Civil Rights - University of Illinois at Urbana

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Transcript Civil Rights - University of Illinois at Urbana

Civil Rights
A. Civil Rights Movement
Malcolm X
Rosa Parks
Thurgood Marshall
Fannie Lou Hamer
Ella Baker
Emmett Till
Court cases
Freedom Summer of 1964
March on Washington
Constitutional Rights
 Voting Act of 1964
 13th-15th Amendments
Role of Government and Courts
in Preserving / Denying
Rights Then and Now
 Brown v. Board of Education
 Plessy v. Fergueson
 Executive Orders
Political Activism and Activists
Then and Now
 Martin Luther King Jr.
 Sit-ins
 Freedom Rides
MLK’s Birthday
 I Have A Dream Speech
 Bus Boycott
 Walk from Selma to Montgomery
 White Flight
 Integration
 Racism
 Affirmative Action
 Quotas
Urban America Then and Now –
Problems and Possibilities
 Reparations
 Black Power
Champaign-Urbana and Illinois
During the Civil Rights
 Bigotry
 Black Power on Campus
B. Key Perspectives
Making choices and taking action: We will look at how
people took a stand (some died, some were beaten, some
were put into jail, etc.). Students will discuss how
important it is to stand up for what you believe in and
some of the ramifications for doing so. Students will
learn about various approaches to taking a stand (i.e. nonviolent approach).
Diversity and difference: Students will learn of the struggle
of African American people as they fought for equal
rights. Students will get a close-up of how life was for
African American people.
Justice, rights, and responsibility: Students will learn
about the laws and bills surrounding equal rights fro
African Americans. They will go over the constitutional
rights of African Americans before and after the Civil
Rights movement, amendments that were
changed/ratified during/after the Civil Rights Movement,
and important court cases during that time.
Historically excluded people: Students will learn about the
different ways that people are excluded. They will learn
about social, economic and racial discrimination, both
then and now. Students will learn about the different
ways in which people justify racism. They will also
identify ways in which exclusion has negatively affected
that group of people.
C. Background Information and
Interview with a
 Interview with a
 Interview with a
 Interview with a
D. Background Information on Unit
Essential Questions:
1) What motivates a
movement and how
does one take place?
2) What is racism and
how does it originate?
Enduring Understandings
Racism is an ongoing
problem in our society
with roots that extend
back to the beginnings
of the nation.
The present social
climate is a result of
past events and
decisions, but social
change can and will
Perspectives from Academic Readings
Gives history of how the Civil Rights movement
came to be
Starts when the first Africans were brought over
End of slavery did not vitally change things for African Americans
Migration to the North and the acquisition of jobs did not translate
into equal social status
Employment consisted of jobs of servitude and other jobs created by
the onset of war
Still felt enslaved, although technically free
Students need to know why African Americans didn't have equal
rights from the beginning, so Takaki gives them insight into the
history of the Civil Rights movement. (p. 340-369)
Zinn is a good source, because Zinn feels that students
need to understand every aspect of what they are
studying. Students won't just learn about Martin Luther
King Jr. from Zinn's perspective, they will learn about
Fannie Lou Hamer and why she was an important part of
the movement; they will learn about the court cases that
surrounded the Civil Rights movement; they will learn
why African Americans were being lynched because they
whistled at a white woman, and so on. Zinn will give
students a clear view of the event and not the sugarcoated version. We do not expect students to actually
read Zinn, but we will use it as teachers to inform our
instruction. (p. 435 – 459)
E. Rationale
This unit is designed for 5th grade students. It is
important because these students are at a very
impressionable age and it is important to understand other
perspectives to make them well-rounded citizens. This
theme is also very recent; its effects are still felt today.
The students in our classrooms may feel some of these
effects. Diversity is an overarching theme of social
studies. Right now this theme is an undercurrent of
society, but is rarely discussed except in relation to
Affirmative Action. People are very uncomfortable with
it, and as a result it is not really discussed in classroom
setting except as a “flavor of the month” during Black
History month.
This unit uses research and anecdotal
evidence highlighting “best practices” to
inform instruction. It relies heavily on Doing
History and If This is Social Studies, Why
Isn’t It Boring?, both of which detail multiple
“best practices” of social studies in real
classrooms. Our instruction will also be
informed by our own practice; we will
discover in the course of this unit what
techniques work best for our particular group
of students.
II. Instructional Strategies
Using Oral History
– It is important for students
to be exposed to primary
sources and students can
ask questions of their
Using Role
– These activities allow
students to experience
multiple perspectives.
Small groups
– Learning in this format
allows students to hear the
perspectives of others and
allows for more in-depth
Structured Brainstorm
– The students get to
organize their thoughts and
it lets the teacher know
what misconceptions the
students possess.
Show connection to modern-day events through modern
Students will build a lasting understanding through multisensory exposure to dramatic material
This is a prevalent tool that students can use to show that this
theme is relevant to their lives.
Learning in this format allows students to hear the perspectives
of others and allows for more in-depth discussion.
Field Trip - Boxes and Walls
Fields trips have been demonstrated to promote lasting
impressions of a given topic and they foster active engagement.
Instructional Strategies –
Background Information
 From
 From students
 From teachers
 From community
Instructional Strategies School
Although the school does not teach a unit on
the Civil Rights Movement, it does have a wide
variety of resources to teach it. The library has a
whole section dedicated to the Civil Rights
Movement, including literature, movies, and lesson
plan activities. They also encourage bringing
experts (or people who have experienced the Civil
Rights Movement) into the classrooms to give
presentations or interviews on the subject.
Many of teachers in the school use KWL’s as a
way to ascertain what students already know and
what they want to know. The school recognizes this
strategy and important and necessary for effective
Instructional Strategies –
In interviewing a 5th grade boy I
learned that students enjoy hands on
learning better than sitting at their desks
listening to the teacher talk for a long
time. The student also said that he
enjoys participating in field trips and
activities where the class goes outside.
He said that group work was fun, but
sometimes he does not like working with
certain people.
Instructional Strategies Community
“I think making connections is important when
working with the students in Champaign. They
are taught a lot of things that they can’t apply to
their outside life and therefore they don’t retain
it. I’m not a teacher, so I don’t know many
more. I would assume that letting the students
work in groups would be effective. I work with
children and the big thing now is kids learn better
from one another. When they work together they
reinforce what they know by explaining it to their
group and the people who don’t understand might
learn better from their peers.” - Urban League
Instructional Strategies Teachers
Oral histories/interviews
 Connects history to real life
 If something that they know and love has experienced something
then can learn through storytelling
 Discrimination Simulation
 Connects history to their own real life
 History is so abstract that any time you can make it real
 Their world is so small, they are still so self-centered
 Small groups
 Especially if it’s a heterogeneous group it works really well
 They can learn from each other and bounce ideas of off each other
Structured Brainstorms
 If you follow through with them to the end
 Eighty percent of the time, teachers don’t follow it through to the end
 Activates prior knowledge
Show connection to modern-day events through modern media
 Text-to-world
 Their world is so small, any time you can show relevance it brings it alive a
little bit or makes it more relevant
 The students can be told about something, but if there’s a really good image
it can conjure up other images and help them make connections
 It makes them better listeners to their partners
 More effective than just pair share
 Powerful, makes them accountable
Field Trip
 Always great, but always costly
Instructional Strategies –
Academic Readings
Doing History
 If This is Social Studies, Why Isn’t It Boring?
Instructional Strategies Doing History
KWL charts are a great and easy way to ascertain what
the students know as well as setting the tone for the rest
of the unit. The teacher can base the rest of the lesson
based on what the students want to know. Finally, KWL
charts can be used as a way to document the students
progress by comparing what they know to what they have
“To understand information – not simply repeat it –
students must connect it to their previous
understanding…. KWL charts, in which students discuss
what they know, what they want to know, and (later) what
they have learned, are one way to activate this prior
knowledge.” Pg. 12
Role Play and Simulations
“Using role play and simulations as opportunities
to play out different interpretations or
constructions of events can support the
development of historical perspective-taking.”
Pg. 145
 Simulations can help students understand why
some people acted the way they did during the
1950’s and why these actions led to the Civil
Rights Movement.
Levstik, Linda, and Keith Barton. 2001. Doing history:
Investigating with children in Elementary and Middle
Schools. Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.
Instructional Strategies – If This Is
Social Studies, Why Isn’t It Boring?
Inquiry is stressed - students are encouraged to to explore
and investigate topics, sometimes of their choosing
 “I describe how I began to move away from textbookdominated teaching and teacher-dominated learning to a
more learner-centered approach” (Page 46)
 Students explore primary and secondary sources and
make connections to their lives
 “…I knew that one of the surest ways to help children
make new information meaningful is to connect the new
information to their lives” (Page 4)
Learning is accomplished through presentations
and group projects
 Primary assessment based on presentation and
communication of knowledge
 “In the democratic classroom, there is a
deliberate component of social action, a social
agenda to improve and change classroom life.
This is achieved through classroom activities that
reveal social inequalities and encourage student
participation in the design of alternatives” (Page
III. Literacy Link
Books (fiction, non-fiction, poetry)
 Newspapers/Journals
 Writing
 Speaking/listening
Primary Sources
Fiction – It is a great way for students to get a
deeper understanding of how someone would
have felt or acted during that time period.
Non-fiction – It is a good source of background
information. It contains factual information
that students can analyze and use for other
activities, such to prepare for interview
Poetry – Poetry written at that time is a great
primary source that students can use to
analyze the feelings and concerns of people
during that time.
Newspapers and Journals
First, students can look at newspapers
and journals from the 1950’s and
1960’s as primary sources to read what
events were going on and the media’s
interpretation of these events.
 Second, students can look at
newspapers and journals from the
present day and find examples of
discrimination that still occurs today
and other civil rights issues.
Students will conduct an interview
where they will write down the
questions they will ask and will write
down the person’s answers. They will
then analyze the information and write
down what they learned.
 Students can also write in a journal
about interesting facts they learned
and how they feel about the events and
people they are learning about.
Students will conduct an interview where
they will practice the skills of both speaking
and listening.
Students may give a presentation where
they will explain an event or person. The
rest of the students will listen.
Students will also use their listening skills
when watching movies or listening to music
during that time period.
Critical Perspectives
– Literature: Motivating for children, but should not be overused
– Newspapers and Journals: Helps connect the students to the world
around them and shows them the relevance of the past to their lives
 Librarian
– Picture books: Get the students engaged into unfamiliar topics, get
straight to the point of the book without having to sift through minor
– Chapter books: Can also be good for older learners, can keep a child’s
interest over an extended period of time. A student will be engaged in a
good book and anxious to find out what is going to happen next. Also,
they go into detail a lot more than picture books, and older learners can
practice identifying story elements.
Community Member - Urban League Worker
“I think children’s literature is important because students
get tired of reading text books, so adding non fiction and
fiction texts to the curriculum can engage them. Students
also need to see books with characters that look like them,
so African American texts would be a nice addition.”
Academic Readings
“A variety of good literature, combined with careful
teacher facilitation, can help students see and
understand…historical perspectives” (Doing History, p.
Doing History - Books
“The structure of narrative
encourages readers to
recognize the human
aspects of history and, with
some help, to develop a
better sense of its
interpretive and tentative
aspects.” Pg. 120
Books are useful and
interesting resources that
help students to
personalize historical
Doing History Speaking/Listening
“Interviewing…is an accessible and comfortable
way for students to move beyond their own
experiences, and yet it allows them to see how
accounts may differ, how sources can vary in
reliability, and how conflicting accounts can be
reconciled.” Pg. 48
Through interviews, students can personalize what
they want to learn about and get a personal and
first-hand account about what happened during
the Civil Rights Movement. This experience will
make the events more real and concrete if they
hear about stories from someone who actually
experienced them.
Doing History - Writing
“Writing is an important way in which
…classmates construct their own historical
interpretations…. Writing encouraged
students to think about what they knew and
could support.” Pg. 11-117
Writing is a great way for students to
critically analyze, interpret, and synthesize
what they have learned about a specific
event or person during the Civil Rights
Unit Sketch
Unit Essential Questions
 What motivates a movement and how does one
take place?
 What is racism and how does it originate?
Unit Enduring Understandings
 Racism is an ongoing problem in our society
with roots that extend back to the beginnings of
the nation.
 The present social climate is a result of past
events and decisions, but social change can and
will occur.
Unit Standards:
Alignment with State Standards
16.A.2b Compare different stories about a historical
figure or event and analyze differences in the
portrayals and perspectives they present.
 16.A.3b Make inferences about historical events
and eras using historical maps and other historical
 16.A.2c Ask questions and seek answers by
collecting and analyzing data from historic
documents, images and other literary and nonliterary sources.
 16.A.3c Identify the differences between historical
fact and interpretation.
16.C.3b (US) Explain relationships among the American
economy and slavery, immigration, industrialization, labor and
urbanization, 1700-present.
16.D.2c (US) Describe the influence of key individuals and
groups, including Susan B. Anthony/suffrage and Martin Luther
King, Jr./civil rights, in the historical eras of Illinois and the
United States.
18.C.3a Describe ways in which a diverse U.S. population
has developed and maintained common beliefs (e.g., life,
liberty and the pursuit of happiness; the Constitution and the
Bill of Rights).
18.C.3b Explain how diverse groups have contributed to U.S.
social systems over time.
Unit Standards:
Alignment with National Standards
I. Culture
e. Articulate the implications of cultural diversity, as
well as cohesion, within and across groups
II. Time, Continuity, & Change.
b. Identify and use key concepts such as chronology,
causality, change, conflict, and complexity to
explain, analyze, and show connections among
patterns of historical change and continuity
d. Identify and use processes important to
reconstructing and reinterpreting the past, such
as using a variety of sources, providing,
validating, and weighing evidence for claims,
checking credibility of sources, and searching for
e. Develop critical sensitivities such as
empathy and skepticism regarding attitudes,
values, and behaviors of people in different
historical contexts
 f. Use knowledge of facts and concepts
drawn from history, along with methods of
historical inquiry, to inform decision-making
about and action-taking on public issues.
IV. Individual Development & Identity
 a. Relate personal changes to social,
cultural, and historical contexts
c. Describe the ways family, gender,
ethnicity, nationality, and institutional
affiliations contribute to personal identity
 f. Identify and describe the influence of
perception, attitudes, values, an beliefs on
personal identity
 g. Identify and interpret examples of
stereotyping, conformity, and altruism
 h. Work independently and cooperatively to
accomplish goals
V. Individuals, Groups, & Institutions
 e. Identify and describe examples of tension
between belief
 f. Describe the role of institutions in
furthering both continuity and change
VI. Power, Authority & Governance
 a. Examine persistent issues involving the
rights, roles, and status of the individual in
relation to the general welfare
f. Explain conditions, actions, and
motivations that contribute to conflict and
cooperation within and among nations
 h. Explain and apply concept such as power,
role, statue, justice, and influence to the
examination of persistent issues social
IX. Global Connections
 f. Demonstrate understanding of concerns,
standards, issues, and conflicts related to
universal human rights.
X. Civic Ideals & Practices
c. Locate, access, analyze, organize and apply
information about selected public issues –
recognizing and explaining multiple points of view.
e. Explain and analyze various forms of citizen action
that influences public policy decisions
g. Analyze the influences of diverse forms of public
opinion on the development of public policy and
h. Analyze the effectiveness of selected public policies
and citizen behaviors in realizing the stated ideals of
a democratic republican form of government.
Lesson 1: Tuning In
 To spark curiosity about the civil rights movement
 To begin to talk about racism and its causes.
During this lesson, the students will listen as the
teacher reads the book Going North. This activity
will be followed by a discussion on the reasons that
the family went North and what they encountered on
the way. Students will make predictions about what
the family might encounter in the North. This will
spark their curiosity and give them something look
into in the the coming weeks.
Lesson 2: Preparing to Find
 The students will gain background information on
the Civil Rights Movement
 The students will develop their interview skills
The teacher and the students will work together to
complete a KWL chart about the Civil Rights
Movement. They will also read excerpts from Oh
Freedom! and come up with questions for an
interview to be completed during the next lesson.
Students will also examine other primary sources,
including virtual ones that may be found at **library
Lesson 3: Finding Out
 The students will gain information through conducting
an interview
 The students will begin to understand the social
climate that has promoted racism in the past and that
continues to promote it
The students will conduct an interview with an individual
who lived through the era of the civil rights movement
and who was effected by it directly. The students will
use the questions that they developed during the
previous lesson to guide this interview. Following the
interview, the students will write about what they have
learned in their reflection journals.
Lesson 4: Sorting Out
Lesson 5: Going Further
The students will critically analyze the media as
primary source material
The students will explore the institution of racism and
the social movement that it spurred through this
The students will examine a number of primary
sources, from photographs to poetry to diary entries
to song, in order to try to gain a richer understanding
of the social climate at the time of the Civil Rights
Movement. The students will analyze and evaluate
primary source material by paying attention to its
audience and purpose.
Lesson 6: Making Connections
 The students will explore the social climate of racism,
then and now
 The students will reflect on and synthesize what they
have learned throughout the unit
The students will explore modern media in order to
make a comparison between the social climate then
and the present social climate. They will draw
conclusions about what they have learned
throughout the unit about how the Civil Rights
Movement has effected the modern social climate.
Lesson 7: Taking Action
 The students will gain research skills
 The students will find out about the different instances of social injustices
like racism, gender, or class discrimination that goes on in and around their
 The students will find a way to apply this knowledge to work for social
The students will make connections through
observing the media, their community and their
school looking for examples of discrimination, or social injustices they want
to take a stand on. Students will write a composition explaining the social
injustice they have chosen to address. Students will also research their topic,
looking for pictures, books, and other resources that give background
information. Students will write a short letter to a person they think has the
power to help stop the social injustice that they feel strongly about.
Interview with a Student
Interviewing a student about what he knew about the civil rights movement was
interesting. At first, I was a little nervous because I had to give him so many prompts and clues to
what I wanted him to tell me about. It seemed as if he had no knowledge of the civil rights
movement, just names such as Martin Luther King, Jr. and Rosa Parks. It seriously frightened me
that this 11 year-old boy may not have been taught anything about the civil rights movement.
However, my fears soon subsided when he began to tell me how Black people were treated in the
1960’s. He told me that Blacks had to use different water fountains, bathrooms, and restaurants.
He also said that schools were separated and that the Black schools got no books, and White
schools had all kinds of things. He also mentioned that Blacks did not get good jobs and received a
very low quality of healthcare.
The young boy mentioned that African Americans got killed because of their skin color.
For example, he said that the houses of Black people often got bombed. He stated that White
people called Black men boys even if they were grown men. On a brighter note, he knew that Rosa
Parks was put in jail for refusing to give up her seat to a White person. He also knew that Martin
Luther King, Jr. was a minister who fought for civil rights in a non-violent way. He said that
Martin Luther King wanted equality for all people, Black and White, man and woman.
I was very surprised to hear such knowledge of the civil rights movement, especially after I
thought he knew very little. Not only did he talk about the laws that were in place, such as
segregation of public places and schools, but he knew how Blacks were treated. This knowledge is
key, and something that may not be in textbooks. He also knew about the leaders of the civil rights
movement that are always studied, like Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks. I also asked where he
learned this information. He said he learned these things in 2 nd and 3rd grade by reading books
about the civil rights movement.
Interview with a Principal
In 4th grade, students study Black History Month, which “gets at”
discrimination and civil rights. In 5th grade they go to a play about the Underground
RR and study the Holocaust. Character Counts is done across the building, which he
believes falls under the broad category of civil rights.
When asked what understandings students bring to the table, he responded that
they bring a basic understanding of right and wrong. They also learn from parents and
adopt some of their attitudes. “We build on a basic idea of treating people fairly,” he
says. The school doesn’t tolerate name-calling or degrading other people with racial
There are three girls in 3A who play at school and in the neighborhood. One
girl said that her mother told her that shouldn’t be playing with the little &%^&*($#
girl. The principal says that statements like these are “hard to overcome”. He feels
that the civil rights education at that school is appropriate at their level and locale. He
says that if it’s an issue it needs to be addressed. It’s not always an issue, so civil
rights are not always addressed.
He claims that discrimination is a two-way street. There is a lot of black
against white discrimination from (Town name) towards students in his town. He
alleges that people in (Town name) have ideas about these students from an incident a
few years ago.
At a junior high basketball game, a “black grandma” from (Town
name) went after an official. There were allegations the the students in this
district had called the (Town name) students racially charged names. The
principal believes that there is no truth to this allegation.
The school in this district tried to meet with the middle school in
(Town name), but were not met halfway in their efforts to do so. The
principal says, “We did our part” and indicates that the other school did not
do theirs.
He talks about another incident in which the (white) son of the
superintendent was benched for cursing during a basketball game, and the
superintendent allegedly mouthed to his son, “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of
it.” The African-American coach got fired. There was a backlash in which
the Black Firefighters’ Union showed their support for the coach, and he got
reinstated. The principal thought that what the superintendent did to the
coach was not right, regardless of skin color.
Interview with Two 5th Grade
The first teacher did not really teach any Social Studies because
her students are struggling readers. She says she is lucky if she gets
to cover one topic. Since the Civil Rights Movement is not in the
Social Studies curriculum that she is teaching, it is not taught at all.
She might inadvertently read a book about Martin Luther King around
his birthday or during Black History month, but that is the extent of it.
The other teacher is the 5th grade gifted teacher. When asked
which topics she teaches in her class, she answered that she focused
mainly on earlier U.S. history such as the American Revolution or
about Native Americans. She also said that she teaches a little about
the Civil Rights Movement during Black History Month. At that time,
they might watch a movie about Rosa Parks or read about book about
a certain theme, such as black inventors, authors, musicians, etc.
When asked how she would feel about teaching the Civil Rights
Movement, she was very excited. She would be glad to have the
chance to teach something that was more recent, that the students
can relate to.
Interview with a Community
How do you feel about the current Social
Studies curriculum in (Town name)?
I feel that the current curriculum doesn’t address
African American rights. I feel that African
American, as well as other students are being
cheated on their education because of the lack of
African American history in the schools.
Did you know the current curriculum doesn’t
have a Civil Rights section?
I didn’t know that the current curriculum doesn’t
have a section on Civil Rights, I thought it was
included but not touched on as much.
Do you think students would enjoy a unit on
Civil Rights?
I think they would love it. It is something they
are not familiar with and the students will feel
more connected to what they are learning.
Reflection - Process
We were surprised to discover that the civil rights
movement is getting so little attention in the social
studies curriculum. There is a vast quantity of
information available about the civil rights
movement, which makes the fact that the schools
focus on it is so little even stranger.
The bulk of what students know about the civil rights
movement is taught by their parents or is the result
of their personal research. Their knowledge on the
topic is either rich or very shallow (they know that
Martin Luther King Jr. was a “good guy who had a
Working with a group was easy in our case
because the topic was easily sectioned off.
Working in a group helped us to get through
the interview process far more efficiently
than we would have individually.
The current teachers helped up to learn about
the importance of this assignment by letting
us know how little focus is put on this
subject. They also let us know how eager
they are to teach it.
It is easier to plan a lesson in the context
of a larger unit, particularly when you
are trying to get students to understand
big ideas. Also, unit planning involves
more thinking because lessons must
be linked to know another, not just
taught in isolation. This integrated
process builds, and will thus scaffold
students’ learning.
Reflection - Implications for
the Future
This will influence our future work with children
by encouraging us to integrate the civil rights
movement into our classroom, since it is so
clearly lacking in the local schools’
curriculum. It also helps us to see how
students can be personally connected to this
topic. In studying the civil rights movement,
the students will broaden their perspectives
of the larger world.
1)Student Bibliography Rights
Bibliography/Student Bibliography.doc
2)Teacher Bibliography Rights
Bibliography/Teacher Bibliography.doc
3) Web Bibliography Rights
Bibliography/Web bibliography.doc
4) Images Bibliography Rights
Bibliography/Images Bibliography.doc