kirby Road and the northern part of Hamilton Avenue.

Commercial Issues and Opportunities

• • • A significant amount of the areas from the existing plan have been redeveloped or have plans to be redeveloped.

• American Can Building, Myron Johnson Lumber Yard, etc The steering committee has identified new areas of opportunity for commercial development.

• Colerain Ave, 4000 block of Hamilton Ave, Farmer’s Hotel, etc Some areas remain an issue/opportunity area.

Housing Issues and Opportunities

• • • Some of the areas called out in the existing plan have been developed.

• Virginia Place, Sector D (area west of Kirby Road) Some areas are in the process of being renovated and stabilized.

• Area bound by Knowlton St, Langland St, Pullan Ave, and Dane Ave, Rosewood/Green Arbor, Southwest Nodes Some areas were deemed unsuitable for development due to steep hillsides.

• Area along Kirby Road in northwest part of the neighborhood.

Housing Issues and Opportunities

• • Some areas have not been fully addressed.

• Spring Grove/East Side, Southwest Nodes.

There are several new areas identified by the steering committee • Northern part of Hamilton Ave, Northcliff Apartments, area around Chase School

Next Steps

Next Steps

• • • 6/15 - Kickoff Meeting #2 (same as this meeting) • Same meeting as today, held at a different time to accommodate those who couldn’t make it tonight.

7/24 - Community Open House – Discuss proposed new goals and strategies and the proposed Future Land Use Plan based on your input from the Kickoff Meetings and the survey.

7/31 - City Wide Open House – Community input for staff rezoning recommendations for all 52 neighborhoods. This is your first chance to see recommended zoning for Northside.

Next Steps

• • • 8/7 - Open House Results Presentation – This meeting will present a refined set of goals, strategies, and maps based on your input from the Open House.

8/19 - Presentation to Northside Community Council

– After extensive public input on the Plan Update, the Plan will be brought before Northside Community Council for approval.

9/9 - Presentation to Northside Business Association

– We want to make sure that Northside businesses also have a chance to make their voices heard. The plan will be brought before the NBA for approval at this meeting.

How to Get Involved

• • • • Sign up for our email list to receive regular updates and meeting notifications.

• If you provided your email on the sign-in sheet, you will be provided with an email containing these links.

Visit our page on the Northside Community Council website at community-council Take our survey at Email [email protected]